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Diver's Paradise: The Sequel (Vacation Pics pg. 48!)


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Mr. Microscope

Tank looks great! It's neat to see the swim patterns of those flashers and I liked it when your watchman came out.


Have there been any issues between the coris and flashers?


Love those LPS!



Congrats on getting your username changed BTW.

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Thanks for the link! I think I'll skip it since the author of that thread said he had to raise the water level after doing that and I'm limited with my water height in my tiny sump.


I think he meant raising the level using the adjustment (the blue tube). Others have reported that as well.

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Those wrasses look like they've been in there for years. They have really settled in well :).


What's sitting on top of the center rock?

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I love the design on the yellow rock flower. It really looks like a yellow flower that should be in a field of wildflowers.

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Does that overflow work like a siphon so you don't have to drill the tank?


I really like the right column in your tank, especially with the LPS flowing like an afro. Thanks for the video! The flashers are so mellow in your tank and all 5 fish get along really well. How's that spot on the linespot's side doing?

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Tank looks great! It's neat to see the swim patterns of those flashers and I liked it when your watchman came out.


Have there been any issues between the coris and flashers?


Love those LPS!



Congrats on getting your username changed BTW.

Thank you Mr. M! Yeah, the flashers are super entertaining. I love watching them swim about. I used to only see my YWG at feeding time and he would spook with the least movement near the tank. He's out all the time now and just hangs out in the open. He was up against the glass a little bit ago and I touched my finger to the glass in front of him without spooking him. Its crazy! Its either that they love the new scape or the wrasses being outgoing makes them more confident.


The coris and the flashers are getting along just fine. I see them nip at each other here and there during feeding time, but nothing major and no big fights or chases.


I'm loving the LFS too. So fluffy and I like the movement. My euphyllias were not open all the way in that video. They've been a little PO'ed since the transfer. They're looking much more open today though.


Thanks! I figured I'd make my username easier on everyone :)


I think he meant raising the level using the adjustment (the blue tube). Others have reported that as well.

Ah. I think I'll pass on the mod right now since lots of people love how it runs even without the mod. I'd hate to chop that piece off and mess it up. Always makes me nervous! Do you have yours running yet?


Those wrasses look like they've been in there for years. They have really settled in well :).


What's sitting on top of the center rock?

I know, right?! They've gotten so confident. I had my hands in tank a little bit ago and not a single one of my fish went into hiding. They're so brave now!


That's the ATL Fire Polyp Undata that got SUPER browned out during the crash. I'm attempting to nurse it back to health. Its not staying there. That's the BTA island its on, but I set it there temporarily. The plan is to send it to Zia with some other corals. I don't want to keep any SPS corals. Nowhere good to put them in my new scape!


I love the design on the yellow rock flower. It really looks like a yellow flower that should be in a field of wildflowers.

That one is my favorite by far. I can't wait to see how it looks when it gets bigger. Its like dime sized right now.



Thank you! :)



Does that overflow work like a siphon so you don't have to drill the tank?


I really like the right column in your tank, especially with the LPS flowing like an afro. Thanks for the video! The flashers are so mellow in your tank and all 5 fish get along really well. How's that spot on the linespot's side doing?

Yep, the overflow functions as a siphon, so no drilling involved. That's why I can set this all up with the tank up and running. Water flows into the surface skimmer box and then theres a siphon tube that draws it up over the rim of the tank into another box that has a bulkhead drain in the bottom that goes to your plumbing.


Thank you! I love my bonsai pillar. The LPS still aren't 100% open since the transfer, but they're even puffier today. I'm so excited about how that will look once they all grow together and fill it completely. It will be a giant blob of puffiness :)


The fish are getting along amazingly well. I noticed that little spot on his side the other day. It wasn't there when I got him. I examined it closely and its definitely not ich. It looks like a little scratch or bite. Either the McCoskers or coris gave him a little bite at some point or he scraped against something. The way they flash around, I wouldn't be surprised if he scraped against something. It already seems to be healing up since it looks smaller today. I'm keeping an eye on it! He's eating and acting perfectly healthy, so I don't think its anything major.

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Ah. I think I'll pass on the mod right now since lots of people love how it runs even without the mod. I'd hate to chop that piece off and mess it up. Always makes me nervous! Do you have yours running yet?


