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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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I think this calls for another video... :happy:

Let me clean the spots off the glass and when the sun goes down so there is not a reflection from our picture window...but I will try to take one tonight.

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I have the name problem fixed without switching. The feminine of El Diablo is La Diabla, the she devil. And instead of calling the boy Corella, I will refer to him as de Vil. So now they are Diabla and DeVil.

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Ok, Kimber, the seahorses say "hi"! And check out Adam's pouch, he has blossomed in the past day or so. If I have it figured right, Friday is fry-day!

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Ever since DeVil got moved into the adult tank he has been acting like an adult in that he flirts. He will cosy up to Eve or Diabla, pull his head down on his chest and kind of shimmy and shudder next to them. Diabla thinks he has cooties and basically scorns him. Eve just patiently redirects his attention else where. It is fascinating watching them all interact with one another.

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Cute, but awkward? They are all related! :wacko:

Yes, there is that but I'm not sure DeVil cares. In the wild, I wonder if brother and sister pair up sometimes. If they do and the gene poll is weakened then nature probably weeds out their offspring. In a sheltered aquarium situation, I am now wondering if I should have chosen a male and female. I don't have to keep DeVil, he can go with the rest of the babies when it's time to re-home them?

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that is so great to watch. Thanks for the video.

You are welcome, it was just too cool to keep only to myself!

Wow, I'm really surprised you were able to predict so closely when he would pop!


Ready to raise more babies yet???

I wish I could raise more babies kimber, but it is so demanding and I am still caring for the 15 babies I have. I offered this batch free on my local reef but no one is quite ready to raise them although a couple folks said maybe in the future. Sadly this batch will just go to the tank, as they say.

Wow, I'm really surprised you were able to predict so closely when he would pop!


Ready to raise more babies yet???

I was able to predict Adam's due date because I knew he carried the last batch 19 days. This batch was the same.
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Awesome video! Lucky you, getting to see that this morning! Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for watching! Yes, it is fascinating to see.

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Adam and Eve are courting again. Wow, talk about spunky...deliver babies in the morning, spend the afternoon romantically involved! By tomorrow morning he very well could be pregnant again!!! Sheez, I'm getting worn out just watching him.

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love the mating dance :wub:

Yes, I do too. They are very tender with one another.

Great video

I am glad you enjoyed it.

Awwww, they are so cute :wub:

And yay for Adam! Glad he's so resilient :)

Yes, they are a cute couple. And you are right about Adam, he is resilient. Man, after my boys were born I wasn't ready to be pregnant again for awhile.
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I thought it couldn't hurt to vary the seahorses diet so I tried mixing in a little krill with the mysis. They have pretty limited palates however. I couldn't really entice them into trying it. I ended up sucking it back up and putting it in the reef tank for the fish. I will probably try again.

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It's hard to see how much the baby seahorses are growing day to day. However I realized that they are almost big enough to not be in danger of being sucked in the skimmer basket of the prizm pro skimmer that is on their tank. Even little Pippy is growing some although I think he will always be behind his siblings.

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The juvenile seahorses are eating and growing like crazy. They are starting to look a bit crowded in the 10g so I have made a few calls to lfs about possibly getting referrals of customers looking for seahorses. They are ready for homes!

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