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Whitten's 30 Oceanic...Money Pit.


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I am all about some good chear now...this may have been the best thing to happen to me right now. I needed the money although I am never going to get back what I put into it. I also need the freedom to be able to go back and forth and not have to worry about the tank.



I plan to have a custom tank built for my next endevor.


Lets just say it will be 200 or so gallons...and have the best equipment that can be bought.


I am working for a masonry company right now so I can get counter tops and tile as well as brick and block for next to nothing. I can promise you this next little tank will be a hell of a go.

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  • 3 months later...

Well everyone I have an update!

As you all well know I lost everything in my tank in a catostrophic way back in May. Well some good came out of it and I will show you just what it was.





The insurance company paid for my loss in equipment which helped me out in a big way with paying for my Fiance's ring. I have had a much lower stress level lately and I have really enjoyed being able to not worry about my tank but....


I have missed it...I have missed not having it to come home to.



So here is the deal, I think I maybe setting up another!

I have a brand new custom acrylic tank that was supposed to be my grow out unit but it may turn out to be my new nano instead. I have enough equipment left over that was either unable to be shocked or wasn't being used at the time to start another tank up.


The question is to what size.


So far my two options are to mod out my little Nano Cube which I would love to do and or set up my acrylic tank.


My only stipulations for the tank are that it has to be low maintence and I have to be able to leave it with out worry of flood, loss, or what ever.


I am going to weigh both options but I am leaning twords the nano cube simply because it is the easiest and least risk.



Anyway, I am back baby!

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you could set up the cube with the tank as a sump, and run an auto top off ... simple as that. It will be pretty self running w/out alot of bells and whistles. Or you could just run with an auto top off in the back chambers of the cube to make it even more simple.

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you could set up the cube with the tank as a sump, and run an auto top off ... simple as that. It will be pretty self running w/out alot of bells and whistles. Or you could just run with an auto top off in the back chambers of the cube to make it even more simple.


Well here is the plan for the cube if I go that route:


I am going to remove the back wall and make move it forward a tad.


I am then going to take a masonry mortar that uses a calcium based aggregate and along with some dead rock and form a reef wall as well as a centrally locatd arch to extend out from that wall with built in areas for frags to be stuck down into.


My plan is to have two pumps built into the wall for cirulation and one for returning water from the back compartment.


As of right now I have 70 watt MH I made for it to use, and a CSS 65 for use as well.


My worry with all of this equipment is heat so I may have to scrap that idea and move to a larger all in one tank.


Either way I plan on using a JBJ auto top off kit with a bucket and pump instead of the RODI setup I had before...damn what a mess that was.

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  • 1 year later...

Got a new project fellas, I think this might be right up ya'lls alley too.



I have a few words and possibly a picture for ya.


Lets just say that this tank



Is going to be getting a big step up to this:



Since I have been without a tank for some time now I have just been working on my friends little 24 gallon Aquapod. Well after some careful planning he was ready to move into something that was a little more sleek and sexy so we armed ouselves with our best internet shopping skills and through a ton of money at an addiction which the only way I know how to deal with one.


We ordered the tank yesterday along with the custom sump, stand, and a Euro Reef skimmer. Then today we hit up ole premium aquatics for some goodies that you will have to wait to see.


Look for a new thread coming in the near future.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Got a new project fellas, I think this might be right up ya'lls alley too.



I have a few words and possibly a picture for ya.


Lets just say that this tank



Is going to be getting a big step up to this:



Since I have been without a tank for some time now I have just been working on my friends little 24 gallon Aquapod. Well after some careful planning he was ready to move into something that was a little more sleek and sexy so we armed ouselves with our best internet shopping skills and through a ton of money at an addiction which the only way I know how to deal with one.


We ordered the tank yesterday along with the custom sump, stand, and a Euro Reef skimmer. Then today we hit up ole premium aquatics for some goodies that you will have to wait to see.


Look for a new thread coming in the near future.


what is the rimless tank in the picture?

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