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Hexadron's Nitoralis [Retired]


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We shall see how far into sps I go, the bug has sure hit me but I still love my zoas... And I have a scoly lol


Yeppers, that's why I'm doing zoas, palys, and SPS in mine.

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I think it's really interesting what kind of livestock people are into (for whatever reason, usually just aesthetic); Like Kat I'm not a fan of Scolymia but I am super into Fungia, so go figure.

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Damn. Ran through this whole thread looking for a pic or two. Figured OP is a designer and would rather share cool tank pics than shoe pics, but alas, nothing but a few empty tanks and trendy shoes.. Guess I'll wait another 30 pages and maybe then see some corals?

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Hey everyone!

Okay business trip went well. I got back Saturday and i've been pretty busy since. Going back to work from work and I have so much to do... <_<

Sheesh, been a while since I logged in :o


Corals have been ordered :ninja: More info to follow...

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How many?


11 All SPS :D


Lol wow. 431....crazy lol. Im about to go on a 3 week trip...lol of snap


I know. I was like - "Oh snap!" I'm only like 1/4 of the way through catching up :P


Nice! I'm sure you've got a pretty nice selection coming in.


I think so. I asked them to take a photo of all of them before shipping. Still waiting for it.

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Thanks. Sorry for the small thumbnail sized images. That's why I am waiting for them to send me a photo. A "group shot" if you will :lol: I'm getting pretty excited. Going to set up Remorbis (Coral QT Tank)in the next day or two.

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Ugh, Tell me about it. I thought I as cursed for a while, because everytime I was going to get coral or fish/inverts something would happen. Hopefully the bad luck is over. *fingers crossed* I'm happy things are finally getting there!

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Looking great man, Im looking to add a few more sps pieces soon as well. I do have a question for you though. Zeovit, you dose a few of their products and I am kinda interested in doing the same. I was thinking about going with zeobak and zeofood, but without any knowledge whatsoever of how these products work I was hoping you could help me out. I don't want to go the full system with zeolites and stuff but I'm curious if i would still be getting the benefits with just the two. Do i need to use zeostart as well? Point me in the right direction my good man. Thanks.

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Anything going on in your tank as now? Just cruising along as expected?


I know they are just frags, but do you think that adding that many corals at once could put a strain on your untested system? I've stocked heavily on most of my tanks, but when I did I slowly introduced a couple frags every week.


Have you considered just putting 1 or 2 test corals into your system to make sure it is ready? I know corals don't place a strain on the bioload but there is more to it then that. In my tank I had a few that would not open up because of too much light. You have a huge light on your nano... Have you tested it with a par meter or used a test coral to dial in the amount of light you need?


In my tanks, it seams that my halide produces more visual light as in the tank itself appears brighter. In my tanks with LEDs, the light appears dimmer but when I turn it up too high bad things happen. To the leds may have more energy outside the visual range. I plan to tweak mine more when I get back but I just wanted to warn you because I don't want to see you nuke 11 frags of SPS.

Also, did you order that razor nano for your frag tank yet?

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Looking great man, Im looking to add a few more sps pieces soon as well. I do have a question for you though. Zeovit, you dose a few of their products and I am kinda interested in doing the same. I was thinking about going with zeobak and zeofood, but without any knowledge whatsoever of how these products work I was hoping you could help me out. I don't want to go the full system with zeolites and stuff but I'm curious if i would still be getting the benefits with just the two. Do i need to use zeostart as well? Point me in the right direction my good man. Thanks.

Thanks. I actually wanted to order more, but they didn't have full stock as the place i ordered just moved locations. I guess a future order is in order :lol:


Thanks for the questions. well if you look at the basics:


Zeostart3 - Is your carbon source for feeding bacteria; which according to Korallen-Zucht will also reduce Nitrates and phosphates. I take that last bit with a grain of salt, as that alone won't do all that unless maybe you go full Zeo. But looking at the minimum it will help keep your good bacterial populations in check.


Zeofood7 - Is moire of a coral food than anything. Of course it is also a food source for bacteria as well, but from my experience, if overdosed (like anything) will increase Nitrates quite a bit. Use this sparingly.


Zeobak - Your bacteria source! This one is pretty self-explanatory, but I liked it to increase my bacteria as I started with dry rock, and didn't have much diversity (if there is such a thing!)


