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Kimber's Fusion 20: RETIRED!


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I'm pretty confident I've gained the upper hand on the algae in the tank. Skimmer is working REALLY well now and the rocks don't get overrun as fast. There's still a few algae spots, but I get them with the toothbrush once a week when I do water changes.


Andromeda is still a JERK and bites my hands whenever they go in the tank. :furious:


Should have some pics to post by the weekend!


Oh, and I figured out where my one RFS disappeared to. He's hiding in a hole and peeks out every now and then. I'm debating what rocks to use when I move the RFA's to my new tank in the spring. I'm still worried that if I use rock that's too holey, they will hide away and die...


Yey, glad you found it. Mine usually do not stay in a hole, they end up liking more room than that. Even if they start there they end up leaving.

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Yey, glad you found it. Mine usually do not stay in a hole, they end up liking more room than that. Even if they start there they end up leaving.

He's been in there for a while now. Seems to poke out a bit during the day. I can tell he's a little faded, so hopefully he'll come out more for food.


I think I just worry cause the first two I had were small, crawled into a hole, and I never saw them again...

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Well... Andromeda is going to get her own little IM 10 with zoas, mushrooms, and possibly a bubble tip when I move. But that's it, really. Only two tanks, no more changing my mind!!

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Nothing wrong w/ a bubble tip in a 10g!!! I'll still do some rearranging when I move here soon but my bbtip will definitely be staying in the 10g for sure.

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My old RFA did that too. Went into a hole, came back out looking pale, went back in again. That was the last I saw of him :(


Hope you have better luck! My new RFA stays in one place and just keeps getting bigger.

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You're probably missing the one in the little jar. He bailed from the rocks so he got put in jail...

Oh..yep! You are exactly right :). That's the one I missed!

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Well very sad news everyone... The RFA I had to put in jail a few weeks ago has died. :tears:


Sadly, it was one that I got from Merthy. Makes me feel awful. The poor thing went and hid behind rocks for months and I tried my best to feed it. When it let got of the rock and I found it floating around a few weeks ago I didn't have high hopes, but I tried. Placed it in a small jar with sand and some tiny rock pieces. Spot feeding it smaller items just didn't work.


Down to 14 RFAs. I think that means I should buy a few more though, right?


Good news is there is very little hair algae left on my rocks and everything else is doing really well.


However, Andromeda is getting really, really aggressive. Now I'm back to thinking I should get rid of her. I can't put even the tip of my fingers in the tank or she bites.

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Sorry about the RFA. :( Yes, definitely a need to purchase far more!


Sounds like a normal clown. I :wub: me some clowns!

It's easy to hold off when the weather is cold, but come spring, I will probably splurge!!


Sorry bout the difficulties, but this is a beautiful tank!

Thanks! I'm really happy with how it's looking now that the algae is under control!

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Seeing my mom Sunday and I think we're gonna hit up the LFS.


They don't carry RFA's, but I am thinking I might come home with a birdsnest or monti (I think they carry mystic sunset montis).


I'm really itching to add something to my tank!

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