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Cultivated Reef

Isla D'Zoa


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....still waiting on clay to send me list of zoas /w prices and pics.....been weeks now....

I'm so lazy :(

I'll be out till 12-1 and then I won't sleep tonight. I pinky promise on a box of corals that they'll be sent you you by 6am eastern tomorrow

Pics won't be happening though because stuff didn't do great while it was gone

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I'm so lazy :(

I'll be out till 12-1 and then I won't sleep tonight. I pinky promise on a box of corals that they'll be sent you you by 6am eastern tomorrow

Pics won't be happening though because stuff didn't do great while it was gone

Ok I make note of this. Free corals. I likee. I understand though.

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I'm so lazy :(

I'll be out till 12-1 and then I won't sleep tonight. I pinky promise on a box of corals that they'll be sent you you by 6am eastern tomorrow

Pics won't be happening though because stuff didn't do great while it was gone

WTF you been? :)
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Ok I make note of this. Free corals. I likee. I understand though.

List coming up in the next couple of hours as the party that I'm at is sucking maddddd butt lol


WTF you been? :)

Ive been in a third world country that has no internet lmao Cuba! but it was fun. I got a tan or erm... a sunburn lol

I recommend it if you want to disconnect, relax and spend close to nothing. The only gripe I had about the hotel is that you had to arrive early to get the food you wanted(served buffet style) but then again I was only spending $55 a night and the rooms were excellent




Pictures of my trip will be posted... eventually

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Zoas(photos of stuff I named, this list will be put on the first post and updated with pictures eventually...give it time):

"Death Stars" exact morph from frag junky but I bought it from a different company

Zombie Oompas

Oompas( melted, will be getting more)

Peach Bullseyes( Kraken morph)

"Plum Crazies"

JF Blood shots


Unnamed red morph similar to some type of Nightmare/ Maul hybrid, I've been calling them "Nuclear Destructions" but w/e



GOW both wild + from Cornbred

Nuke greens

My clementines

Miami Vice Morph "Blue Kiss"


WWC Sour Patch




King Midas


Sunny Ds

Utter Peace

Utter Caos

Pink Hallucination

"Uncle Midas"(the fat larger brother of King Midas)



CB Punk rockers

Zoa combo #1 name them plz

14389112657_480ac22018_t.jpgIMG_5916 by claudiamendez1, on Flickr


These came from reef chicks, wild I believe




Ultra Rastas

Red Hornets

Blue Hornets

Rainbow Infusions


Flaming Magicians(same but with a lot of yellow and some green to the skirts)

Pink Kraks




Purple Death

Red death

Nuke Greens

Vivid Rainbows


Captain America

Green Implosions(invasive green polyps, controlled)

"Magma" Polyps

Cats eyes


Pink and Golds

Fruitloops(melted but I have access)

LA Lakers(melted but I have some coming in)

Galactic Implosions

Nonames Yellow Skirt, blue center, yellow mouth

JF Pink Sphynx

Pastel Rainbows



Red shrooms w/ white spots

Lava Lamp Shrooms(I have a whole rock I want to get rid of)

Green speckled shroom w/ blue speckles





I have more but I need to sit and see what made it and what didnt also there are A LOT of unnamed things

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glad your back safe. thats an awesome list. i just picked up some oompas yesterday friend had a plug with about 35 polpys for sale for $400. wish i had the cash for that. lol

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First off, my ride while I was in cuba was pimpin' (also not many people have cars so there was 0 traffic)

We went to this place in Varadero that is like their souvenir area but everything is handmade and they have to innovate a lotttttttttt. Here are some of my favorite pieces, I'll post more later. This is an open air market and I think I sweat off like 2 pounds shopping lol

All these pieces were made from recycled metals that the artist themselves had to go out and find



Also while there my little butthead climbed up this wall and later had to be rescued because #toopansytogetdown


glad your back safe. thats an awesome list. i just picked up some oompas yesterday friend had a plug with about 35 polpys for sale for $400. wish i had the cash for that. lol

ask him if he'll take multiple payments, it usually works! :)

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i've been to haiti and thats how the markets were like. pretty neat cause like you said everything is hand made and usually as great quality and cheap. that first fish is awesome.

