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Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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You've got them trained well :)


O yes, it's not easy to train something that has a brain the size of a snail! LOL If you look on the lower right, you can see Cukes, my Atlantic cucumber. He's no beauty but he tirelessly sifts through the sand eating algae and detritus.

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Well seahorses do seem easy to train when it comes to food though. I hand fed mine, so they knew if I was standing in front of the tank to swim out into the open. They knew the tongs meant food and they'd chase my feeding tongs around.


Cool cucumber. How long have you had it?

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Well seahorses do seem easy to train when it comes to food though. I hand fed mine, so they knew if I was standing in front of the tank to swim out into the open. They knew the tongs meant food and they'd chase my feeding tongs around.


Cool cucumber. How long have you had it?

About a year. I had heard that they will eat everything and then starve but I have the 2 tanks. He spends most of his time in the seahorse tank because I don't trust him with the koralias in the reef tank. I cover the koralias when he is in there. He definitely does not appear to be starving though.
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Love the video! Such cuties! Glad to see them eating well. What an accomplishment raising so many healthy baby seahorses! I am seriously very impressed :)

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Love the video! Such cuties! Glad to see them eating well. What an accomplishment raising so many healthy baby seahorses! I am seriously very impressed :)

Thanks Felicia. They actually eat better than my adults who are somewhat picky about the size and looks of the mysis. These little guys are kind of like my boys when they were teenagers...basically they will eat any and everything in sight! They are so cute that it is going to be tough giving them up when the time comes.

Love that video. The free ride on the bubbles was awesome!

They go for the ride in the bubbles on purpose. I have seen them do it over and over which is just so cute. It's like me getting in line for my favorite Rollercoaster over and over, LOL.

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The new skimmer is starting to pull skimmate so I took the prizms off line, their services no longer needed. I also remove a HOB filter from the seahorse tank and replaced it with just an open airline to provide surface agitation and oxygen. The airline is rigid tubing that runs discreetly down the back corner with an elbow at the bottom of the tank that connects to airline tubing so the bubble rise behind the cheato and caulerpa. Seahorses seem to enjoy playing in the bubbles. That only leaves an overflow and a return nozzle so the seahorse DT/fuge is much less cluttered and cleaner looking. The removal of the prizm in the 36g reef also cleans it up some as well. A definite improvement to both tanks.

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Those sound like great improvements. I love the look of uncluttered tanks :)

Yes, me too. The prizms were real eye sores because they had surface baskets that really were clunky and awkward looking. I bought the first prizm years ago when I had a softie tank without a lot of flow. All the coral wars was creating a scum on the surface and the prizm did take care of it. I just hadn't upgraded because I understood the prizm and I didn't need a better skimmer until now. Wow, I can't believe I waited so long!

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The daily 5g WCs has been doing a number on my back so I am trying something different with the juvenile seahorses. I moved them all back into the 10g QT and took it off line from the main system. I took 1 of the prizm pro skimmers and put it on the 10g and I will plan to do 2 and 1/2 gallon WCs every day instead of 5g. It should be easier on my wallet as well as my back.LOL Hopefully the little seahorses continue to flourish in it. O yeah, and I moved El Diablo into my seahorse DT/fuge. She is the one I have been planning to keep and just in case something heinous happens to the 10g I have her in with the adults. Also, in case she does not flourish in there I still have the other juvies in the 10g. Hopefully everyone flourishes!

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What are you keeping in the 37g now?

At the moment, 5 azure damsels and a rainfords goby. I got rid of the mangroves I was using for seahorse hitches, and will soon replace 3 koralias (chosen because they're the older model, which has a flow director attachment that makes them seahorse safe) with one maxspect gyre. It'll be nice to give the tank a cleaner look :)

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That's right, now I remember reading that you were turning it into a damsel tank. That maxspect gyre sounds very cool. I'll be interested in hearing how everyone likes them?

Tonight I saw El Diablo hitched near the feeding dish. I decided to feed Adam and Eve then because maybe their example would inspire El Diablo to eat from the feeding dish. It worked like a charm. He got right in there and helped himself until he decided the Nassarius snails were more interesting.

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yup, I can't wait to try it :happydance: I'll give a full report when it's installed.


They learn quickly about feeding stations!


BTW, I was at the LFS the other day and saw a pack of Rod's Pacific Plankton. They advertise it as "Like mysis, but from the ocean." Have you tried that? Might be a nice thing to give them some extra variety, if it's small enough for them. To me it looked like krill, but smaller. I definitely would have tried it if I still had seahorses.

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A FTS of the LPS reef and Seahorse tanks. I don't know if you can see them looking less cluttered or not. The reef tank still has 2 koralias so it's not as big a difference as the seahorse tank.

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yup, I can't wait to try it :happydance: I'll give a full report when it's installed.


They learn quickly about feeding stations!


BTW, I was at the LFS the other day and saw a pack of Rod's Pacific Plankton. They advertise it as "Like mysis, but from the ocean." Have you tried that? Might be a nice thing to give them some extra variety, if it's small enough for them. To me it looked like krill, but smaller. I definitely would have tried it if I still had seahorses.


Thanks for the tip, I had not even heard of it. I will be watching for it now. I bet my juvies would try it. They will eat pretty much anything right now. My adults are more picky.

Little El Diablo is hitched to a leather right next to the feeding station so you are so right when you say they get on to it pretty fast. She looks so little in comparison to her parents but she doesn't seem to be afraid. She even pulled a mysis from one of the peppermint shrimp's clutches which was pretty funny. I put filter pad inside the overflow because she might be small enough to go thru the teeth. I decided not to risk it. I will have to get a pic of her in the the big tank.

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I love that view of all the tanks side by side. I am not jealous of the maintenance though! :lol: I applaud you for your ability to keep up with 3 tanks and keep all the inhabitants happy and healthy. It does look a bit less cluttered to me. Looking good!

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I love that view of all the tanks side by side. I am not jealous of the maintenance though! :lol: I applaud you for your ability to keep up with 3 tanks and keep all the inhabitants happy and healthy. It does look a bit less cluttered to me. Looking good!

Until today all 3 tanks were connected to the same sump and it's probably only 75 gallons total volume minus rock and sand. One WC does them all. I do 5 gallons twice a week so it really isn't too bad. Today that changed though because of the baby seahorses. They are in the 10g so I turned off the return pump in the sump and put a HOB skimmer and will do daily WCs on the 10g. I am afraid of the bioload they would put on the system if it stayed connected. I adore them but I will be glad to get them homes and turn the 10g back into a QT that is always ready.

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I couldn't help myself, I moved another baby seahorse into the adult seahorse DT. I know that 2 seahorses in a 30g tank is the widely held accepted number. I do have 36 gallons more of water, rock and filtration power and they are just little. I can remove 1 or both if it appears they are taxing the system. And look how cute, all 4 ponies and both pipes are at the feeding dish!

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The juvie seahorses that I moved into the adult seahorse DT are so happy there. They just motor around together exploring everything. Adam and Eve are so patient with them when they hitch onto them, they just gently sway near another hitch until the little one relocates. I have decided that their names are El Diablo and Corella de Vil. The only problem is the one I have been calling El Diablo is the female (I think) and Corella is definitely a boy. I guess I could switch their names?...

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