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Whitten's 30 Oceanic...Money Pit.


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Man that sucks - I always hate leaving my tank for any length of time. At least there wasn't anything drastic that happened.


Next time put me down as an "emergency" contact for your roomie and I'll be happy to stop in and check on it. Paul and I do the same thing so we'll just add to our "support group".

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Ouch well it is good that it didn't crash though and hopefully you end out ahead of the whole thing. I heard from a few people though that higher temps lead to faster SPS growth, however it could just be possible that the long photoperiod caused a bit of a shock.

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Originally posted by HughJas

Man that sucks - I always hate leaving my tank for any length of time.  At least there wasn't anything drastic that happened.


Next time put me down as an "emergency" contact for your roomie and I'll be happy to stop in and check on it.  Paul and I do the same thing so we'll just add to our "support group".


10/4 on that Chris, I was going to ask but I didn't want to bother anyone about it. Thanks for the offer, I will definately take you up on it if I ever go out of town like that. Hey that reminds me, you really ought to come by sometime soon. I want you to see the tank in person.

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Originally posted by DarkXerox

Ouch well it is good that it didn't crash though and hopefully you end out ahead of the whole thing.  I heard from a few people though that higher temps lead to faster SPS growth, however it could just be possible that the long photoperiod caused a bit of a shock.


That is a really cool piece of info...I wonder if it really works or not? I will have to try that out in a small separate tank just to see if it works out. I have noticed some great growth recently though.

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Yeah, I think I have seen some people run SPS systems at like 84F safely (but with a chiller in case) and get extremely good growth. However, it can stress the corals a lot and could cause a bleaching event if there is any instability. Stability promotes success!

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow nice aquascape..if you don't have any problem..why re-aquascape?.

unless you don't like it..

if you have BTA in your tank..you might have some problem in the future..i have RBTA and it touchs couple sps..and killed..

i like RBTA so i didn't take it out..but just consider..about it..


good job ~~~

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your tank is great. i think your aquascaping is cool, but it's your tank and you have to stare at it all day so if you want to change it then do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, I have some update for ya. Sorry it has been so long, but I have had alot going on in my life. Anyway, here are the pictures for you all to consider...and they are the best I have taken to date if I do say so myself. Anyway Enjoy, and as always let me know what you think. Should have my next wave of DIY projects under way soon so look for those as well.



The 30 gallon Money Pit as of 8/8/05




The Frogspawn


Hows about more green....haha. Here are the eagle Eyes, the GSP and the Monti.


My Ric is busy making a clone of itself.


Macro of the orange zoos, and shooms.


The SPS field


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That poor Pink and Green Birdsnest just doesn't seem to be happy anywhere I put him so I moved it to a place where everything is happy in atempt to get it to take off. If this had been last year I would have been freaking out, but I know better know that I have had corals that looked worse come back and look like they do now.


The softie sector



And now for something I have never done...Top down shots.


Green Pocillipora



How about some zoos



My Pride and joy of the tank my Blue Tort, and my Neon Blue Tipped acro. I believe someone told me one was a Cali Blue Tort...I just love them that is all I know.



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Wow I guess I can't put any more pics on this page it appears that I have totally maxed out all that I can do so I will have to post the last two pics.


Anyway, I got a great idea from someone over at Reef Central to get a disposable waterproof digital camera and take some under water pics. Let me tell ya as soon as I can get my hands on one I am going to do it. I would love to get some pics of the corals under water.

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Thanks alot for the compliment lgoins, and noticing my progress. I was a bit worried that no one saw that I had updated since there weren't a whole lot of responses.

I am hoping to get a little collage together of all the growth as time goes on.

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Originally posted by ReeferMonkey

Looking good Whit!


Thanks for that man, glad you kept up with me. Hopefully I will have some more pics as soon as we get to another thread.

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Jeez, I just checked out your tank...it looks AWESOME! I love the oceanic cube more than anything, and with all that rock in there, I cant wait to see how it looks after about a year...totally awesome!



oh yes, i just noticed you have the same light as me...excellent choice, yet i have mine a good foot above the tank...haha

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geezus, your tank looks great whitten! what are ya planning to do with the GSP taking up half your tank? lol

does your clown host to any of the lps?

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Thanks for stopping by audio. You are right that little light kicks major butt. I was debating selling it, but have since decided to keep it as a light for my new grow out tank. I just can't get rid of something that is that well made and works so flawlessly.


Baby Cakes, I have no clue hopefully when we have our next reef club meeting I can chissle some of it off for another victim... I mean club member. It is definately tanking off though. I think I am going to try and chissle it all off and make it a mixed zoo rock or something for my g/f. Ole Aubie the Clown has never been much of a fan of the Frogspawn, but I think that is because his BTA is deffinately his love. We will have to see though because the stinking BTA is always one the move now.



Update: treated the tank with flatworm exit several times this weekend. I love how fast this stuff works...I was syphoning dead flatworms out of the tank 2 minutes after I put it in the water collum. I did about a 10 gallon water change and major carbon and then treated again the next day and repeated the same process. So far it appears most are dead, but I still have few stragglers. My flatworm population was at epic propportions and let me tell you they stink like hell when they are in the bucket, so I know they are bad for the tank when they die.

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Thanks again guys, as always your praise means the absolute world to me. It is really nice to hear some kind words from people who understand just how much work goes into a tank like this.


I have a few more pictures I would like to share. I have been asked alot of questions about my sump so I am going to get a pic of that for ya as well as a few more coral shots...just for good measure.




Oh well I guess I can't post anymore than just this one picture on this page.

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Looking quite nice, Whitten! I still love your tank and the way you've set it up. We're going to setup a display quite like your tank in the LFS where I work. ;) Might use you as an inspiration when I end up aquascaping that. haha. :P

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Originally posted by Kogut

Looking quite nice, Whitten! I still love your tank and the way you've set it up. We're going to setup a display quite like your tank in the LFS where I work. ;) Might use you as an inspiration when I end up aquascaping that. haha. :P


If that isn't flattery right there I don't know what is...I do know that I blushed like a little school girl though. My G/f about spit flavored ice all over me because of how funny she thought it was that I turned red after reading that.


I still have some work to do with the final plans on the rock work. I would like to manuver the rocks a little bit more just to see if I can get the SPS in a better position...and also because I am a stinking, anal perfectionist (no pun intended)and I won't be satisfied until...never, hahahaha.

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  • 2 months later...

Got a little bit of an update which as it turns out is more a tease than anything. I'll let the pictures tell the story and then I will elaborate as to what is going on.


Sorry the picture is a bit grainy but that is the fun of guessing at which one I bought as well as what I will be doing to the tank next. By the way the water volume should double.

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