Honestly, this being my first reef tank, I can't compare it to much unfortunately. From what I seen and from Christine's recommendations, a little goes a loooong way. I stopped dosing right before i left for my trip as no one was home to dose for me, and haven't tested params since. I have a healthy amount of diatoms/brown algae and a sprinkle of green algae.


I think it will help in overall tank health, but once I use up the bottles, I am not sure I will be purchasing again. Not because it wasn't a good product, but for my needs, I felt it maybe wasn't needed. Once my tank is stocked, that might change. I'll keep you and everyone else updated on my half-baked zeo dosing :happy:

Anything going on in your tank as now? Just cruising along as expected?

Yup, tank was on autopilot while I was gone. Nothing in there so nothing to feed or anything. Everything went smoothly.

I know they are just frags, but do you think that adding that many corals at once could put a strain on your untested system? I've stocked heavily on most of my tanks, but when I did I slowly introduced a couple frags every week.

I was concerned for a moment, but i think my method of combat will be frequent small water changed when they are introduced to my system, taking extra care to match salinity/temperature.


Don't forget, I will be having them in Quarantine for minimum 2 week period, with frequent water changes there as well, and time to recover after dips.


Before adding them to my display, I will be sure to test daily for sure leading up to the addition. As you may know, I don't rush things :D The QT i'm not concerned with as i will be doing twice per week 50% water changes, to keep params in check.

Have you considered just putting 1 or 2 test corals into your system to make sure it is ready? I know corals don't place a strain on the bioload but there is more to it then that. In my tank I had a few that would not open up because of too much light. You have a huge light on your nano... Have you tested it with a par meter or used a test coral to dial in the amount of light you need?

No test corals thus far. I will test a few when adding to the Display though as you mentioned. before adding the rest though. I don't have a par meter, but will have the lights turned at a lower percentage for acclimation.

In my tanks, it seams that my halide produces more visual light as in the tank itself appears brighter. In my tanks with LEDs, the light appears dimmer but when I turn it up too high bad things happen. To the leds may have more energy outside the visual range. I plan to tweak mine more when I get back but I just wanted to warn you because I don't want to see you nuke 11 frags of SPS.

Thanks for the tips. I see that often of people complaining when they switch from MH to LED that it appears dim. I currently have my max output set at 20%. I think this should be fine, but if my corals react in a negative way, will turn it down if required.

Also, did you order that razor nano for your frag tank yet?

LOL. Nope. All funds are used for now. This order wasn't cheap, and I also picked up some Ca and dKH as well in case I run low on either. I probably won't spring for a nano until/if I upgrade the frag tank. The Par38 from LEDTRiC is pretty powerful. In fact, I think i'm going to have to raise it a good 12" if not more!

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I started with dry rock as well, half has been established for around 5 months, the other half a couple weeks. Only reason Im looking into using a few zeo products to to get the most color out of my sps and zoas. I have heard a few people say that the zeo products made their zoas grow like crazy. Im just going to leave the tank as is for a while, after Im more stocked with sps I may revisit the zeo idea. Thanks for the help man.

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Thanks for the tips. I see that often of people complaining when they switch from MH to LED that it appears dim. I currently have my max output set at 20%. I think this should be fine, but if my corals react in a negative way, will turn it down if required.


20% seams pretty high. You have a very powerful light.

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Yes!!! Sps box is on its way!!! Better be sps only ftwwwww.

For now it will be. The Zoa's I was going to get sold out. All part of my reef curse for last month.

I started with dry rock as well, half has been established for around 5 months, the other half a couple weeks. Only reason Im looking into using a few zeo products to to get the most color out of my sps and zoas. I have heard a few people say that the zeo products made their zoas grow like crazy. Im just going to leave the tank as is for a while, after Im more stocked with sps I may revisit the zeo idea. Thanks for the help man.

That's where their products shine most likely. What I'll do is cease dosing for the time being, then add the corals, and probably monitor for a while, then experiment with Zeo again. That way i should have a better understanding to share of the effect on the corals.


I am actually leaning towards the Fauna Marin products a bit more though. It's not the same level of control as you can have with Zeo, but i have seen some great tanks in Germany that use those products exclusively, and WOW!


20% seams pretty high. You have a very powerful light.

You think so? See, this is where i was concerned. You suggest I lower it a bit? How are your corals doing Tristan? What percentage you using? This is my schedule:


MaxSpect Razor Program


7:00am 0% 1%

10:00am 10% 10%

1:00pm 20% 20%

4:00pm 10% 20%

7:00pm 0% 10%

10:00pm 0% 0%

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