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Innovative Marine Aquariums

~ Allure ~ What water change?


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I like it! Would it get in the way if you had to take apart the PVC for cleaning or whatever? Also. Painting the PVC black would make it dissapear.

It's zip tied to the pvc so I guess I could easily take it off. I thought about painting when I built this overflow but it doesn't really bother me. Plus there is already green and purple coralline growing on it. The overflow is hard plumbed through the stand though, so if I ever did want to paint or anything I'd have to cut it up (again) just to get it out.


WORD!!! Looks clean as @#$%!! Great job bro!

Thanks! I'm really enjoying it like this, it makes the tank look much cleaner and I can see all my fish all the time now. :happy: Before the clowns hid behind the tower of rocks and only came to the front for feeding. Hopefully they'll finally find the GBTA since they're in such a small space with it now.


I'm considering adding some sand. The BB looks neat and all but with all the debris that ends up on the bottom I'd have to clean it at least once a day to keep it looking nice, and this stuff is so heavy that when I try to suck it up with the turkey baster it just falls right back out. Plus I have a ton of nassarius snails that don't act too happy...

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So weird, I was looking up how to do floating rocks in an aquarium like just 2 days ago! I love it! Put your chili coral and other nps on the underside and that would look soooo amazing once it grew in.

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So weird, I was looking up how to do floating rocks in an aquarium like just 2 days ago! I love it! Put your chili coral and other nps on the underside and that would look soooo amazing once it grew in.

If I could get to it I would. Where it is I'm afraid I might damage it too much trying to remove it. That is a thought I had though! It's actually in the fuge now, I removed that rock, which was the largest in the tank, and stuck it down there so I could clean up the DT.

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looks 200% better with the more minimal/unique scape. Hope we get to see this one mature looks like it could be something special when it grows in.

Thanks. I hope I can finally get some growth going on. Aside from only a couple coral I've had remarkably little growth from all my coral over the past year.

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Messin around in Sketch Up for the first time. This is my counter/stand, or at least pretty darn close to it. 39 3/4" tall and 60 1/4" long. So you can see the kind of real estate I have to work with there.


counter stand by whyteaboi, on Flickr
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And now with the dream tank I've always wanted to build on it. 58.25 long x 17 deep x 8.5 tall, .5" glass or acrylic, just a hair under 32 gallons capacity. This is very much wishful thinking though, it'll never happen.


stand with tank by whyteaboi, on Flickr
Huh, weird, looking at that model now the dimensions look way off from the real thing, but the measurements are there... hmm.
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