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Indo-Pacific Goby Biotope (SHUT DOWN 2019.10.04)


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Picked up a cheap green star polyp rock as well as a toadstool leather



Obviously not open yet as just added. Also picked up a poor little fish that I seen last week, probably die on me but I wanted to at least try.

Noticed that the Leather has a bonus Yuma attached.




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28 minutes ago, Amphrites said:

You could always add some peroxide to your coral dip, it will kill essentially all algae on the animal and plug lol.

I use Dettol. UK version of simple green. Nothing makes it through that. I need to see the algae first however lol

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The little one is still with me this morning, it has also taken some frozen and pellets that I mixed in. Seems to really like hanging at the top of the tank around my Toadstool. 


Blurry Picture of it this morning after feeding



Toadstool Leather Opening Up



GSP Opening Up Nicely



Soft Coral Collection and the Duncan that will not die nor pop out new heads


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@billygoat I am looking at adding some Gorgonians for height and colour. Would have to be a Non Photosynthetic I think for the Indo Pacific but really looking for a bright red or purple. Any  recommendations?


I can "easily" obtain the following species if a list helps?


Coloured Fan - Gorgonia SPP

Purple Fringe - Muricea SPP

Purple Ribbon - Pterogorgia Anceps

Purple Frilly - Pseudopterogorgia

Blue Polyp -  Acalycigorgia SPP

Purple Bush - Brierium Asbestinum

Golden Polyp - Menella SPP

Red Finger - Lophogorgia Nodulifera

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25 minutes ago, Ratvan said:

@billygoat I am looking at adding some Gorgonians for height and colour. Would have to be a Non Photosynthetic I think for the Indo Pacific but really looking for a bright red or purple. Any  recommendations?

To tell you the truth, I don't know much about Indo-Pacific gorgonians. I think that certain genera (e.g. Rumphella) occasionally make their way into the hobby trade, but for the most part genuine Indo-Pacific gorgs appear to be quite rare. This is probably because they're much less common in the shallow-water areas where many collectors take their specimens. In the Indo-Pacific the same nearshore habitat that is home to forests of gorgonians in the Caribbean is instead populated by all sorts of soft corals like Sarcophyton, Sinularia, etc. The reverse is also true, with leather corals being all but absent from Caribbean waters.

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8 minutes ago, billygoat said:

To tell you the truth, I don't know much about Indo-Pacific gorgonians. I think that certain genera (e.g. Rumphella) occasionally make their way into the hobby trade, but for the most part genuine Indo-Pacific gorgs appear to be quite rare. This is probably because they're much less common in the shallow-water areas where many collectors take their specimens. In the Indo-Pacific the same nearshore habitat that is home to forests of gorgonians in the Caribbean is instead populated by all sorts of soft corals like Sarcophyton, Sinularia, etc. The reverse is also true, with leather corals being all but absent from Caribbean waters.

Fair enough, thank you for the honesty. I keep seeing Dive Video's and Photo's of Indo Reef with these giant Red Sea Fans just before a drop off to the rubble zones. 

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So far I have not managed to get a decent photo of the Blenny, also starting to now think of names, Also is it "normal" for Blennies to attack hands when in the tank?

However this morning caught him swimming to graze on the power head, oh and also love the pulsing Xenia, mesmerising 




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2 hours ago, Ratvan said:

So far I have not managed to get a decent photo of the Blenny, also starting to now think of names, Also is it "normal" for Blennies to attack hands when in the tank?

However this morning caught him swimming to graze on the power head, oh and also love the pulsing Xenia, mesmerising 




My Starry sometimes  pecks my hands - I think he thinks the fine hairs on them are microalgae strands or something lol. He usually gives it a few pecks and then swims away and watches me move things around the tank. He also grazes on the biofilm that coats my back wall and wavemaker. So I think it is a normal blenny thing to graze. 🙂 

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14 minutes ago, Snow_Phoenix said:

My Starry sometimes  pecks my hands - I think he thinks the fine hairs on them are microalgae strands or something lol. He usually gives it a few pecks and then swims away and watches me move things around the tank. He also grazes on the biofilm that coats my back wall and wavemaker. So I think it is a normal blenny thing to graze. 🙂 

I had not considered that to be honest. I thought it was getting territorial with me. Doesn't seem to like anything around the Toadstool. Seen it bump the snails off the glass when they get too close

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Supposedly they peck and nip at just about any and everything lol... I love their face and mouth shape, for some reason they constantly remind me of that surprised hamster video.

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9am delivery. Met the delivery man at the office door. Very impressed with the shipping method. 


Each frag is glued to some styrofoam and suspended in fish bag, another bag over the top. Minimal leaking and the frags look in great condition 




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Right so dipping completed, Hammer is slowly starting to open. I love the colours already. Also had a play around with teh other Softies in teh tank and included a couple of Barnacles to provide some more shelter and caves for the Gold Streak Blenny. 




I blame @Pjanssen for this addition


Not strictly an Indonesian Hammer Coral but have read that those are more complicated to care for so happy with this specimen



GSP mat looking nice at last, still need to clean glass better (although tend to leave that for the Blenny)



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9 minutes ago, Ratvan said:

Awesome. I'll see how it looks monday

Monday is 3 days away. a lot can happen to a euphilia in that time. Make sure it is in low flow for the time being. maybe see if it will eat

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5 minutes ago, Pjanssen said:

Monday is 3 days away. a lot can happen to a euphilia in that time. Make sure it is in low flow for the time being. maybe see if it will eat

Cant finished work 6.5 hours ago 👍

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Sadly the Hammer didn't make it, however Cujo (as he has been named as he bites my hand constantly and thrashes now) seems to be coming out of his shell more now.

Not seen it in it's entirety so far but I feel that it is slowly starting to bulk up. He has also twatted the Hammer Frag to the bottom of the tank so found it all brown and slimy. Either The Blenny or one of the Hermits

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