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~ Allure ~ What water change?


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Tank is looking great man. Just saw the new FTS's!

I also dig the signature script! Nice! W-



One of my rock news moved and covered some zoas in my tank. King Midas' to be exact.

Luckily on a separate rock but I had to pry the rock off the foot! Ugh!



I got lucky, by time time I headed to bed... this morning... the rock flower had moved and all is well with the universe now.


You should have seen it a couple days ago. That same rock flower decided it wanted to move and snuggled up against my big green yuma. That didn't go well. It pretty much put it's tail between it's legs and ran away.

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I got lucky, by time time I headed to bed... this morning... the rock flower had moved and all is well with the universe now.


You should have seen it a couple days ago. That same rock flower decided it wanted to move and snuggled up against my big green yuma. That didn't go well. It pretty much put it's tail between it's legs and ran away.


Funny. After I pried the zoa rock form mine, it decided to head back to its old spot. WTF! :)

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Lol that's kinda what mine did. It started off right under the other rock flower, went and danced with the yuma, stood on the zoa, and is now right above the other rock flower.

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Thought I'd give you guys and gals an idea on how different these leds are.


Both lights

LEDTRIC light (my preference)
OCReef light (actually a fuge light)
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This is going to look very cool once the zoa/pally cover fills in and crawls up that rockwork. excited to see one of these matured not many hexes around.


In the future maybe consider a kessil a360n and dial it to exactly where you like it. Its the only adjustable thing I can think of for a tank this size/shape heh.

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That's something to think about. Not an option right now though, there's no money to spare around here. But, I have a resume I'm getting ready to send in so we'll see.


I'm thinking about only using one light over the DT and moving the other to the fuge. I think some things in the tank aren't appreciative to how much light is being blasted into the tank right now.


Hmm, the Kessil site isn't working right now.


Edit: Holy balls those are expensive. I knew they weren't cheap but geez... Someone would kill me if I spent that much on a light. :( I think that one light costs more than the entirety of the rest of my tank.

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That's something to think about. Not an option right now though, there's no money to spare around here. But, I have a resume I'm getting ready to send in so we'll see.


I'm thinking about only using one light over the DT and moving the other to the fuge. I think some things in the tank aren't appreciative to how much light is being blasted into the tank right now.


Hmm, the Kessil site isn't working right now.


Edit: Holy balls those are expensive. I knew they weren't cheap but geez... Someone would kill me if I spent that much on a light. :( I think that one light costs more than the entirety of the rest of my tank.


ha yeah orrr a nice 150 mh and you pick the bulb that goes in it would work too aside from the lame energy costs hqi bulbs arent that costly. Either way I like the color in the pic atleast of both of em running too bad no one does made to order par 38s that I know of. could just pick the spectrum you like and roll with it.

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Wow looks really good man...A nice 70watt FNI would look great over it. I did one over my last nano

Ah, is that the one that's over someone else's tank now?



B) I wear my sun glasses at night... B)

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Think I'm going to tear my fuge apart and give it a good cleaning. It's completely overrun with GHA and cyano. The caulerpa is growing like mad though, literally inches a day. That's a good thing because I have someone that wants it and I can possibly get some store credit out of it. I think I'm going to go BB down there as well (lol...) so it's easier to clean.

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So I had made a funny about metrokat's fuge a few days back...


It got me to thinking that I wanted mine to be a little more respectable instead of just a baddie dumping ground.
So I started draining...


A couple hours, a few handfuls of caulerpa and a sliced finger later and we're at...




Mixing up the last few gallons and then back to work.

I decided to take one of the par38's from the DT and put it over the fuge. Some of my coral weren't really liking that much light blasting them. The LEDTRIC one will live over the DT, the OCReef light will live over the fuge. It is a fuge light after all.

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Wow, sump is so clean, looks brand new.

Yep, pretty darn close. I couldn't really clean around those two baffles very well, even with my scrubby cleany thinger.


I just got everything running again, mixing that last 4 gallons took longer than I expected, it seemed like the water didn't want to heat for me. Probably because it's a little chilly in here. Finally got it done though.


It isn't quite as spotlightish as the pic makes it out to be. You know how leds are.

Turbo and margarita gettin' it on. The other turbo was dead, found the shell and it's body in the sump when I was cleaning...


The sebae anemone finally made itself shown in the DT, so I stuck it down here.

I ripped out probably a softball sized (a very well compacted softball) wad of this caulerpa. Still plenty left in there. I have someone who wants this stuff so hopefully that's some store credit for me. I would have given him all the stuff I ripped out if it weren't full of cyano and gha.


The Oceanic Biocube skimmer shows it's face again. This time it's in the overflow chamber, first dibs on all the nasty stuff.
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A good trick I have learned if I need to heat water in a rush is to fill a couple of soda bottles with boiling water, cap them off and float them in the mixing bucket. The cold water will suck the warmth out of the bottles in in about 10-15mins, rinse and repeat. I got pretty much stone cold water to tank temp in about 30mins with this method and a 50w heater that I use for mixing. The fuge looks much cleaner now, nice job.

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If it wasn't the middle of the night when I was doing all this I might have tried that lol.


Took the optics off the bulb.



It's like a disco in here now. :happydance:



Do you see something odd?

Bumble bee snail! I have no idea where I got this. I can only assume it came in with the reefcleaners package. No way I could have not seen it in the many many months prior to that. Explains why I've had so many shells suddenly without snails.



I took the doors off the sump section, hopefully I can manage to turn this into a respectable display fuge. Someday.
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I think I'm going to trim some more rock from the DT. With how it's in there right now cleaning the glass is going to be a royal PITA. And I don't like how the clowns are always in the back of the tank, hopefully I can convince them to stay in the front more often.

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Nah I like it just how it is. If I really cared about some caulerpa propagation I'd put the other bulb back on. Seriously that stuff was growing an inch or more a day!


Chromis is back! I have no idea where it hid for an entire day, but feeding time this morning it was front and center as usual.

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Tank just got a massive rescape. After everything settles I'll snap a couple pics. You might like it, I kinda surprised myself with this one.

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So the tank has been bugging me a little. I like how it looked, but cleaning it was a huge pain with how the rock was stacked in there. I wanted to be able to keep the front three panels completely clean but I had rock touching two of them, and another rock was too close to the front panel. My mag float just didn't fit.


So I went swimming.


And I made floating rocks.



Left sideish
The 40 is still in the way so I can't get any right side pics yet.


Oh and this skimmer.... grrrrrr...

Zoas that have been buried between some generic no-color palys for almost a year.


These are kinda neat. I bought the plug a long time ago because it had some mojano nems on it, but they've long since disappeared. I kinda wrote the zoas off, almost tossed them a few times because they just looked brown. Well, with this bulb over them and with them kind of in the shade they actually look pretty neat. The pic doesn't show too well but the color is almost like a velvet purple with an orangeish/greenish oral disc. And they have a sponge growing all through them. That sponge actually covered the entire plug, I had to scrape it off the bottom just to glue it down.



And now... the levitating rock.



Just (strongly) zip tied to the overflow.


This rock is on top of the other one, and this one is also zip tied to the overflow. The toothpick here has a couple cuts of my cabbage leather on it's ends. My first time actually fragging my own coral. The leather I have probably started off this size and now it's as big or bigger than the one it was cut from.

I like it! What do you guys and gals think?
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