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Cultivated Reef

Supermarvin's PicO III


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Also, I am very confident that within a year, maybe two at the most, this tank will be coming down due to a move.... We'll see.

You cant take it with you?!


Also, pics or it didn't happen.

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Tank will come with me. But I hardly doubt I will be able to set it back up exactly how I have it.


I'll try to get fish pics tomorrow.

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Well if it makes you feel any better I will be moving in about a year as well if things go the way I think they will. If I do it before you ill give you some pointers :)

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The Tunze works great skimming either wet or dry. I used to skin wet but now i prefer dry. If your having trouble see my mod thread. Its possible the airline you were using to attempt the mod was inadequate.

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Rockwork is so sick.....


Thanks. I actually ended up "accidentally" buying about 25 lbs even though I really only wanted about 10-15 lbs. I estimate I have about 15-17 lbs on there right now. It's not the look I was going for, but I guess it's as good as it's going to get.


I don't know where I'm going to put what corals. I'l looking for a frogspawn, and monti cap or two.

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Some lil critter. I think it's some type of nudibranch.






My black clown, the pic of the orage guy didn't turn out so well. Sue me.




And my fire fish who is bullying the six line all over the place...



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I found this the other week, and just happend to get a quick shot of it just now. This is exactly what it looks like. I would guess it to be about 5".


Good or bad?



If bad, how do I get it out?

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Woah that thing looks weird dont know what it is but grap some tweezers and pull it out!


Yeah right... It is uber fast.

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Damn that thing is crazy, I'm not sure what kind it is but it wouldn't hurt to try and get it out. Great pics btw.

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Damn that thing is crazy, I'm not sure what kind it is but it wouldn't hurt to try and get it out. Great pics btw.


Thanks. That one of the worm with with my regular ole iPhone 4s.


I know what rock this ing is in, now what?


I've heard about club soda. Here's my questions about that:


1. Do I soak the whole rock in club soda?

2. Will it kill the good bacteria on this rock?

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Hmm not sure, you could always put the rock in a bucket of saltwater and put some food in, when he comes out for the food pull the rock out. Just an idea, I'm sure there are better ones.

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Hmm not sure, you could always put the rock in a bucket of saltwater and put some food in, when he comes out for the food pull the rock out. Just an idea, I'm sure there are better ones.

That or use a turkey baster if you're fast enough.

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+1 on turkey bastering him. Personally I'd just keep him in there, but I plan on stocking a coral banded and they love hunting worms.


I did not know that.


How do coral banded shrimps get along with skunk cleaners and snails? Are they problematic?

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They are scavengers, so I could see them getting aggressive towards sessile inverts (particularly clams) if they aren't fed. Everything I've read says they enjoy hunting worms and are fond of bristles. The antennae are long - I've seen some 6 inches long so you'd have to keep room for that. Some (like the blue legged that BlueZoo sells) are supposedly smaller and therefore more passive then others. Cool shrimp - solo or mated pair only though.

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I don't know how I feel about adding something I don't really want to get rid of something I don't really want


I am leaning towards just taking this rock our and dipping it in club soda. I'm really worried about that hurting the good bacteria on the rock though and then having issues once I put the rock back in the tank. Do I actually dip the whole rock?


On another note, it is obvious my black clown has never heard the phrase "never bite the hand that feeds you", because I can't do anything in the tank without getting bit. It doesn't hurt, but for some reason it makes me jump.


And on another note, I am thinking of selling off the AI Nano and grabbing a Maxspect Razor. Just because I think I could do it for only about $80 out of pocket.

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My coral banded shrimp is awesome to watch and I've had one in almost every tank I had. It's cool watching them chase fish but I've never ever seen one of mine get a fish. My clown actually plays games with him. The shrimp is a pain in the ass when you spot feed corals. You have to make sure the shrimp gets his share.


I'll take your AI nano off your hands for $150 shipped. You should throw in the controller too. That's the going rate these days, isn't it? After all, I was told the marked would be flooded by people selling off their AI nanos when the Razor nano became available.

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My coral banded shrimp is awesome to watch and I've had one in almost every tank I had. It's cool watching them chase fish but I've never ever seen one of mine get a fish. My clown actually plays games with him. The shrimp is a pain in the ass when you spot feed corals. You have to make sure the shrimp gets his share.


I'll take your AI nano off your hands for $150 shipped. You should throw in the controller too. That's the going rate these days, isn't it? After all, I was told the marked would be flooded by people selling off their AI nanos when the Razor nano became available.


The decision has yet to be made on the light.... :bling:

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My coral banded shrimp is awesome to watch and I've had one in almost every tank I had. It's cool watching them chase fish but I've never ever seen one of mine get a fish. My clown actually plays games with him. The shrimp is a pain in the ass when you spot feed corals. You have to make sure the shrimp gets his share.


I'll take your AI nano off your hands for $150 shipped. You should throw in the controller too. That's the going rate these days, isn't it? After all, I was told the marked would be flooded by people selling off their AI nanos when the Razor nano became available.

I wonder if ecotech is going to make a nano radion..
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