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Pismo's [Arid] Pico!... [Oh, Dear Lord.]


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In the last rib shot.... I wanna point this out:


I buy GOOD cuts of St. Louis Ribs.

Trimmed very well.

I also Smoke my ribs.


Because of these two facts, I DO NOT cut, or pull, the silver skin membrane.

My smoker tends to almost liquefy the silver skin.

However, before it 'goes away', it causes the meat to tighten, and expose more bone.

Makes for better finger food.


Yes... These are the things that make people love good ribs.

The little considerations, if you will. ;)


Also... I make a "less sugar" option, for kids and Diabetics.

No one has EVAR asked me to, but my grandma was diabetic, pretty much my whole life;

And, I'll tell you what...

When you see the look on a Diabetic's face, when you let them know they haven't been left out,

Because of some bullshit like sugar.

It makes me feel like my grandmother taught me something.

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i was on the same boat about dry rock a lot of people have had good experiences with marco rocks if you check out 4x5 build he uses it


and its looks great.


i was thinking of going with there 15lb package and a couple of 1sided shelf rock for the ends of my scape.



let me know what they say. I've emailed them asking if they can post some more "cherry pick scapes" but its been 4 months and no reply

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I like your style. No offense but I like the dry rub rib. I'd eat any of em though.


I like dry rock. If I'm doing am small tank, and go to a certain LFS around here, I'll use live rock instead.

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Mine are a dry rub... I just put an un-gawdly amount of rub on them.

Then, they sit for 30 minutes and get all syrupy... :D


I can respect a good 'dry' rib.... Mine are a bit caramalized.

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Pismo I have to ask, did you get your name from pismo beach, CA?

Yes.... Short version:


- My wife has gone to Pismo 2x a year, since she was little.

- there's like 40 of us thats go, religiously.

- She wanted to get married on the beach, since she was little.

- We got married on the beach, there, lol.


So "Pismo" cuz of our lifestyle, and what it means to us;

And, "reefer" is a pretty obvious double entendre, for the hobby and the fact that I smoke... A lot. ;)


Oh, and a little because "we shoulda made a left at Albuquerque."

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I bought some dry rock, locally... Its okay lookin'.

I mocked up a scape that I can tolerate.

Not exactly what I want, but I can rearrange or add other rock.


In this regard, already love dry rock. :D









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Oh wow,that's a ridiculous scape man !!! I thought I had a good scape for a small tank. That makes mine look pooty lol.

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Yes.... Short version:

- My wife has gone to Pismo 2x a year, since she was little.

- there's like 40 of us thats go, religiously.

- She wanted to get married on the beach, since she was little.

- We got married on the beach, there, lol.

So "Pismo" cuz of our lifestyle, and what it means to us;

And, "reefer" is a pretty obvious double entendre, for the hobby and the fact that I smoke... A lot. ;)

Oh, and a little because "we shoulda made a left at Albuquerque."


I live 6 blocks from pismo beach. I aslo smoke alot. I love it here, I can hear the ocean out of my window at night.

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I was wondering if you had you own recipe for a rub, I'm looking for the perfect one. Lowes has a few I'm trying, I only eat steak though no pork. Thought about making my own but after researching some recipes to base it on I learned that some of store bought ones can taste great, at least that what every one online says.

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I cant say whats in mine, as its a friends competition rub w/ a couple amendments. :ninja:




A great pork rib rub, that'll knock yer friends/family dead:


- 2lbs brown sugar.

- 3/4-to-1 jar of McOrmick's "Pork rub". (To your taste.)

- pinch of Garlic Salt.

- pinch of salt & pepper.

- pinch of season all (optional, you notice the difference.)


1- Rub as much as desired on ribs.

2- Let sit for 30 minutes.

3- Place on foil, bone down.

4- Smoke for 2.5 hours @ 230*F.

5- Drizzle Honey on meat side of ribs...(Brown Sugar & Honey, caramalized.... WIN!)

*Tip: Local-made honey, when eaten, helps with allergies from local pollens. ;)

5- Flip, meat-side down.

6- Smoke, or leave smoker/cue open, for 30 more minutes @ 230-250.


7- Flip em, rest em for 20-30 min's, and eat em.


Oh... I guess you could sauce them, too....


I don't know why you'd want to, its just heresy imo, but a lot of guy's do.. To each their own.

*Saucing happens just before resting, so the sauce can 'set'.*

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IMO,why would you rub a steak ? Just curious ?

Imo, you only rub a steak, if its being made into slices for sandwiches.

Thats it.


Otherwise, it only needs salt and pepper; and to be cooked properly.

That is, if you buy good meat.


"Life's too short for cheap meat."

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Imo, you only rub a steak, if its being made into slices for sandwiches. Thats it. Otherwise, it only needs salt and pepper; and to be cooked properly. That is, if you buy good meat. "Life's too short for cheap meat."

+1 Also, if you look around, you can usually find a good market that sells good quality meat that is not that expensive. So why would you buy cheap meat?!?!?


Another really quick and easy rub that works great is Emeril's bottled rub. I have used that in the past and just added brown sugar to it and it is pretty good.

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I really love the scape man

It worked out okay. :D



...And, as stupid as it sounds, that scape was #30-something; Two hours later.

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I've never rubbed a steak,just dashed it with some salt/pepper and a hint of whatever seasoning I'm in the mood for and throw it on the grill.


Do you ever "marinate" your ribs over night ?

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Every good thread turns into a food related thread. Lol. Oh, and your scape is sick. The design fits the tank perfectly.

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