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Aqua One 35 Nano Tank


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Hi, I am looking for some advise and guidance on the tank which I have just bought which is a Aqua One 35 Nano Tank. It is a 35L or 7.5g tank. I'm really new to this and need some advise on how to do everything really. When I receive my new tank how do I set it up to the point so I can start adding fish and corals. Also do I need to cycle the tank?


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Yes you need to cycle the tank which can take anywhere from 10days to weeks depending on the rock you choose 


The best advice anyone will give you is research and alot. This isn't a hobby to just jump in.


You need to research


Cycling a reef tank

Water chemistry 




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You will have a cycle just as Clown said. I'd suggest doing as much research as you can BEFORE you start setting up the tank. It will save you time, money and headaches. Ask lots of questions and the people on here seem to be quick to answer and have really good advice.  Best of luck!

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Thanks for the advice since ordering my nano I have done plenty of research iv just finished setting the tank up and I am ready to start cycling, I am going to get some live rock and sand tomorrow and finally add pre prepared saltwater. Would you advise introducing a fish through the cycling process or just the live rock and sand. Also I am getting new carpet down put down in the next few week how would you advice I move the tank in the process.




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I'd advise setting up the tank after you get the carpet because to move the tank means taking it all apart, putting it all in buckets in another area from the work. Its a headache.


Cycling with a fish is cruel

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How come people suggest it when there suppose to be proper into the hobby but they don't know how to look after there fish

Also would anybody be able to let me know when I should use live rock or a prebuilt structure and if I do use live rock how much will I need for this 35l 7.5 gallon tank

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Who are these "people".  And are they popular youtubers? or marine experts?  How "proper" into the hobby are they?



At the end of the day can a clown make it through a cycle?  Maybe. Can you have a successfull tank after cycling with a fish?  sure


Is it the best / most humane way? NO. 


There are many ways to do it with no fish.  


Nothing comes fast in this hobby,  take the time to cycle with no fish.

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I'm not actually suggesting I am going to do it with fish I'm just here for some advice because iv researched different methods. One of the YouTube pages which suggested this method was the bulkreefsupplycompany

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At the end of the day it is your tank :).


Take any advice with a grain of salt.


Research a TON, most research will steer you away from doing it.


GL with your tank.


I would definitely wait till u have carpet to fill that bad boy, not gonna wanna move it once its full.

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Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I'm gonna do a bit more research and hopefully get the tank up and running asap. Is there any possible way to move a tank when it is full without the need to strip it down ?

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2 hours ago, DominicDuffy said:

Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I'm gonna do a bit more research and hopefully get the tank up and running asap. Is there any possible way to move a tank when it is full without the need to strip it down ?

No. It's dangerous and puts pressure on the seams which can cause a leak or even the tank to burst amongst other issues.


How many gallons?


Rushing in this hobby is the first mistake.

Moving a full tank can be problematic.


I'd personally wait for the work to be done. You could cycle the rocks in a container with a powerhead and heater while you wait then they'll be ready for use and the cycle will be done upon setting up.


Ammonia is deadly to fish, when cycling with one you are putting it's life at risk and even if it lives it's future health is at risk.

Cycling with a fish is no faster. It's an old method of cycling.


The best way to cycle:


Using liverock

or dry rock with ammonia and bacteria dosing

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Iv just got my tank fully setup then. I went to my local pet store today and they have have sold me water from there matured tank. They have said that due to this my tank will no longer need cycling. I also have added live rock, sand and a clown fish to this and a bottle of colony marine to improve the amount of bacteria in the tank. I have done tests on the ammonia, nitrates and salinity and everything seems to be fine atm. They said 25l would be enough to fill this tank however I am going to add some more tomorrow as the container was not big enough. The reason why I have added a fish to the setup so early on is because I was told by the fish keeper at my local pet store that if I add colony marine and water from a mature tank I will be fine to add fish the same day.


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Well I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but using old water does nothing for a cycle. It's all about rocks and the established bio filter on them.


I would suggest testing everyday because if and or when ammonia rises you will have to have a plan of action for it.


Lfs often provide incorrect info, they are stores meant to sell to make profits.


Most don't give a crap about the problems you will have or if a fish dies on you because that's more money for them to make from you When they sell you miracle products that will solve your issues and replacement fish.

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Really, I will have to keep on testing the water to ensure that I don't have any spikes in ammonia then. How long do you think till the sand will settle in the water?

