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CSR’s Lucky Lagoon 25 - 2 Year!!


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Here’s the footage from the ReefSmart2018 frag swap! After uploading I realized I forgot to include the bounce mushroom footage. ??‍♂️



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Did my first dosing yesterday with the seachem fusion 2 part (was given to me to try out). My calcium, alkalinity and pH were at 380, 7, and 8.1, respectively. 


Now, 24 hours after first dosing, my calcium, alkalinity, and pH are 420, 8-9, and 8.2, respectively. I followed the dosing from this online calculator. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got another IM custom caddy media basket. Running filter floss and chemi pure elite. Still dealing with diatoms but nothing serious. It’s likely due to sand bed being changed out. One of my hammers looks to have a bacterial infection. I’m watching it.


Few pictures here of the tank as it is right now. 






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56 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

Corals look happy!


Diatom bloom? Maybe from silicates in the new sand?

Could be I’m not really sure! I used Fiji pink carbsea. 

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At minute 2:30 do you think that is  cyano again? Before that, I show the difference between cyano and diatoms, I think I have both but I’d like to be reassured. 



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Yes to cyano and diatoms. Do you siphon the sand bed? Seems difficult to do with so may corals on the sand. 


Maybe some chemi-clean is in order since the tank had cyano when you go it. 

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10 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

Yes to cyano and diatoms. Do you siphon the sand bed? Seems difficult to do with so may corals on the sand. 


Maybe some chemi-clean is in order since the tank had cyano when you go it. 

Okay cool not so bad. I’m going to see what the levels are in the tank as far as nitrates and phosphates go. If I need to use the media reactor I have it on hand. I usually stir portions of the sand bed on the daily but since I’m out studying for finals I’ve been slacking on that. I don’t siphon the sand bed like a gravel bed. I just skim it’s top or turkey baster the surface into the water column and siphon that. I do run chemi pure elite right now in one of the media baskets. I haven’t seen much of a difference in my tank in a week with it. Time will tell. 

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Might put both under the microscope after I get back from the library to see the difference. 


Really thinking to xlear a chamber from matrix and try and grow some chaeto or other algae on opposite time of the tank. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to look at some phantom clowns and black and white clowns after work today. Bar might be getting a new mate! 

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Really wanted this guy but I hear their bioload is aweful. I’d probably hate feeding so much too. 


Update on the lagoon later. 



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5 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

Those guys are cool but ya... they do pollute, not sure.. he may eat your shrimp/yasha too? duno!

I was thinking those two could get away with it being in the tank but if I did get him the clown would have to go. But I’m just going to stick to my original plan, two clowns, yasha, cardinal, and leopard wrasse. Still a good amount of bioload. 

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2 month update:


I let the lagoon go 3 weeks without a water change, as I was busy for finals. In that time, the cyano and diatoms started to grow in pretty good. I got a couple different hair algae. Nothing too big though, just what’s expected. I would find a nudi every once in a while on the glass and pull them. I didn’t test my alk and ca during that time but the coral were doing alright. I tested right before the wc and got PO4-0 NO3-0 ??? And Ca-460 dKH-7-8. I’m thinking the cyano and algae are using the nutrients up before I can detect them. 


I did a 5g wc (33%) and siphoned out all of the cyano and algae I could scrub. The wc dropped my Ca to 440 and alk to 6.8. I started running the gfo reactor again with just 2 tbs gfo. I found out while cleaning out my pumps that the two Koralia power heads in the display are only 240s so I’m in the market for a nice wave maker that can replace these two. I figure that’ll help the cyano too. I might could replace the other stock return pump too. I did find that the frag rack magnets are starting to rust. I hear that can be a problem.. I’ll have to figure out what to do for that. Other than that, the tank stands well at two months old (really like a year and two months). I need to turn the green and purple tip hammer as the little heads are not getting any light. I did lose the other common hammer I have, maybe an infection. Duncan and cespitularia continue to grow really quick.   BTA still walking around and taking a while to rebound. 








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Unfortunately, I’ve noticed my clown, Bar, hasn’t really been eating like usual. 


Could he be starving himself to death now that his bonded pair died? 


He stays hidden now under the frag rack in the front and doesn’t come out when I feed... I want to get him a new play mate but I haven’t seen one I like yet. Maybe I need to stop being selfish lol. 

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3 hours ago, CarolinaShoreReef said:

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed my clown, Bar, hasn’t really been eating like usual. 


Could he be starving himself to death now that his bonded pair died? 


He stays hidden now under the frag rack in the front and doesn’t come out when I feed... I want to get him a new play mate but I haven’t seen one I like yet. Maybe I need to stop being selfish lol. 


eh... I have split up clowns or lost one and they never stopped eating from it. We used to split up pairs from the wild all the time and breeders often swap mates or change up pairing.


Your 1st clown mysteriously died, right? Maybe this one isn't doing the greatest either? Internal parasite maybe? I remember when these guys were in your smaller tank, there was a period they were behaving strange but eventually recovered. It doesn't really seem they were in that great of shape to begin with. 


I would be worried if you get a new clown, the new clown could catch whatever this one has. 



Tank looks good though, I don't see that much algae. I like those giant palys. 


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