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eclipse 12... woot woot!!


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lol. niceeeee....except mine is nice and slow, obviously...otherwise i wouldn't have gotten that darn ticket. :D


i'll be sending in the pic and a explanation to the place fairly soon. thanks again, eben.


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hey danny wanna go to dales with me maybe tomorrow? im hoping he will be free so i can pick up some of those millis hes got

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lol. sure thing, man. i actually stopped by today kinda spur-of-the-moment like with stan and my gf. i guarantee you that you're gonna be there for probably 45 minutes just oogling his tank and trying to figure out what to buy. dale's always pretty generous with his frags and will give you a pretty good deal for what you're getting. if you want me to go, i'll go...i'm not doing anything tomorrow. :D i just have to pick up a pack of printer paper and some color ink cartridges so i can print out a picture of a parking permit in my car so i don't have to pay for a parking ticket. :D just call me tomorrow and let me know what time you think you're gonna head down his way. maybe you can come see my set up as well. lmk!

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  • 4 weeks later...

right-o. well here are some updated pics...some are old corals with just a better pic...some are 'new' pieces. :D

here are two acro frags from wimpydailo(stan)...the first one has a lot of pink in it and the second one has a lot of blue tones....i love how i can't get the true colors to come out. :P




here's a nicer pic of my cyphastrea ocellina(same species as is a 'tyree LE'...this species is pretty hard to come by in the wild.



here's a pic of my blue polyped cap from eddie at TP(tyree LE) and my raspberry prostrata.


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here's an updated pic of my 'green unknown'! :D



here's a pic of a green polyped valida frag from a frag swap...it was hidden on a plug that fell into a crack in my rocks. i figured it was dead but lucked out and found it a few weeks ago and decided to glue it down. looks pretty good to me!



finally, the FTS. the left side is mostly lps(oxypora, echinophyllias, favias, etc.)...the right side has a few zoanthids and all the sps. BB, as well. :D hope ya enjoy.


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i like your green unknowns, i had aTON of those in my 72 bow reef about 5 years ago. they looked really good and came in on the liverock. eventually they covered about... 65% of my rock. Groovy man, groovy. Head on over to my ticket booth reef and check out my clean clean DIY acrylic canopy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh no...she knows why we don't go out anymore. lol. i'm lucky that she enjoys the hobby, to say the least. if i can get some decent pics of the stuff i bought last week, i'll put them up. :)

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eric- i picked up a HUGE pink mille colony and a few other decent sized frags. all for really decent prices, too. so i'm not complaining!


eben- the steaks came out great! thanks for the recipe, man! hope the tank does well...i'll likely be looking for your help to set up my 29l when i find a stand and whatnot.

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thats cool man, i need some new stuff...off to dales i will go ha ha. are you going to the meeting on friday? oh ya i landed my second salmon of the season last night. about 22 lbs. ive been hooking up to at least 3-5 fish everytime i go now

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yeah, i'll be there for sure! i can't believe youre hooking into that many! too bad the only days off i have are fridays...otherwise i'd be there!


when i make a bit of cash i'll definitely be asking dale what he has that is fraggable! :D see you on friday, man!

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the mars swap isn't until oct. 22nd, geek. the seabay swap is coming up quickly though...oct. 1st. :D i hate the fact that you're going to hawaii.

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danny, where doyou keep your raspberry limeade zoos? in the shade? i got mine from ranran on RC X)and i don't know where to place them

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i keep some of them almost directly below the 250w 20k hamilton bulb in the 29l, some of them are in my 12g and some are on the bottom of my 29l. so far, i get the best color from them when they're under mh(the pink portion turns more pink than it is under the pc's in the 12g).

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I noticed that too with my PINK zoos they seem to LOVE the MH. there are a few pinks on one of my rocks that is as close to the MH as anything can be (in my tank) and they are WAY BRIGHT.....

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I had some appointments in Roseville/Rocklin today and I stopped by Aqualife on my way home and bought 9 bulkhead..oh yeah, they charge $10.00 apiece. So $100 later, all the beautiful holes are plugged.


Oh yeah, wait until you see the holes the no brains drilled through the overflow box....you thought the other holes looked bad...HOLY S*$T!!! My dog could have done better....I'm actually a bit worried about their ability to prevent water from leaking....


We shall see!

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wow, tank can do all that without opposeable thumbs? ;) i'm glad when i plumb my tank i'm not gonna be using that many bulkheads! lol.


go to hawaii already, man!...and make sure paige(that's her name, right?) smuggles some corals back for us. :D

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  • 3 months later...

wow, haven't updated in forever...mostly cuz i have been ultra busy with school. either way, here are a few update pics.


the valida frag has grown well...considering i have moved it around three or four times since it's been 'glued' down.



i bought zapatista's clam from him when he was still known as 'the speez'.



i bought my own teardrop maxima the other week. you can't see it well in the picture but it has green undertones on it and is gorgeous.



my gf's roommate watched my tank awhile back and killed my tang...so i finally got a new fish for the tank...got him for cheap, too. hopefully he'll be a hardy mofo. i really like him.



maybe i'll do some cleaning and add some better pics. :)

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