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My 6 yr old son's first tank Nuvo 16


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Few pics from today. Not bad for a 2.5 weeks old zeo tank ;)










This is one beautiful tank. I just got a Nuvo 24 and I'll be setting it up soon. How do you like the IM Spin Stream nozzles? I'm thinking of getting it. Are the sufficient in creating water movement? or do you reckon I'll need an additional powerhead. I'll just hate to have too much movement and stir up the sand.

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This is one beautiful tank. I just got a Nuvo 24 and I'll be setting it up soon. How do you like the IM Spin Stream nozzles? I'm thinking of getting it. Are the sufficient in creating water movement? or do you reckon I'll need an additional powerhead. I'll just hate to have too much movement and stir up the sand.

spin streams are cool but I would look into an mp10 asap for good flow...


coming along very well! I your nem speckled? I think I have the same one. Kinda changes color sometimes.

yes it has the speckled mouth on it also.. Very nice nems for sure..



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Vega time.. I pulled it off my cube as I have a ton of light on that cube still. I added an extra dual t5 to that tank and also have a couple diy led arrays I still ran along with the vega. Got to get all my sols converted so I'll just grab another vega when I need it. My sons going to be surprised when he gets home from school today though.




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He's a great little guy.... He deserves it all... Even went to the fish store today and he took his own money. He told me he wanted to buy a fish. Found a small Lubbock's fairy wrasse and he purchased it.


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The fairy wrasse is a beautiful fish, my brother brought me one for my birthday in April :D. Even though they aren't necessarily a cleaner wrasse I find that mine will still peck bits and pieces off of my clowns, at first they hated it, now they don't mind. The wrasse follows them around most of the day haha.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Thanks. Got some more z's and p's coming next week. The boy really likes all the different colors along with his friends. I added an 8 bulb uv led strip I made also. At night they really Pop!

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  • 1 month later...


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