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Cultivated Reef

Whitten's 30 Oceanic...Money Pit.


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The tanks as of 3/20/05


My ferret checking out the tank. Don't worry she has learned not to go for a swim or get clever and try to fish. She feel in the sump of my 30 gallon and that was enought to turn her off to the whole saltwater thing.



Every coral in that tank will be making the move over to the 30 gallon tank in about 2 to 3 weeks. I am about as excited as a little kid on Christmas, becuase my long time wish to have this tank complete is almost about to come true.


Here is a full shot of the 30 gallon Oceanic tank.



One more for now of my Ferret Tavi.


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awww ive been saving up and researching to get a ferret. They are the sweetest things. I just need to make sure the vet carries the proper vaccines for a ferret and i need to make sure i can get proper ferret foods and things like that :) how do you care for yours?

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Originally posted by skabooya

awww ive been saving up and researching to get a ferret. They are the sweetest things. I just need to make sure the vet carries the proper vaccines for a ferret and i need to make sure i can get proper ferret foods and things like that :) how do you care for yours?


Carring for them is easy. She is about as low maintence as you can get. As far as monitoring her...well now that is a different story. They are very curious, and will get into anything especially stuff you want them to stay out of. I have been doing a great deal to train her to release when she plays hard, stop chewing on my flipflops, and to also use only her litter boxes. So far the flip flops have been the greatest challenge.


Here are a few suggestions; buy a cage that is large enough to house your fert all it's life it will save on costs down the road. Buy a good quality ferret food that ranks a 9-10 on this list. Anything in there between that range is fine.http://www.mdferretpaws.org/care/food_treats.html


Also make sure you have plenty of ferret lax for those times they get into something that isn't good for them like rubber flip flops. If they get something stuck in their lower GI tract it can kill them, or could cost you alot in vet bills to have it removed.


If you have any questions at all let me know I would love to help.

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Originally posted by ryuseiboy

how do you like the Mag7? Is it noisy? I need a new pump for my 16gal, so any info would be nice.

I love my Mag 7 it is one heck of a great pump. Mine is a tad bit noisey but others that I have installed in other peoples tanks have been dead silent. Mine was bought used so it has a few miles on it. As far as for a 16 gallon, that is alot of flow. Even through my SCWD my tank is turning over alot of water...I mean alot. If I brush up against my overflow for a brief second it will raise my water level high enough in a matter of seconds to overflow. For your 16 I would go with a Mag5 but if you have primarily SPS, and want a chunk load of flow you can't beat the 7.

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Ferrets are the best pets. Mine is 3 years old and starting to slow down from its original hyper-active child age. They are a little to curious for their own good, but they make up in personality. Mine likes to take any round objects, socks, wrappers, or candy and hide them under the bed. Sorry that was off topic of your thread but I had to give props to a fellow ferret owner and reef enthusiast.

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ferret lax? ive never even heard of that. i know about everything else though. I need to ferret proof my house first before i get one though LOL.

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Guys I would like to make a formal appology about the photo hosting. I was refered to the site that I used because it was free, really easy, and was unlimited. Unfortuantely it appears that it was way to good to be true and some unneccesary adds are also present. The darn thing is run by google, and I just assumed it was safe. I am sorry if I have offended anyone, I just don't have the money to purchase webspace and host. If any of ya'll know of any picture hosting places that are free and safe and that will not mind supporting some larger pics and a multitude of smaller pics let me know. I really want to share these pics the right way.

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i use yahoo for hosting pictures. works great for me, and free.


*I need to edit this...I thought it was working for me, but apparently I can't seem to get the images to stay up when I direct link to them. They will appear for about 5 minutes, then turn into the red X's.

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Ferret lax is a laxitive used when they are going through their seasonal sheading period. Helps them pass any fur since they cannot cough up hair balls like cats. Ferret proofing is mandatory or else your ferret can be lost or killed easily.

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PM me with a user name and password, I will give you a free account to post your images now and in the future. You might have found the site "Listed" on google but they do not endorse any adult sites and will not allow pay per click listings to any site with links to them. They are really strict about it too. They in fact wont allow you to advertise if you even have popup ads.


