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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The Bro Love Build! A bro love story! 75g of wet lov'n!


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Be careful what you collect from our ocean. I brought home a piece of kelp for my urchins which loved it but, it proved to bring in some distasteful colors to the tank. FYI
I dip my macro in freshwater for about 2hrs before adding them, buy have since started a tank dedicated to macro since the purdy one's always get eaten up first.


Congrats!! :happydance:
Dazz not my babby Maury!


aw it's a lil baby nug nug!
Oh yass it izz!


thumbs up and congrats!
Thank you sir, this is going to be one lucky kid to have me for a step dad.
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The look on the drs. face was like oh oh, n I was just like keep working old man before I take your car and your card to whataburger and buy the whole staff a no5 with extra toppings mang! I will pimp slap a fewl just to keep my pimp hand way strong!

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Recently decided to put all my eggs in one basket so to say as I have plans in the works of my recently set up 20L aio. That's two black and white misbars, three snow onyx clowns, teo sgt majors, and one sixline all living in peaceful harmonony I'm my damsel den. I'll move my snow onyx group back into thier own tank once I make a few modifications but as it seems they look perfectly fine in here for now!




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  • 2 weeks later...

I love your current "basket". How big is the tank?


I have plans in the works of my recently set up 20L aio.


Do you have pictures of this? I would love to see it!

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Who is Aaron, and do I know him. I have pics of my 20L diy aio on a previous page or two back but I have plans to revamp it a bit. I'm just tied up with work pulling in thirty to forty hours of ot per week. I'll be looking into some new lighting and possibly a skimmer that fits a rear chamber of my design.

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Oh yeah, now I see, lol! My friend knows how much of a tool freak I was back in the day so she passed that video to me and I thought I'd reshare.

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Dude! Congrats on making a little mini you!

Gottamit, I done told erry body, that's not my baby Maury! That baby got a loose neck and shizz, all my baby's got sting necks and be playing football and shizz. That baby neck looser than a muffug.

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It's also my birthday today and I haven't bought anything since the babby so I'm thinking I might need some more coral this weekend or that three pack bta deal off lareefs and be like what! Kaint nobody run my life!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh man, I have somesad news today. I came home today after a long day at work and went to feed my fish when I realized my black clownfish with the snowflake pattern is nowhere to be found. I looked all behind the fish tank but didn't see him. I have lost my favorite fish today and there is no sign of him anywhere throught the tank or sump.

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Not to worry my lil stir fried loving friend, I will have him replaced by this time next week. On a side note my other black Darwin has seemed to have found the bubble tip after lights out. Looks like he decided to take the dive into that bodacious bad boy of a bubble that I thought he was just blowing off bat man! Oh and I picked up a nice little frag of montipora spongoedes. One of my past time favorites. Also my other two snow onyx clowns are starting to get much darker bordering and the last stripes are becoming much more predominant and filling out more.





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I have three actually, two grade A's and the one premium. I'll be getting a black snowflake from Dr.Nguyen later on this week. It should be pretty dope.

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I love platinums. After the new year once christmas is behind me I'll probably be building me a bigger tank out of acrylic and just load it with tons of fish. I'm thinking lots and lots of clowns of all kinds and a few more bubbles throught the tank.

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Good luck. Have you heard of Marvin's clown tank on reef2reef?? He had like 12-15 Premium Picassos with bta's all over the tank. But then, 1 day his tank crashed....don't know how it happen but he had running for a long time. Kinda sucks, lots of $$$$$ lost there.

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That sucks to hear about. I've always dreamt of setting up a larger tank and I've always had things hold me back like renting or things my kids needed. But I just figured that I enjoy this hobby so much and I work hard every day so I basically just said f*ck it, I'm going to do it. Besides the joy I get to come home from work and find my clown had taken refuge in a newly added coral is priceless imo. My snow onyx pair are maturing nicely, becoming more and more dark every day I look at them. The third bar is becoming more pronounced and now I have two out three clowns that have decided to host themselves within my bubble tip or elegance coral. I can't believe I still get so stoked over it after all these years but I do.





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