Yep, got it in this afternoon, and it is working great. I have it in about 5" of water (up on a stand), about even with the top of the bubble diffuser. I have the adjuster about in the middle, and getting the bubble head just to the bottom of the cup. It is still running nice a quiet, and very few micro bubbles coming out.

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Ok, so I have sooooo many updates from the LFS grand opening I went to today. Its a branch of Reef Raft, which is located in the LA area. I got there right when it opened to be one of the first 50 people so I'd get a free T-shirt and a coupon for $25 off my next visit. Woohoo! Steve Tyree was there mingling and helping out the owners, so I got to meet him and chat for a bit which was cool! The store is AMAZING! So much attention to detail. Its huge, all of its frag tanks are gorgeous starfire tanks, its so well decorated! It even has a little reception area up front with comfy couches and chairs and a TV and a big display tank and a coffee machine. You can just chill and enjoy the display tank. They have tons of huge coral flats and a separate fish and invert area that is well stocked. They also have soooo many dry goods. More than any of the other stores I frequent. They had a lot of things I normally have to order online, so now I can go there to get things. Every kind of food you could possibly want, coral foods, all the different lines of additives, bulk GFO and carbon, Ecotech accessories like the MP10 foam guards, Marine Snow, the entire line of CADLights tanks and skimmers, lots of different heaters, the list goes on and on and on! They specialize in high end aquacultured corals, so lots of the pricey named corals. Its a bit expensive, but they have some of those nice splurge pieces everyone needs :) $800 mushrooms, crazy rainbow acans, all the latest named zoas, etc. Definitely some eye candy in there!


I definitely did some serious window shopping. I had restraint and only left with one coral. I got a beautiful Aussie elegance coral for only $36.75 since all the coral was 25% off today. I know they're kind of hit or miss corals, but for that price I figured I'd give one a shot. It fits so well with my new puffy LPS theme.


I also picked up my fighting conch that I wanted for sand sifting! I had asked around and no one had them in locally and then they had a couple today at the new store! I also picked up a few snails because some of my brand new astrea snails have already fallen over and been eaten by my hermits or the coris wrasse. I got them because none of the other snail types eat algae off the rocks, but they're just so useless with their inability to right themselves. Anyway, I picked up 5 margarita snails to take the place of the astreas and 1 smallish turbo snail. Hopefully those guys will do a better job cleaning the rocks. My nassarius and ceriths stay in the sand and the nerites seem to only like the glass. Also, all the inverts were 20% off for the grand opening, so they weren't too expensive at all! Oh, and I picked up a 14" long scraper from their drygoods section for only $2.99 :)


They had a bunch of raffles today of AMAZING things like a Bubble Magus doser, an MP40, a jawbreaker mushroom, a Kessil 360, and a 50 gallon complete CADLights set-up. I wanted that CADLights tank so bad, but no luck for the big raffles for me. However, I won a small raffle prize, which was a goody bag from Neptune Systems. It had a T-shirt, a magnetic tube/probe holder, and a big pouch of their new food that they developed with Reef Nutrition. Its pellet food that is coated with coral food. So you throw the pellets in and the coral food dissolves into the water and then the fish can eat the pellets. Pretty awesome! I also got some free samples of some new pellet food from Hikari. Lots of food to feed all my new nems and LPS corals :)


On my way home I had to go past Aquatic Collection (the store I buy the spirals from and also buy from their ebay auctions). I just had to stop in and look around of course! I ended up leaving there with a second tube nem! This one has the same neon green center with super deep purple tentacles that are almost black. It gets to be buddies with the other one in the shade of the bonsai pillar.


Anyways, working on getting photos up for you guys!

Yep, got it in this afternoon, and it is working great. I have it in about 5" of water (up on a stand), about even with the top of the bubble diffuser. I have the adjuster about in the middle, and getting the bubble head just to the bottom of the cup. It is still running nice a quiet, and very few micro bubbles coming out.

So great to hear this. I plan to run mine in 6" of water, but I can always raise it up on an eggcrate platform if I need too. I am so antsy to get my plumbing stuff from BRS Tuesday so I can get my new sump up and running. Waiting on shipping is the worst!

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Oh my gosh!!!! Sounds like a great store!!!!!


