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Squamosa looked like he took a giant breath


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Tanks specs:


20 gallon cube

amm: 0


nitrate: undetectable

ca: 380

alk: 9

mg: just got saliferts today, haven't had a chance to sit down and take the test.

ph: 8.3

temp: 79 F on a glass thermo

phosphate: undetectable


Lighting: ai hydra 26, 7 inches awl.




I was sitting watching my tank today checking out everything and making sure nothing was out of place or looked odd and all of the sudden it looked as if my clam took a giant breath and held it, like when people do and then puff out there cheeks. He held this for what seemed like only a second or two but I have never observed it doing this before. Is this a normal behavior. I sat and watched it for another twenty minutes just to make sure it didn't occur again and I did not observe this behavior again. There were no fish around when this happened and none of the cuc was visible on or around the clam. The clam is showing no signs of gaping and the mantle is niether extended or retracted any more than normal. Has been in tank for atleast a month now and is about 6 inches long.



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Its blowing water, all my clams do it, but also your tank is too clean,


Really, I was under the impression that when they were that big they were mainly photosynthetic ? I have just started a phyto culture for my copepod culture but I guess I could feed the tank.

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You need a bit of phosphate and nitrate to keep them happy


They love ammonia, nitrates and phosphates. Ammonia is ever present with fish waste and rotting food. Nitrates and phosphates must be measurable.


Ok maybe Ill take a couple extra days between water changes then or skip my midweek, I do like 2% midweek and a 5% every sunday .

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