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Cultivated Reef

Innovative Marine 25 Lagoon

Thrassian Atoll

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Thrassian Atoll

My Goby and pistol decided they wanted to go into the back chambers, AGAIN.  This time neither got past the filter floss in my media rack.  It was easy to toss both back into the main display.  


What is the deal with these two though?!  Is this going to be a regular occurrence now?  Who’s following who back there?

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Thrassian Atoll
9 hours ago, Andreww said:

Can you glue some larger mesh in the back of the overflow teeth?

That will prevent them from taking that route again.

I’ll try and figure something out.  This pistol is pretty small though.  I might have to look at some really fine mesh or something.  Need to see if that would cause a flow restriction though. 

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Thrassian Atoll

He’s at it again.  No pistol this time.  The only time I ever see this fish is when he’s in the back like this.  



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thrassian Atoll

My Dracula Goby jumped out of the tank last night.  😢.  Found him on the floor today.  This guy really hated this tank.  I probably found him in the back chamber 20 times, not exaggerating, and I also found him on top of the screen top in enough time to save him.  


He seemed like like he was doing well this week.  He made his home and was out and eating way more than any other time.  There’s just nothing I could of done to save this guy.  I never had a fish so eager to get out of the tank.  The .25”x.25” mesh couldn’t stop him.


I really want another one, but he would have to be bigger.  Too expensive of a fish to lose this way.  I am not sure how much bigger they get though.

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Thrassian Atoll

Dinos or cyano?  Stringy, brown, sticks to everything.  Kind of hard to blow off the rocks and keep it off.  It doesn’t come off of the sand really well.  I don’t see bubbles in it.  Turning on just the white lights, it’s floating in the water everywhere.  


I have never seen anything like it and I am not sure what to do to get rid of it.  


I have a skimmer, change out filter floss regularly, I use 4 bags of chemipure blue that I change 1 out every week.  I do a 3 gallon water change weekly.  




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My yasha, pistol, and firefish were in the back chambers all the same night. So ANNOYING. 



Looks like dino. Does it disappear at night? I had a kind that goes into the water column at night and it would mostly disappear during lights out. I used DIY coral snow + skimmer and changed floss like crazy and turkey basted and murdered it. Mine looked just like yours, was not cyano! My nutrients also came up a bit on their own. 

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Thrassian Atoll
1 minute ago, Tamberav said:

My yasha, pistol, and firefish were in the back chambers all the same night. So ANNOYING. 



Looks like dino. Does it disappear at night? I had a kind that goes into the water column at night and it would mostly disappear during lights out. I used DIY coral snow + skimmer and changed floss like crazy and turkey basted and murdered it. It looked just like yours, but def ID'd it as dino. My nutrients also came up a bit on their own. 

Yeah, I am not sure I want a Goby again after the whole ordeal with the Dracula.  Too much of a worry and hassle.  Everyday it was, is he in the back or on the floor?



It seems to go away a little at night but not a lot.  I have been blasting the rocks regularly, and trying to get it off the sand as best I can without stirring it up to much.  I have 2 different types with a larger grain on top that I try not move a ton.  Changing out my floss every day to every other day.  The small amount of corals I have absolutely hate this stuff though.



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17 minutes ago, TILTON said:

Yeah, I am not sure I want a Goby again after the whole ordeal with the Dracula.  Too much of a worry and hassle.  Everyday it was, is he in the back or on the floor?



It seems to go away a little at night but not a lot.  I have been blasting the rocks regularly, and trying to get it off the sand as best I can without stirring it up to much.  I have 2 different types with a larger grain on top that I try not move a ton.  Changing out my floss every day to every other day.  The small amount of corals I have absolutely hate this stuff though.




Ya it was killing my SPS, not cleaning your sand seems like a long term problem. The smaller grain should still sift its way to the bottom. Mine is a mix of sugar and large grain as well. Not saying that is related to the dino, just that I am not sure how it would work out over the years. 

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Thrassian Atoll
27 minutes ago, Tamberav said:


Ya it was killing my SPS, not cleaning your sand seems like a long term problem. The smaller grain should still sift its way to the bottom. Mine is a mix of sugar and large grain as well. Not saying that is related to the dino, just that I am not sure how it would work out over the years. 


I’ll start vacuuming it.  I just figured the small stuff would blow all over forever like it did last year when I had this tank going.  The tanks been going for about 3 months now so there shouldn’t be much for detritus in the sand, I guess.  It should help take more of the Dino’s out.  Thanks for the help.

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Thrassian Atoll
33 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

I actually rinsed my sugar sand to get the silt out before adding it, it doesn't cloud the tank when I stir it that way. 


Good luck, keep us posted. 


Thanks.  I am hoping I can keep doing with what I am doing and also vacuum the sand during the water changes and it will go away.  I was thinking too that it’s also due to the tank being so young but this is the first it’s happened to me on any of my tank start ups.

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Where are your nutrients at? Nitrate and Phosphate that is...

New sand can suck up a lot of phosphate and can strip your water of it fast. Then dinos appear...I learned that the hard way. 