What's the t-shirt like? Is it clever like the Marine Depot shirts we got? :)

Its amazing! And even though their coral prices are high, their dry goods are on par with BRS/Amazon prices. I couldn't believe that! They had the Cobalt MJ1200 and the Jager heater I just bought off BRS for basically the same price. I am so thrilled to have local dry goods at a reasonable price. Also, I may just got sit on their couch and stare at their tank next time I go LFS shopping :lol:


Its a funny shirt! Its dark grey with the Neptune logo small on the front. Then on the back really big it says, "Control Freak" :lol:

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Its amazing! And even though their coral prices are high, their dry goods are on par with BRS/Amazon prices. I couldn't believe that! They had the Cobalt MJ1200 and the Jager heater I just bought off BRS for basically the same price. I am so thrilled to have local dry goods at a reasonable price. Also, I may just got sit on their couch and stare at their tank next time I go LFS shopping :lol:


Its a funny shirt! Its dark grey with the Neptune logo small on the front. Then on the back really big it says, "Control Freak" :lol:

I've seen pictures of fish stores with a little lounge area with fancy leather couches to sit on. So cool that you have one like that now :).


The shirt sounds awesome :).

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I've seen pictures of fish stores with a little lounge area with fancy leather couches to sit on. So cool that you have one like that now :).


The shirt sounds awesome :).

Unfortunately it's an XL. So its a nightgown :lol:

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Ok, first off, photos from the LFS opening.


Lounge area



Display tank by the lounge. Sorry, my iPhone spazzes out with blue lights!



Coral flats area



There's an $800 mushroom in this tank.









My elegance in their frag tank.



Fish and invert room.



Fish only display in the fish and invert area.



Awesome sea apple in one of the invert tanks.










My raffle prize



T-Shirt from Reef Raft



My new scraper



Ok now some photos of my new goodies and my tank.



New Elegance partway open



Acclimating the snails



The conch's eyeball cracks me up





Photo I took to prove to Eddie that I still have lots of open sand bed space left. It will stay that way! My sand bed is not going to look like a frag rack again! :lol:



Newly social orange firefish



Original tube nem



Tiger Derasa



Plate under actinics



Plate under regular lighting










White rock flower nem


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Oh neat, they have skimmers on display even. Most things I see only on the internet. How fancy and awesome that is!

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That fish only display looks pretty real at first glance :D.


I like the bar!

Yeah, the fish only display was fun, but not a huge fan of the fake corals. Pretty at first glance though and some gorgeous fish in there!


The bar is awesome! That display tank is brand new, so it only has a few things in it, but when they get it all stocked it would be fun to sit at the bar and stare at it.


Fun! What's the store? Are they online?


Cool elegance!

Its Reef Raft Norcal. I don't believe they sell online. Well not yet anyway, they may in the future. Their website right now is just the info for the grand opening.


Thanks! I hope I can keep it alive. I hear they just up and die in about 50% of tanks for no apparent reason. We'll see. Its opened all the way and looks happy so far, so that's a good sign.


Oh, and nice new avatar!


Oh neat, they have skimmers on display even. Most things I see only on the internet. How fancy and awesome that is!

Yep! So many dry goods and equipment that I normally have to get online. Definitely a fancy place!


Ok, the new tube nem finally opened! Its not in its PVC house yet because I got it home and with it closed up I couldn't tell which end the tentacles would come out of. Didn't want to stick it in the PVC fitting full of sand upside down. I'll get it in its PVC and next to the other one in a bit.




This guy is so cool!



Lily is so over aquarium stuff for today!



Also, I noticed my Carpenter wrasse has a big old bump on his nose. What on earth? I can't figure out what it is. My only guess is that he slammed it into the acrylic lid and its swollen up. I hear the two wrasses slam into the lid off an on, and they definitely hit it hard. I hope his nose is ok! I just fed them and he ate fine, so its not impeding his eating. Goodness, fish stress me out! I sure how its not a crazy growth or something.

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Wow, looks like a nice store! Where is it located?


The guys at CAD Lights told me this store would be opening when I picked up my tank.

But they could not remember where it was.



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Wow, looks like a nice store! Where is it located?


The guys at CAD Lights told me this store would be opening when I picked up my tank.

But they could not remember where it was.



Its definitely a nice store! Its down in Fremont. Their address is on their website which is reefraftnorcal.com.

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I am following with my eye on the Elegance :)

I am so nervous it won't do well, but I sure hope it does. Have you had any success with them? Any tips?

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