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Top Shelf Aquatics

Meepduino: 2.0 RELEASED!


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Good news! The DS1037 works as expected!

I had to remove a pin header, the one over 20 and 21, but it works fine. I only had to change 4 lines of code.

1. Commented out the declaration of the DS1302

2. Added "#include <DS1307.h>"

3. Added in a declaration of DS1307

4. Commented out "rtc.writeProtect" line.

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OK meep glad to hear that you have gotten it to work. Looks like I will have to order one now. Got a place to recommend I order from? Also I have no idea what any of that coding talk means

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Ebay. That's where I get everything. Shipping takes some time, but you can check the box marked "location: US" and get it in a few days.

I heard from a friend that sparkfun is having a 20% off sitewide sale, but I haven't been there in a while.

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whats the difference between ds1302 and ds1307?

The DS1307 is more widely used, and has a two-wire interface. The wires MUST be connected to the SDA and SCL pins, though, so it is harder to use in tight spaces. However, most people have one due to their widespread usage.

The DS1302 is not used often, but still has a couple libraries for it. It has a built-in battery charger that will charge the coin cell. This is not as useful as I thought; the battery can last 10 years or so on a full charge anyway. It has a three wire interface, but the three wires can be anywhere you want.


Henning Karlson has libraries for both clocks. They use the same basic commands, so I only need to change a few lines to swap them out. I wish I had gone with the DS1307 from the start. The two-wire interface saves 3 more wires for pump control and heaters.

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Meep I just saw a PCB on RC that houses 4 LDD's and a meanwell SWC05c-12 DC/DC converter for fans.

As I told you before, I make my own drivers.

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Great! Do you have a DS1307, or would you like to keep the DS1302?

I will have both versions posted up in a week or two. Sory for the long wait, but I am looking for my other temperature probe and temperature screen.

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Gonna take me a week to get my 1307, so in no super urgent need, but my wife bitches everyday that I spent all this money on new leds and controller and haven't gotten them up yet. I keep telling her another week and I will get them up.

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Hey guys got a question about the controller. When I power it on via the computer the time keep fine. I am wondering if i could solder my incoming 5v line to the bottom of the computer into plug. If I was to try this which spots should I solder too? Also do we know what kind of power the computer is running to the device?

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The computer is just running regular 5v. I don't understand your question; are you asking if you could run an extension to the Arduino from the computer? You could, but that would eat up power.

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Not I am talking about using the wall wart to power the Arduino, But instead of soldering to the normal jack I would solder it where the computer plugs into the Arduino. Just thinking out loud. Let me know if I need to explain it better...

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Oh, I see. I think it would work, but in that case, just use a Wall-to-USB power supply instead (5v) and just use the USB cable to plug it in.

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Both will work. The basic layout of the DS1307 breakouts are pretty similar.

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those are quite expensive though, if your willing to wait for it why not get one from china/hong kong from ebay? much cheaper.


here is the one i ordered:



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those are quite expensive though, if your willing to wait for it why not get one from china/hong kong from ebay? much cheaper.


here is the one i ordered:



i shop on Amazon a lot so i can usually cash in on free shipping. Certainly wouldn't buy the one with the pins. No need to spend $25 just because of a few right angle headers.
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Meep got my Ds1307 in today. Wondering how to connect it... in which pin on the arduino does the SCL, SDA pins on the ds1307 go to? Also what/where are the changes I need to make in the code to get this up and running. Looking forward to your answer

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Oh, I'll update the code right now then. I wanted to see if I could get the second temperature probe in tomorrow, but that's fine. I'll just add it next time. Pump control, new display, and lighting stuff has been changed. It will merit a 2.0 heading.

I'll upload it immediately. Wait about half an hour and I should have the bugs worked out.

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