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new coral born in my tank


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Hi all,

3-4 months ago I saw a tiny green dot on a rock I bought in january, now that green dot is starting to resemble a real coral, maybe it is too early to identify it, but I'd like to get your guesses on the possible ID

the following pictures are 2 weeks old, color is almost the same as in real life, diameter is 2-3mm, so pictures are not perfect...

in the first picture you can see the mouth which is pretty visible, in the latter one you can see some tentacles, is this a micromussa?!? favia??

any other guess?


thanks in advance


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That small rock is from my local shop but it was from aquaculture, it was the Alcyonium versefeldtii's support.

Other lps in my tank:




pavona cactus (is it an lps??)


Tubipora musica





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I dont think the shape matches anything you have that well closest would be micromussa. Do you know if the rock was from the gulf or simmilar location? 

Its certainly an lps.

Two things come to mind first.

It looks a bit simmilar to a cup coral they have a number of types solitary and hidden cup corals cone to mind. The solitary is a bit larger and more oval looking. But neither are usualy green although there are some green ones.

 Another possibility is a baby cactus coral or rose coral. Green is a common color.

Can you do some more pics maby when its inflated but not feeding or perhaps clear the area around it a bit more to make it a bit easier to see?

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Yeah, might be good to go in there with some tweezers and clear away that algae around it, both for photos and so it has more space. 


Keep us updated! Curious what it turns out to be. 

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I did some cleanup and  tried to get some better pictures, but at the moment it's still too small to get anything more detailed.

So, I will continue taking pictures and, as soon as there's more detail to analyze, I'll upload here

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While waiting to get better pictures,

last week I bought from my lfs this coral, the vendor did not remember the name, can someone help me?

the coral seems to be an lps, growing like a montipora foliosa, this is a video I took to show how it reacts when touched/sprayed with water

any idea?


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Looks like a leptoseris, maybe? They can have a fleshy edge reaching reasonably far past the edge of the skeleton. It's pretty fleshy for a lepto, but doesn't seem entirely out of reason, and the texture looks like a lepto. How large is the frag? 


If it is a leptoseris, it'll grow best encrusting onto rock, instead of extending into open water.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/25/2022 at 7:01 PM, Tired said:

Looks like a leptoseris, maybe? They can have a fleshy edge reaching reasonably far past the edge of the skeleton. It's pretty fleshy for a lepto, but doesn't seem entirely out of reason, and the texture looks like a lepto. How large is the frag? 


If it is a leptoseris, it'll grow best encrusting onto rock, instead of extending into open water.

I think you are correct, leptoseris seems almost a perfect match!

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and here we go with a (slightly) better picture of my newborn.

I still cannot identify it, maybe someone can, otherwise I'll take a picture within 2-4 weeks😉


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How cute! 


I would hazard a guess at maybe a micromussa? But I definitely wouldn't bet money on it. It's definitely some sort of LPS, is all I can say. 

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My best guess would be some sort of cup coral (based off the skeleton that I can see, I’m leaning Premocyathus). Got any pictures of it when it’s closed, and under white lighting?

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I guess that begs the question of whether or not it has a skeletal structure?  Which I don’t see in any photos. That’s what leads me to ball anemone. Especially the clear tentacles and relative size. 

lazyfish, we’re you being rude? I’m a new member and wouldn’t feel comfortable with aggression on my first ever post. 

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3 hours ago, Bagabaga said:

I guess that begs the question of whether or not it has a skeletal structure?  Which I don’t see in any photos. That’s what leads me to ball anemone. Especially the clear tentacles and relative size. 

lazyfish, we’re you being rude? I’m a new member and wouldn’t feel comfortable with aggression on my first ever post. 

I thought it resembled a ball anemone too, though I’ve never seen a green one… I was just about to do a little search on that. Definitely need to know if it has a skeleton… hard to tell from the pics, at least when I’m looking on my phone. 

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yes it has a skeleton , I will try to take a picture when it is closed, tht's why I'm still thinking on some lps

it may be a single polyp of cladopora (caespitosa), but, I think it is still really difficult to identify...

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16 hours ago, Bagabaga said:

I guess that begs the question of whether or not it has a skeletal structure?  Which I don’t see in any photos. That’s what leads me to ball anemone. Especially the clear tentacles and relative size. 

lazyfish, we’re you being rude? I’m a new member and wouldn’t feel comfortable with aggression on my first ever post. 

 How am I being "rude" or even remotely "agressive"? Im just making a statement. It is not a ball anemone that's all.

It has some similarities in appearance at a glance but It lacks the super defined balls at the tips. The color, shape and the mouth is off and as stated in previous posts It also has a skeleton.


:Sorry dio14

Looks like its growing well so far. Looking forward to how it grows out.

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17 hours ago, Bagabaga said:

I guess that begs the question of whether or not it has a skeletal structure?  Which I don’t see in any photos. That’s what leads me to ball anemone. Especially the clear tentacles and relative size. 

lazyfish, we’re you being rude? I’m a new member and wouldn’t feel comfortable with aggression on my first ever post. 

@Bagabaga, I understand why you thought that, but I don’t think it was meant like that. Sometimes it’s really hard to understand someone’s tone when it’s in writing. You are very welcome here! Keep on posting. 🤗😊



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  • 2 months later...

Hi all, here's an updated picture,

Whatever it is, it is growing nicely, now it is almost 1cm wide.

I still have no idea, but, due to the tentacles, the mouth and the striped color, it resembles me an elegance coral, what do you think?


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Actually it is the photo..

 Since I have replied it, it seems it is growing vertically, which, in fact it is just the rock I glued it on. If I have to estimate the height of it, I'd say 3-4 mm, it is growing wider not taller.


I hope eventually ti identify it!

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1 hour ago, gio14 said:


Actually it is the photo..

 Since I have replied it, it seems it is growing vertically, which, in fact it is just the rock I glued it on. If I have to estimate the height of it, I'd say 3-4 mm, it is growing wider not taller.


I hope eventually ti identify it!

If I can’t get an ID on here I usually post in a Facebook group called Club Melevsreef… it’s a really active group with lots of experienced reefers that are good at identifying stuff. 

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