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i've been to haiti and thats how the markets were like. pretty neat cause like you said everything is hand made and usually as great quality and cheap. that first fish is awesome.

I loved the fish! and theres a bunch more stuff ill be posting later that is pretty awesome too!

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So, I've never believed the whole algae scrubber spiel but I have an extra maxi jet and some tubing so I figure why not? Gonna DIY one and see wassup. Obviously I'm not going to make a tiny thing for the tank so it'll have to be improvised a little but it'll entertain me :) Also replacing the bulb in the fuge, adding chaeto and water change day

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So I wake up on the farm my first day there and this gentleman is poking his head out and meowing his little lungs out



And as I walk towards him I see this little man all mysterious meowing as well



I figured that I better feed em cause otherwise we'd have a kitty filled kitchen(they actively sneak in the house and try to steal noms) and as I was getting ready to give them their food I guess this guy caught on cause he was waiting patiently



Cleaning the paws



And after they ate they sunbathed lol



Needless to say the kitties harassed me the whole time we were on the farm lol also I learned that I wasnt supposed to feed the kitties because they're supposed to be vicious frog hunting felines lol(and there were A LOT of frogs)

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Cats make me happy.

They were super cute but I'm super allergic


Cute kitties! Also those zombie oompa loompas are better than the originals imo. <3

I found those and they gave them to me for like nothing, I was a happy customer

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I had bryopsis then...it looked exactly like what was on the frag on the last page, but it would only grow on the wall of my tank. It seems to be gone....



anyways, cute kitties! :P I have a lot of pages to read T-T is Cuba the reason I couldn't get ahold of you a while back? :P

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Very beautiful zoas and I love your pictures from cuba. My mother in law goes there all the time and gets my daughter the cutest hand made clothes :)

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So I wake up on the farm my first day there and this gentleman is poking his head out and meowing his little lungs out



And as I walk towards him I see this little man all mysterious meowing as well



I figured that I better feed em cause otherwise we'd have a kitty filled kitchen(they actively sneak in the house and try to steal noms) and as I was getting ready to give them their food I guess this guy caught on cause he was waiting patiently



Cleaning the paws



And after they ate they sunbathed lol



Needless to say the kitties harassed me the whole time we were on the farm lol also I learned that I wasnt supposed to feed the kitties because they're supposed to be vicious frog hunting felines lol(and there were A LOT of frogs)

Adorable! I never knew cats ate frogs :lol:. I don't blame them for wanting handouts :).

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I had bryopsis then...it looked exactly like what was on the frag on the last page, but it would only grow on the wall of my tank. It seems to be gone....



anyways, cute kitties! :P I have a lot of pages to read T-T is Cuba the reason I couldn't get ahold of you a while back? :P

I haven't received any texts from you in a whilleeeeeee. If I get them I reply eventually but nadaa


Very beautiful zoas and I love your pictures from cuba. My mother in law goes there all the time and gets my daughter the cutest hand made clothes :)

They have some awesome artisan stuff, I'm gonna be posting more :)

Wait till you see the beach!

Is she Cuban or?



Adorable! I never knew cats ate frogs :lol:. I don't blame them for wanting handouts :).

These guys are froggie catching machinesssssssss! The adults will also occasionally catch tarantulas as well but only when the snackin' from derpy American tourists isn't going well(that tourist being me lol)

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No she isnt Cuban, Just a lucky Native American that always goes there with her sister :) (yes I am jealous)

It's reeaaallyyyy inexpensive as far as hotel stuff like that. I recommend it if you ever want to relax. The hotel I went to had a spa and I had a field day there lol. It's not as dangerous as DR or PR where if you step out of the tourist zone major problems can arise

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