Soon as I get your info, I will get you an account made up. (real internet server in a real data center, not some home system with a bunch of hard drive space and no bandwidth.:)

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Originally posted by Whitten

I love my Mag 7 it is one heck of a great pump.  Mine is a tad bit noisey but others that I have installed in other peoples tanks have been dead silent.  Mine was bought used so it has a few miles on it.  As far as for a 16 gallon, that is alot of flow.  Even through my SCWD my tank is turning over alot of water...I mean alot.  If I brush up against my overflow for a brief second it will raise my water level high enough in a matter of seconds to overflow.  For your 16 I would go with a Mag5 but if you have primarily SPS, and want a chunk load of flow you can't beat the 7.

yah... sps is what i do. Thanks for the reply.

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Ok we are back up and going folks. Big HUGE MONSTEROUS thanks to Randy O for helping me out and getting me setup with some picture hosting. I hope ya'll enjoy the new and unadulterated pictures...they are even larger.


Ok so off we go again, thanks for your patience, and again I am sorry if the previous host offended anyone, they will no longer be advertising their smut on this board.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well guys after a much needed spring break, I felt that the tank had cycled long enough. Coraline algae was starting to show up in various places on the glass, and the various types of end cycle cyano had finally subsided.


So tonight after learning how to lay brick in one of my major coarses I decided to finish the move from the nano-cube into the 30 gallon cube. All the inhabitants were moved over yesterday to get them aclimated and then tonight I finished rigging the lights.


Let me just say what a PITA it is to rig the lights just right, and the cord really keeps the Aqua Space light from hanging right. But in an attempt to squeeze the Coralife 24" 130 watt fixutre onto the tank as well as the MH I managed to remedy the problem of the light hanging crooked and also add actinc suplimentaion to the tank is the process.


I will have pictures up of the dual hoods shortly.

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And as proised here are a few pictures of the tank after getting everything in place. I will take pictures of the tank after everything has fully opened from it's move.




And now the awesome luck I had with fitting both sets of lights on.



Sorry about the clarity of the pics, I had been fiddling with the rock work for a while, and placeing the corals. Just wanted to show ya'll how everything turned out tonight.

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Angel Higuera

Be careful with the heat hitting the front of that PC fixture and it's legs.


You have lots of Coralline, what types of LR do you have. Did you get the rock like that or did the corraline grow since u had them?



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I will be watching those legs, and I am glad you brought that point up, and since you did I will call Coralife tommorow and ask them if the legs that goes on their MH fixtures will fit on that particular one, and if so are they more resistant to heat. In the mean time the legs will be getting wraped in insulation so that they aren't getting direct heat.


The coraline is actually a product of experimenting with Kalkwasser several times through out my tank building history. I have found it to be really helpful for that reason, and my second most helpful thing was picking so really good LR. I have your average Fiji LR, and then I have a mix of Kailini, Tonga Branch, and just about every other kind of rock I can get my hands on.


If you want to see what most of the rock looked like before this tank check out the link in my signiture. If you think it looks purple now just wait till the water settles out, and I get some carbon going in there. Some clear pictures out to really bring out the beauty of the tank.

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Wow. Somehow I missed out on your tank all this time! :P It looks very nice. I like how you did the rockwork, too. I have a panoramic tank, so I tend to sway towards the sweeping look, but you can't beat a wall w/ a cube or big tank. ;) Keep up the good work with it!

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Thanks for the kind words Kogut, I always love to hear peoples feed back on the rock work. I am still trying to build the rock to the very top of the tank, but held off just shy of the top in some areas so that I could let some corals grow up that high. I want this thing to look like as much like a reef as possible.


I am going to take a few more pics later on today so that ya'll can see everyting now that it has opened.

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Angel Higuera

I just ordered a 2.5 Gallon Kent aqua-dose and Kent Kalk mix from marine depot because of this guys thread. Whitten cost me almost $35.00 by posting this.



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