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Cultivated Reef

Cswan's Spec V | Get Rid of the Shrimp?


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how long after the CUC is in do you add the fish or coral?


I think I waited a week and a half before putting my Goby in.

However - I don't think my tank was fully cycled when I did because I had a spike for a day in ammonia which wasn't good at all.

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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of excitement in this thread thus far. I am growing impatient to add some livestock!


Here are todays param from earlier




pH: 8.0

Ammonia: 0 ppm

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 5 ppm

Salinity: 1.025 ppm


I think I am going to go to LFS tomor or Tues to get a small cuc. Although I have very little algae...


I took some pictures to show you. I have a small amount of brown algae on the glass and sand bed and some sort of neon yellow/green algae on the rubber part in the corners, not sure what it is.


Also when should I do my first WC
















Thanks for any feedback :happy:


EDIT: just saw your post Kijho right after I posted this! Thanks for all the info! Awesome, I plan to do a WC tomorrow then and grab a cuc. How long should I wait after the water change to add CUC? Can I do it same day in the parameters are in check?

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EDIT: just saw your post Kijho right after I posted this! Thanks for all the info! Awesome, I plan to do a WC tomorrow then and grab a cuc. How long should I wait after the water change to add CUC? Can I do it same day in the parameters are in check?


You can put the CUC in and do a water change. You can do the water change first and then put the CUC in same time. You can do whatever you like it's gonna be good no matter what CUC literally made like no difference in my tank when I added them haha.

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You should be all good to go stocking after a good sized water change.

Get a decent cuc first as Kijho suggested you can be diverse or simple (like me, w/a few cerith and a few nassarius snails :) )

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Update: Its Alive!!! omgomgomg


Did a 30% WC this morning then went down to LFS to get a CUC! Woohoo!


FTS May 19, 2014




I got 1 Margarita Snail






Also got 1 Nassarius


(had hard time getting my camera to focus on him cause he's to tiny)






He was starting to burrow here, but I couldn't get my camera in focus enough before he stopped burrowing.


Got 1 Nerite Snail and 1 Lightning Dove snail


So far the lightning dove has not stopped giving the nerite a shell wash.








Hopefully is everything stays stable with these guys now in the tank, I'll have some more surprises by the end of the week! :D (If my wallet lets me)

Also when can/should I put in my CPE?

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Not much has changed, CUC is doing a nice job knocking out all the algae. About to do some tests, will have an update shortly.

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You should probably add in your CPE now that you have livestock

I love the lightning dove snail... Ive never seen them before :o

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Update May 20, 2014


Today's Parameters:




pH: 8.0

Ammonia: 0.25 ppm (had a small spike, maybe my tank wasn't fully cycled before adding CUC?)

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 5.0 ppm

Salinity: 1.026


Also took a few more pics of the CUC, the nassarius is my favorite. He's a fast little dude too and I got to see him burrowing this morning, pretty cool little guy.








Also the lightning dove finally came off of the nerite's shell






You should probably add in your CPE now that you have livestock

I love the lightning dove snail... Ive never seen them before :o


Added my CPE just now. I had the 6.5 oz. I took some finagling and squishing to get it to fit, should I open it and take some out and put it back in? Or is okay that I have 6.5 oz in it and it is a pretty tight fit?


Also yes, I like the lightning dove as well, my LFS just got them for the first time and they seem to really like them in the tanks, they are pretty cool looking.



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I think I waited a week and a half before putting my Goby in.

However - I don't think my tank was fully cycled when I did because I had a spike for a day in ammonia which wasn't good at all.

well its probably gonna be a while until i get my clown fish because i want the perfect ones. So i may put corals in before my fish..


that lightning dove is awesome! wish my LFS had them

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Looks awesome cswan! Really nice diverse CUC! I don't have any cool looking guys like you do where I live!

Don't worry about those params! They're good I think. (Just don't add a fish yet !... soon though!)

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well its probably gonna be a while until i get my clown fish because i want the perfect ones. So i may put corals in before my fish..


that lightning dove is awesome! wish my LFS had them


Thanks, the lightning dove is cool looking, but so far has been pretty lazy haha and same here on the clownfish, but I plan to add a goby first. What kind of clowns do you plan to look for? I want either snowflake or misbars, whatever i am able to find.


