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75g SPS build.


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I will say that, getting wood to a nice glossy sheen (without seeing the wood grain) is quite the pain in the arse. I'm on my 3-4th coat of paint and it is almost to where I want it. After this I am going to clear coat and wet sand it with 2,000 grit. This is how the stand looks after the last coat I applied, the time change is killing me.

Also traded my 40B sump for a 36x15x16 acrylic sump. I lost about 7-8 gallons but I'm much happier with this acrylic sump.

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Well in true Florida fashion it looks like it's going to rain, so I decided to bring the stand inside. Which turned out to be a good thing because I was able to slide the tank on the stand and see how level the top was. Turns out, it's pretty damn level and even. Also got the new back piece on, it originally had two pieces of ugly plywood that I'm sure would have blended in with the rest of the inside once it was painted but, the new wood was only $22 so whatever. Im going to paint the inside tonight. kilz primer, then caulk then high gloss white latex :-)





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Just being super picky. Went to a LFS a few days ago and saw the Deep blue 75 gallons. I think they look so good compared to this thing. For one, they use black silicone instead of clear so that looks way better. Also, want to do the overflow differently, probably a coast to coast or atleast have a back drain. I know I'm nit picking but, I think it'll look better than the current tank I have.

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Just being super picky. Went to a LFS a few days ago and saw the Deep blue 75 gallons. I think they look so good compared to this thing. For one, they use black silicone instead of clear so that looks way better. Also, want to do the overflow differently, probably a coast to coast or atleast have a back drain. I know I'm nit picking but, I think it'll look better than the current tank I have.

Hell yeah, man - make the tank exactly what you want it to be!

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Just wanted to get some thoughts and epionions. Tomorrow I am probably picking a new tank up. So I am either going to do one of the following

Bottom tempered tank w/drillable back and run a coast to coast, only thing with that is, Im a little concerned with shadows.
Completely untempered tank, run 1 off centered over- tank is a little more due to the thicker bottom glass.
Just buy a RR tank, the most expensive out of the door option but then I don't have to have the tank drilled, buy and overflow etc. Only thing with this option is, it has one corner overflow.
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I have to say that, for the price, and it being basically an off the shelf production tank, these Deep blue tanks are pretty nice. I don't know if it's my eyes playing tricks on me but, these deep blue tanks, even though they don't use LIG glass look way clearer than other tanks. My last 40B was an Aqueon and was brand new when I got it and this deep blue looks way clearer than the 40B did. I read somewhere that they're not LIG but, might use a little less iron in the glass than some tank companies. I also saw that they scratch easier so it would make sense since LIG is softer than regular pane glass.

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Oh yeah and, the stand is just about done, should be ready in time for a nice brand new tank to sit on it. I'm so happy I painted the inside of the stand with gloss white latex paint and didn't paint it black like I was originally going to.

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The un-tempered deep blue 75g is a great tank. I had one as my last tank. Be careful if your going to drill the bottom be sure to use foam underneath and evenly support all edges. Lets just say I had an experience lol good luck!

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Im probably getting the tempered bottom, non tempered sides/front/back and drill the back for glass calfo coast to coast w/bean animal drain.

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Cool! I cut a notch out of one of the ends and attached an external acrylic box with 2 dursos and a emergency straight stand pipe. Used a diamond cut off wheel and a dremel. Came out pretty good!

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Ideally I would love to do exactly what he just said, notch the back glass with an external box BUT, as Ben said, I don't have the balls to do that. If it was metal I'd have no issue, you can beat metal into submission but glass, ehhhhh.

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Pulled the stand back in so I can place the new tank on it, if I am able to get it to my place tonight.


Still need to paint the top. P.S, the cat is definitely plotting some sort of idea.



I need to add a few more coats of paint to the outside of the stand but overall pretty happy with it. And the new acrylic sump is pretty nice.




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New tank on the stand, this thing looks so much better on the stand than my old 75 did. I know it's not a reef savvy or anything spectacular like that but I honestly think this tank looks much better than my old 75.

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So when can we expect this tank to be filled up and cycling? I'm liking the story so far. Lots of twists, hooks, and plenty of anticipation! :D

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I actually just called a local glass shop and put in an order for the glass. The overflow is going to be 1/4" glass and measure 36" x 4" x 4" which should give me a good amount of surface skimming. Will probably start drilling the tank next week after everything from the holidays settle down. Need to get acrylic for the sump, ordered a return pump. Get the starboard for the bottom of the tank. Build an aquascape. Plumb everything up and start cycling this thing. I'm hoping wthin the next month it'll be cycling. I know it's been some time but I've always wanted to do things the way Im doing them now which means spending a little more therefore delaying it. But it should be real nice when it's done.

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