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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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You can always just do one tank if it's too much anymore but we'd love to see ya here- your tanks have a creative flair & look like a work of art. I just had a rock flower die, who knows why- it went walkin' and melted.

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Man,I don't ever really comment on this thread,but lurk from a distance.. But don't go man.. Like others have said maybe tear down one of the tanks and focus on one ? I'm sure having two and trying to maintain them is quite difficult.


We would all hate to see you go,and not have a member whom is well liked on the forum. Both of your tanks are absolutely stunning,btw and been a huge inspiration for me as A LOT of other reefers. Hopefully you're able to conquer whatever it is destroying your tanks. Just don't give up yet ninja :(

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Nano sapiens

A hobby is meant to be enjoyed. If it's really stressing you out, then it's probably time to take a break. But, keep your favorite tank and equipment.


If and when you start up again, think about ways to keep things as simple as possible. If a tank/system is easy to work with/on you will likely enjoy the time spent and you will also spend a lot less money.

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Things are also not doing so well in my Fluval Spec. Also lost the rock anemone in that one and also lost the clown goby. Literally lost the clown goby. No body found anywhere and I dont have much rock to hide a body. Saw it in the morning and lost it when I got home. Not on the floor anywhere.


Recent lost has me thinking about taking both tanks down and quitting the hobby. Main reason I got into this was to reduce stress and enjoy beauty of the ocean. But it seems to be creating more stress...constantly checking the tanks, worrying what can go wrong, testing water all the time, doing water changes all the time, running into issues, having living things die. Amount of money spent is also starting to add up. Maybe taking a break is the way to go.

if you decide to do a tear down an quit. let me know. I'd buy some of your equipment and stuuf off you.

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Well, i guess this was meant to be. I am going away for a business trip tomorrow and this tank started crashing this weekend. I was going to decide what to do with it when I am back from the trip, but nothing may survive when I come back. I added nothing to the tank. Just did regular water changes. Only thing is I opened a new bag of salt. So far, I have lost the open brain coral, a big chunk of meteor cyphastrea, and one birdsnest. All my frogspawns have receded. All SPS has no polyps showing, signs of STN on remaining birdsnest and green pocillopora. This happened in a matter of 48 hours. Water change on Thursday, started seeing signs on Saturday. I use the same new bag of salt in my Fluval Spec but that tank seems fine. My one theory is harmful chemical got into the tank? So I just changed out the Purigen and Chemipure Elite. Will also do a 20% water change in a couple of hours with another new bag of salt. If things dont improve before I sleep, I will have to move the most expensive corals to the Fluval Spec and see what survives when I am back...

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Man,it's so unfortunate to see this thing falling apart on you man. This thing is stunning.


You weren't doing anything different between the tanks correct ? Was there any coral warfare between anything ? Maybe something let some nasty stuff out and caused the crash ? I just understand how a tank all of a sudden crashes like this has.. It blows my mind as I'm sure it does you too :(

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Man,it's so unfortunate to see this thing falling apart on you man. This thing is stunning.


You weren't doing anything different between the tanks correct ? Was there any coral warfare between anything ? Maybe something let some nasty stuff out and caused the crash ? I just understand how a tank all of a sudden crashes like this has.. It blows my mind as I'm sure it does you too :(


Both tank gets the same water during water changes. I am at a lost to what caused this. I do have alot of paly and zoa and I know last time I dipped my nuclear holocaust paly in H202 to kill algae, it pissed off the SPS and frogspawns for 2 days too. But that was like 3-4 weeks ago and I haven't touched that colony since. Even now that colony of paly is completely closed up.

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I've had the same thing happen. One tank is great and the other is nothing but death. Sorry about the tank. Was one of the best I've seen in a while

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Hmmmm... what a mystery. It must have been that something got in the tank?


I think so too but not sure how since both tanks have open top and both are in the same room. The Spec is even closer to the kitchen so if it's my horrible cooking, it would have nuked the Spec first. I wonder if it's something from the cement ceiling that fell into the tank.


I've had the same thing happen. One tank is great and the other is nothing but death. Sorry about the tank. Was one of the best I've seen in a while


it's driving me nuts...the more expensive tank is the one crashing...argh!

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I just realized that it could still be the salt! When I changed the water in Fluval Spec, I also changed the Chemi-pure Elite in that tank. So maybe that countered whatever was bad in the salt...

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You know my 34 was crashing but the Evolve and mantis tanks weren't and I figured it had to be the chemipure elite because I'd just put it in a week before and that was the only difference. I wonder if it was just a bad chemipure elite or something? I dunno. Since that was that was the only variable that was different I figured it had to be that for me. Even though I used chemipure elite for like 10 mos in the Evolve w/ no issue. Sometimes all you can say is I dunno. Did you have any leather or anything that died and fouled the water?

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It could have been something that fell into the tank..


I know it sounds ridiculous,but have you thought about taking everything out of the tank,scrubbing all the rocks,glass,whatever else down and doing a 100% water change ? Seems like a lot but could possibly save the tank.

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You know my 34 was crashing but the Evolve and mantis tanks weren't and I figured it had to be the chemipure elite because I'd just put it in a week before and that was the only difference. I wonder if it was just a bad chemipure elite or something? I dunno. Since that was that was the only variable that was different I figured it had to be that for me. Even though I used chemipure elite for like 10 mos in the Evolve w/ no issue. Sometimes all you can say is I dunno. Did you have any leather or anything that died and fouled the water?


It's funny...it seems my tank follows your pretty closely =P. After you lost that nem, I lost my new one too. Your tank mini crashed for no reason, mine is doing the same now.

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Nano sapiens

Oh no, this is a shame. I've seen this kind of thing happen before when something undiscovered either fell into the tank or something that was already in the tank started to oxidize rapidly (fish hook in the sand or buried in the live rock, for example).


Hope you can save some of it...

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