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Cswan's Spec V | Get Rid of the Shrimp?


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So i've been thinking... so far getting these rocks secured has been a big pain. I was thinking about maybe just ordering some pukani dry rock from BRS and use a chisel and hammer to scape it how I want to replace the current scape of dry rocks in my tank. My only concern is that I read on another forum that someone did that and it started a cycle and spiked the ammonia. Does this usually happen? I currently have my snails in there... I don t want to be cruel and throw them through a cycle. Any tips or advice on what to do?


You can cycle the new rocks in a bucket and swap it out. But there's still a risk of a mini cycle.

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Thanks ninja, Should I put the rock in a bucket with a powerhead to cycle and then take snails out and put them in a 1g corner tank I have lying around for a few days after I add the new (hopefully cycled) dry rock from the bucket to make sure they don't go through a small cycle if there is one? If it doesn't cause an ammonia spike in the tank within a couple days after being cycled in the bucket would you say it is most likely not going to cycle? Just trying to avoid putting innocent snails through suffering. Especially since they are cleaning my tank for free :P

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Thats a good point, but I'm not sure I have much of a choice, the rocks in there now are far from stable, and epoxy didn't help a bit. Hmm decisions... Anyway to speed up the cycle of the new rock?

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Did you give the epoxy any time to set before putting your rocks back into water? I let mine set for a good 10-15 min before putting it back in water. I also applied a very generous amount making sure to get in all the pores of the rocks.

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Did you give the epoxy any time to set before putting your rocks back into water? I let mine set for a good 10-15 min before putting it back in water. I also applied a very generous amount making sure to get in all the pores of the rocks.


Yeah I gave it some time. I'm gonna give it another go. I went down to the LFS to ask some questions and I think the problem was I didn't mix it enough before putting on the rock. I wasn't aware it was supposed to start getting warm. So I've got some epoxy left and I took all the epoxy from the first try off. I'm about to mix up the epoxy the right way and try again. Hopefully it goes well

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The second attempt went better than the first. After adding the epoxy it gave my scape a very artificial look that I just really do not like. If it wasn't for the fact that adding new rock would start another cycle I would be tearing down the current scape completely and putting a new rock in there. Pretty bummed because I like the current scape less and less every time I look at it. :closedeyes: I'm just hoping with some coraline algae growth on the rock it will look a bit better.


Anyway, I managed to get all but the very top small rock secured. I ran out of epoxy since I wasted so much yesterday not doing it right. (kicking myself in the *** now <_< ). I just need the slightest bit to get that top rock fully secured. So does anyone know what brand or where to get some on the cheap side? I paid about $15 for the first one and would like to get a small for under $10 to finish the job if I can help it.


Here is the current scape




Also took some up close shots of my lightning dove, just cause he is a cool dude.






I also think its pretty funny that my nass sticks his "snorkel" up when under the sand. Pretty interesting.



On the bright side, I ordered something pretty sweet for my tank so hopefully it gets here within the next few days . :D


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Spencer is very pleased with this progress and updates.

I'm going to sleep well tonight knowing how well your tank is coming along. <3

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Thanks spence, means a lot! :happy:


Also ETuc! I'm sorry my friend I completely forgot to ask my LFS about shipping the lightning doves while I was there. I'll for sure be there within the next week and I'll ask them then. I didn't forgot about you. ;)

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I still think I want to change my scape with a new rock. Im really leaning towards ordering some pukani dry rock from BRS, carving some caves in it, and putting in a bucket to cycle and possibly use a cycle accelerator to speed up the process. I think I would rather take more time to get a new rock then always look at my tank and have my scape the only thing that grabs my attention because I am not happy with it. What do you guys think? I just want a more natural look.

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nassarius are awesome. i had like 15 in my tank once (most of them died by now) and when i feed, they all raise from the sandbed like zombies.


When they rise up from the sand it reminds me of the Black Pearl coming out the sea from Pirates of the Caribbean haha cool little dudes

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did you order some clowns???

im still very jealous of your lightning snail. But im not totally convinced you didnt just paint that shell yourself.... :P

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Update: May 23, 2014




pH: 7.8

Ammonia: 0-2.5 ppm

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 0-5.0 ppm

Salinity: 1.026


My ammonia still is too high? Does anyone have any ideas on what it may be? The epoxy? Still my clean up crew? Any ways to lower the ammonia? Thanks guys.


Also my CUC has done a great job with the algae on my glass but not so great on the sand bed, it seems like there is more algae on the sand bed now?

did you order some clowns???

im still very jealous of your lightning snail. But im not totally convinced you didnt just paint that shell yourself.... :P


No, not clowns. I wish it was clowns but I plan to wait a little bit longer on them as I want to make sure my tank will be ready for the bioload.


And I may have painted it... haha no I'm just kidding, I didn't paint it, but who knows maybe my LFS did? lol They are pretty cool little guys, I may pick up another in the future before my LFS sells out of them.

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.25 ammonia is probably false alarm. API ammonia tests often show .25 when it's 0. Mine did that for BOTH tanks. I wouldn't worry about it. If you are seeing nitrates, you are probably good to go.

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.25 ammonia is probably false alarm. API ammonia tests often show .25 when it's 0. Mine did that for BOTH tanks. I wouldn't worry about it. If you are seeing nitrates, you are probably good to go.


Thanks man, should I get a different brand ammonia test for the future or just be aware that when there are nitrates i am probably okay? Also you think its safe to stock a fish? and maybe a hardy coral? Mushroom or something?

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Thanks man, should I get a different brand ammonia test for the future or just be aware that when there are nitrates i am probably okay? Also you think its safe to stock a fish? and maybe a hardy coral? Mushroom or something?


IMO, you are cycled because you had that ammonia spike a week ago and ur nitrate went up and then down. I would wait a few more days just to be sure and add a fish or a mushroom / zoa. Or add one now since your LFS will be having a memorial day sale. Just go slow =).


are you planning on upgrading your light? the stock light kind of sucks....

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Yeah I'll probably check out the deals that my LFS might be having this weekend. And yes there may or may not be a light upgrade on a ups truck somewhere in route to my house... lol ;)

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Yeah I'll probably check out the deals that my LFS might be having this weekend. And yes there may or may not be a light upgrade on a ups truck somewhere in route to my house... lol ;)


I may or may not know exactly what you have planned :ninja:

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For coral epoxy, I go to home depot and use Jb water weld. Only problem is that its white, might go OK with your lighter colored rocks. Its like 5 buck for a huge stick

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For coral epoxy, I go to home depot and use Jb water weld. Only problem is that its white, might go OK with your lighter colored rocks. Its like 5 buck for a huge stick


I'll have to check it out, thanks. Can you apply it in water?

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Ammonia looks fine IMO! I've found depending on the lighting I do my test in the color looks different on camera.

Keeeep going!

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