Looks awesome cswan! Really nice diverse CUC! I don't have any cool looking guys like you do where I live!

Don't worry about those params! They're good I think. (Just don't add a fish yet !... soon though!)


Thanks spencer, I was planning on waiting some time until I get a fish anyway, my LFS has to order me something special ;) not sure how long it will take probably a week to two weeks, but it will be worth it!

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yeah i am wanting a snowflake pair also. Picassos are also awesome. Aplha Aquaculture has some of the best ive seen online so far. 3 of the 5 stores here have snowflakes but itll probably be next payday before i drop the money on them so thats why im thinking a couple corals first

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yeah i am wanting a snowflake pair also. Picassos are also awesome. Aplha Aquaculture has some of the best ive seen online so far. 3 of the 5 stores here have snowflakes but itll probably be next payday before i drop the money on them so thats why im thinking a couple corals first


Picassos are amazing but their price is... not so amazing haha. I'm still doing research on pairing clownfish but I really want to pair a misbar and a snowflake, not sure if possible, like I said have to do a bit more research. Yeah to price is another reason I have to wait, I still have to buy a light so I don't want spend too much at once.

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Picassos are amazing but their price is... not so amazing haha. I'm still doing research on pairing clownfish but I really want to pair a misbar and a snowflake, not sure if possible, like I said have to do a bit more research. Yeah to price is another reason I have to wait, I still have to buy a light so I don't want spend too much at once.

yep totally understand. im very lucky i got my light for so cheap or that would be my next purchase.


pretty cool that our tanks are almost the same age

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yep totally understand. im very lucky i got my light for so cheap or that would be my next purchase.


pretty cool that our tanks are almost the same age


For sure it will be great to learn from each other and help each other out, I don't think reefing would be as fun without being able to share everything haha. This is the best place to learn imo

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For sure it will be great to learn from each other and help each other out, I don't think reefing would be as fun without being able to share everything haha. This is the best place to learn imo


The only reason im still on this forum :grouphug:

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Everything looks great! I'm so proud. I would pay $20 for that Lightning Dove... I've never heard of, nor seen one ever and I'm so jealous.


I need it.



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They are selling for $4 a piece at my LFS, I'm not sure how to ship them, but I could ask them and see if they would be able to ship to you? I'm going down there today so I'll check it out. I'll research shipping live and get back to you, if you pay postage and I feel confident I can ship without die off Ill send you one or two.

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I went down to my LFS earlier and picked up some reef epoxy. Got home took out my rocks, scaped them and put on the epoxy, making sure to get the epoxy into all the porous holes and crevices. I managed to pick the whole scape up without it falling apart, but as soon as it hit the water the epoxy all fell to pieces...


I managed to pretty quickly get everything standing back up and leaning back together. Its been maybe 10 minutes now and the rockscape doesn't seem any sturdier than before I put the epoxy on? How long does it take for the epoxy to work? I'm pretty disappointed, my scape is no sturdier, and is now uglier with big gray globs all over it. Bummer. Any advice?






Some little pieces of the epoxy fell on the sand and I can't get my fingers in there to get them out. Will this be a big problem?


Ugly gray blob FTS :closedeyes:



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Anyone? The epoxy still didn't make the structure any stronger? Did I do something wrong? Also my whole tank smells AWFUL since adding the epoxy. Any advice? I'm not sure what I should do.

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Id take out the extra stuff that fell off the rock, Ive never had that problem before o.o ....Be sure to give the epoxy some time time to set before moving your rocks around

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Should I take all the epoxy out? including scraping whats on the rocks out? How else could I try and secure them?

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So i've been thinking... so far getting these rocks secured has been a big pain. I was thinking about maybe just ordering some pukani dry rock from BRS and use a chisel and hammer to scape it how I want to replace the current scape of dry rocks in my tank. My only concern is that I read on another forum that someone did that and it started a cycle and spiked the ammonia. Does this usually happen? I currently have my snails in there... I don t want to be cruel and throw them through a cycle. Any tips or advice on what to do?

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