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Thrassian Atoll
6 hours ago, Andreww said:

Where are your nutrients at? Nitrate and Phosphate that is...

New sand can suck up a lot of phosphate and can strip your water of it fast. Then dinos appear...I learned that the hard way. 


Both reading zero, but I assume that’s because of the Dino’s.  I don’t have any green algae in the tank.  I have 1 Clown, fire shrimp, skunk cleaner, and my small Dracula Goby jumped out so it’s not a big bioload.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thrassian Atoll

3 Month mark on the reboot.  Everything is doing alright.  My monti colors could be better, but we shall see if the addition of another fish helps.  Dinos or whatever it is has been going away to almost being completely gone.  So that's great.  I added the Helfrichi Firefish last week from Divers Den.  Its doing great.  Its eating well and always out in the open.  It unfortunately has a couple spots on its side that you can see in the photo.  I am hoping that its nothing major, especially ich.  Here are some photos of the tank and inhabitants.  










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Thrassian Atoll

You can see how much I have held myself back on livestock additions compared to last year.  😂  The 3 month mark last time around my tank had a ton of sps already.  This time I am taking it slow.  I won’t add any Acros until at least coraline algae starts growing and when I think colors and growth on montis and Birdsnest is adequate.  Photos on page 1 of last go around.  

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Christopher Marks

Making good progress @TILTON! That new Helfrichi Firefish is a beauty, hopefully those spots don't develop into anything more.


I noticed that you're running a lot of Chemipure Blue in your system, I can't help but wonder if it's stripping your water too much and leading to this new algae?

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Thrassian Atoll
8 hours ago, Christopher Marks said:

Making good progress @TILTON! That new Helfrichi Firefish is a beauty, hopefully those spots don't develop into anything more.


I noticed that you're running a lot of Chemipure Blue in your system, I can't help but wonder if it's stripping your water too much and leading to this new algae?

I am running the recommended amount according to the packaging.  It says to do 1 nano blue packet per 5 gallons.  I have around

20 gallons of water. I think my problem last time was changing all of them out at once.  Right now I a swapping one out every week during my water change.  What do you think @StevieT 

Is that too much for a 25 gallon tank?

9 hours ago, DaveFason said:

Looks great. I am so glad you are taking it slow this go-around. Far to many people rush their tanks with failures that discourage them. Slow and steady. 🙂



Thanks!  Yeah, I rushed it last time wanting everything now.  I don’t want to lose ton of money again. 🤦‍♂️

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Thrassian Atoll
40 minutes ago, William said:

In my experience Dino’s pop up when nutrient levels fall quickly. Especially in tanks that did not use true live rock from the start. 

The Dino’s have receded a lot in the past week or so.  I hadn’t changed anything filtration wise since the start up.  I am hoping that whatever is happening to them, that it keeps happening and they disappear soon.

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Thrassian Atoll

Tank is about a week over 4 months old now.  Everything is going well.  I am getting pretty good growth from my sps.  Color is a little light, but I think thats due to the low nutrients.  I have been keeping my alk at around 7 DKH.  I dont want to go any higher than that with the lower nutrients.  I have been trying to add another fish, but the last two fish I have ordered were DOA.  I tried to get a Tanaka Wrasse and a Longnose Hawkfish.  Both were DOA on separate occasions.  I have just ordered another Longnose Hawkfish from LA.  I am hoping that one isnt doa.  That will be my 3rd fish.  I should get it Tuesday.  I am planning on adding a 4 line wrasse after that.  I think that will be my last fish.  We shall see. 


I have received a bunch of new corals lately.  I got some stuff from LA, Vivids and Budmans.  Everything looks pretty good.  Some stuff needs to color up a little more and get better polyp extension, but I am sure thats due to shipping stress since I just got them Friday.  I am finally seeing some corraline growth.  I am hoping it takes off a lot soon.  Here is the list of everything in my tank right now.  



  • Black Storm Clownfish
  • Helfrichi Firefish




  • Fire
  • Skunk Cleaner



  • Pom Pom
  • Blue Knuckle Hermit



  • 4 Nassarius
  • 4 Ceriths
  • 2 Astrea
  • 2 Nerite
  • Banded Trochus





  • Garf Bonsai
  • Blue Tip Staghorn
  • PC Rainbow
  • ORA Green Slimer
  • Tri Color Granulosa
  • ORA Tri Color Valida
  • Cherry Corals Order of Phoenix


  • Red Capricornis 
  • Green Capricornis 
  • Forest Fire Digitata
  • ORA German Blue Digitata
  • Purple Undata
  • Neon Green Confusa
  • Vivid's Sunset
  • Vivids Rainbow


  • ORA Ponape
  • ORA Green
  • ORA Pink
  • ORA Bird of Paradise


  • ASD Jungle Fever




  • ASD Blood Raven
  • ASD Rainbow Destroyer
  • Purple Rainbow
  • Red and White


  • ASD Toxic Marbling Hammer
  • Green Hammer
  • Purple Hammer


  • Purple
  • Green






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Thrassian Atoll

I forgot to say.  This Helfrichi is so much bolder than the one I had in the last go around.  He’s always out in the open swimming around.  He never hides.

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