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23 hours ago, Clown79 said:

No. It's dangerous and puts pressure on the seams which can cause a leak or even the tank to burst amongst other issues.


How many gallons?


Rushing in this hobby is the first mistake.

Moving a full tank can be problematic.


I'd personally wait for the work to be done. You could cycle the rocks in a container with a powerhead and heater while you wait then they'll be ready for use and the cycle will be done upon setting up.


Ammonia is deadly to fish, when cycling with one you are putting it's life at risk and even if it lives it's future health is at risk.

Cycling with a fish is no faster. It's an old method of cycling.


The best way to cycle:


Using liverock

or dry rock with ammonia and bacteria dosing

Cycling with liverock only or dry rock and ammonia dosing.

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What's a forum for if you don't ask questions. Iv seen other people's advice on the other forums but I'm just asking more peoples advice to see if they know different. Everyone has different opinions on things, i just wanna know what's the best way to do things. I may have done some research but it doesn't mean I know everthing about marine tanks. I highly doubt you do even. 

And what do you mean my mind made up. How can I have my mind made up when asking how long sand takes to settle ?

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More speaking on cycling with a fish. Comprehension is hard.  I digress.   Good luck with your tank.  Hope the little guy makes it.

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Just now, DominicDuffy said:

What's a forum for if you don't ask questions. Iv seen other people's advice on the other forums but I'm just asking more peoples advice to see if they know different. Everyone has different opinions on things, i just wanna know what's the best way to do things. I may have done some research but it doesn't mean I know everthing about marine tanks. I highly doubt you do even. 

It's not just opinions but many have yrs of experience and have many tanks so they provide their advice.


We also see repetitive mistakes and try to prevent the next newbie from repeating them


No cycling with a fish.

Go slow

Cycle with liverock


Don't listen to the lfs.


These are very common responses you will see across most forums 



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Thanks for the reply I will try take in to account what people say on here as I progress through the hobby. I do see where your coming from. I will update the progress of my tank soon. 

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2 hours ago, DominicDuffy said:

What's a forum for if you don't ask questions. Iv seen other people's advice on the other forums but I'm just asking more peoples advice to see if they know different. Everyone has different opinions on things, i just wanna know what's the best way to do things. I may have done some research but it doesn't mean I know everthing about marine tanks. I highly doubt you do even. 

And what do you mean my mind made up. How can I have my mind made up when asking how long sand takes to settle ?

adding that clown wasn't advisable.  


frankly, youre searching for advice to go along with what you've already decided to do.  happens here all the time...it would be funny if it were not for the fact that the fish is probably suffering.


free advice...I've lurked this forum and several others every day for 10 years...everything Clown79 says is gonna be the advice you should be following.  not following her advice is a bad move....but hey, its your money.


you're to close to it all to get a clear picture on whats going on, so here's the expert 3rd party view for you:  you're shopping for answers, ignoring good advice....taking bad advice, and doing very dumb things, all the while being kinda bull-headed about it. 

Please...pretty please....start doing exactly what Clown 79 says moving forward.



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2 hours ago, burtbollinger said:

adding that clown wasn't advisable.  


frankly, youre searching for advice to go along with what you've already decided to do.  happens here all the time...it would be funny if it were not for the fact that the fish is probably suffering.


free advice...I've lurked this forum and several others every day for 10 years...everything Clown79 says is gonna be the advice you should be following.  not following her advice is a bad move....but hey, its your money.


you're to close to it all to get a clear picture on whats going on, so here's the expert 3rd party view for you:  you're shopping for answers, ignoring good advice....taking bad advice, and doing very dumb things, all the while being kinda bull-headed about it. 

Please...pretty please....start doing exactly what Clown 79 says moving forward.



Often I find ppl do shop for the advice which goes with what they really want to do or the easiest method.



We all try out best here at nano to guide ppl to make good decisions because starting out the wrong way can lead to future issues that may be easy to correct or a nightmare to. Some issues are avoidable.


For myself, I'd never use water that came out of a lfs tank. Could be full of nutrients I don't want, possible medications used in, parasites, etc.

I won't even trust their ro/di  water they sell.


It's a business and businesses are about making money they are not in it for your best interests. 

Some stores are better than others but the majority have young ppl who's knowledge is sketchy or they still are applying old methods.


The best advice I was ever given when I started


-Go slow

-Do research and understand what you are researching 

-Understand water chemistry 

-Don't start until you have an understanding of cycling the tank, proper maintenance, the need for testing. 

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