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Whitten's 30 Oceanic...Money Pit.


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Well guys after several months of getting things together and playing a little I need to learn Physics I finally have some time to put up all the info about my project that I had going on another site...Salt..Creeps. Anyway, since we are no longer on that site I will just jog you back up to speed as to what is going on.


I have a 30 gallon Oceanic Cube that has been drilled and bulkheaded. The tank feeds via Gravity to my 10 gallon Sump/ Refugium and then back up to the tank via Mag 7 inline to a SCWD and then two dual adjustable return nozzles.


Here are the specs.

Lighting: Aquamedic 150 Watt Aquaspace light. Actinic Supplimentation later to come. 14K bulb.

Pump Mag 7


Return nozzles

Ebo Jager 150 watt heater

Custom built stand...by me

and hard plumbed by me.


So far I have around 50 lbs of LR in the tank, and still have to move all the rock and coral from the 12 gallon Nano Cube into my tank.


The 30 has been setup for over 2 months now, and has been documented all along the way.



Here is the progression of events



Getting everything together to start construction.



All the goodies laid out on the table.



And the tank is done being plumbed and is sea worthy on January 17, 2005.



A little less than a month later and the tank has really started to show signs of finishing up the cycle....but it just looks so damn bare. Febuary 10, 2005



Adding the last of the rock before the corals begin to be introduced.

The tank as of March 15, 2005 Final rock is added and the tank is clear.



This has been a great little on going project. I have been inspired by the 800 gallon tank on reef central and decided to recreate that look by stacking the rock all the way to the top of the tank.


Please feel free to comment on the tank, I love helpful hints, and praise....and criticism as well.


I will continue to update every week if possible, and also plan to have a good picture of the sump, and refugium once I get it completed. Future plans for the tank are a DIY Calcium reactor, as well as a Skimmer....maybe a Reefer Buddah if I ever get any money.


Big props to you guys at the Auburn Reef Club....without ya'll this tank would have never made it off the ground.

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This particular picture really means alot to me. It is of my dad helping me build my stand for my tank. I am a Building and construction science major here at Auburn University so as you can see it runs in the family.


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Nice job man. I really like that stand. I'm actually buying a 37g Oceanic "cube" in the morning and going to build a stand for it as well so I can fit a decent size sump in there. Let me just say that you and your dad did a great job and that and that is what i'm aiming for (but will fail).

Also a lot of people don't like the whole rock wall thing but I personally do. I don't know why. And that tank your talking about on RC really shows the beauty and possibilities of it.

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666 You are going to love that tank. If I had to do over again I would defiantely do the 37. My only suggestion is to have it drilled and spend the extra time to plumb it like I did. It really makes for a clean looking tank.


I am kinda what you would call a naturalist when it comes to a tank. I have seeing equipment. To me the beauty of the tank is the simplicty in design and the complexity of the living reef. That is why I went for a reef wall and a simple elbow design.


I am going to be doing primarily Hard corals at the top with some LPS in the middle as well as clams and then shrooms, rics, and zoos at the bottom.


My plan is to eventually build my own pendant but that will be later on. First up to bat will be getting my refugium done, and then after that getting a skimmer built or buying one from my buddy reefer Buddah.


After that there will be a calcium reactor and an auto top off.


I really appreciate all the kind words though guys. It means alot, since I usually don't get a whole lot of attention with my tanks. 666 if you need any help with your stand I can help ya out. I might even be able to find our plans for the thing.

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Here is the picture of the back...sorry it is kinda hard to see.



And here is the picture of my sump area with my ultra high tech filter sock...literally.

I also mounted some lights as well as secured a power strip to give the whole thing a more stream lined look.



So there ya go 666..I just took those pics for you...nah I am just kidding they are actually two very important photos that needed to be oh here, thanks for the suggestion.

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Originally posted by 666

Hey if you ever find the plans just let me know. Don't go out of your way or anything.

Keep us updated with pics. I love cubes.


Haha, dude that is what I do man. I am making plans right now for a project that we have to build for a local Elementary. I would love to make some plans up for it and when I get them finished I will get in touch with you so that I can mail you copys.

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Very nice set up. I like those Oceanic cubes quite a bit.


Could you post some pics or give me some more information on how your tank was drilled?

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Hey whitten, dont be afraid to update on the other site too :


Anyways that looks pretty damn cool. I guess you have a lot more room than on the nanocube. How hard was the SCWD to set up? I definately want my next tank to not have powerheads in it, so this might be a good solution.

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Hey Dark, my tank is actually up over there at TRL it is under the Nano section I will link you.



Steelhealr, I hear ya there man. I appreciate being able to do things like that because there are alot of people who can't. I am glad that you saw the importance of that picture just like I did. It makes this hobby worth while if you can share it with everyone.


Sivad, I will have to look and see if I have any picture of it on hand. I can tell you that it was extremely simple and costed me only 20 bucks to get the hole drilled, 28.00 after buying the bulkhead and the screen. The hole is drilled about 5 inches down from the top of the tank, and is right smack in the middle. Any glass shop, or most LFS will do the drilling. My particular tank was drilled by my LFS Cappucino Bay, over in Marietta.


Ok well I guess The reef Lounge has been banded as well. So just insert that up where the *'s are.

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Reefer Addict

When are you going to start transfering the inhabitants from your other tank? Or is it still to early?

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solid set up! it's easy to tell how much thought went into it.


and there's just something about it.... i don't know what it is, but it must be fhwbwgahds.




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Reefer: The picture on the 15 of this month was when I put in the last rock I am going to buy. About two days later the tank took on a haze which reminded me that I more than likely will be doing a bit more cycleing seeing as how the rock I added was almost as good as uncured rock. I figure after another two weeks I will test the water and begin moving over the softies first, and then finnally the SPS, and the MH. I really can't wait either. I gave a friend a small desktop pico setup that had a light filter, heater and sweet starphire curved glass tank and in return he told me he would just give me a bunch of frags of his SPS. I totally agreed to this because his stuff has been in a reef tank for over 10 years and is in great shape.


The Cheat: Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I am glad that you can see just how much time I took trying to set this thing up. I have tried to plan for everything I could, and make the entire setup as hassle free as possible.

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It's looking pretty sweet Mike. One day I'll finish mine and we'll have to pit them against each other in a battle...or something.


How's the 150w looking? I have my 400w and I fired it up the other day to get a feel for it and I didn't think the thing would ever stop getting brighter. I may have to bump down to a 250w and supplement if I need it.


And hurry up so we can come over and see it!



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Good thing you asked, actually it would be nearly silent if it wasn't for the open T fitting that I have connecting my bulkhead to my down spout. I plan on getting a cap and punching a small hole in it so that air can still get through but not sound.

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I wish you would remove the links to the adult sites from your "Linked" page, my kids get on here and I let them surf this board. "Private Teens and their Home Movies" is not appropriate for this forum....

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Here is a full tank shot of the Nano Cube. I haven't done any updates on it in a while here it is along with pics of the corals.

It is a big pic so you may have to click on the link.











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