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365 Day Photo Project


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falling way behind, was at the hospital all weekend visiting my father (has blood clots), so I didn't get a chance to take any pictures. I'll try to catch up tonight.

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Hope all is well! I'll put him in my prayers.


falling way behind, was at the hospital all weekend visiting my father (has blood clots), so I didn't get a chance to take any pictures. I'll try to catch up tonight.

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Shot outside tonight, without my tripod. It gave me a chance to explore things I normally wouldn't shoot at night. This was shot handheld at ISO 6400. The picture turned out with much less noise than I thought it would have.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/8574378066/'>Spring at Night by http://www.flickr.com/people/75945528@N08/'>aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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Love the shot with the two frogs. When I had poison darts, I could never get my pair together, or any decent shots of either for that matter.


Anyways, keeping with the Spring theme I've been going with, here is a neighbor's sweetgum tree starting to grow new leaves, with one of last year's seed pods still trying to keep hold of a branch.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/8575877543/'>Spring Cleaning by http://www.flickr.com/people/75945528@N08/'>aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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I didn't take the photo, but I did process it. This is me and a couple of the top players in my squad relaxing (if you can call me flipping 500lb. tires relaxing) before giving back to the community. We were participating in a "Day of Dreams," which is an event where the high school I work at gives freshmen and sophomores the day off of school so that upperclassmen can spend a day working with and giving to special needs children. This event was such a blessing to contribute to. Photos taken by me during the actual event are http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/sets/72157633046593105/'>here.


Relaxing by aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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Early upload today. Not sure if I like the one I processed through PS after Lightroom, or the straight Lightroom export. All i did was add a blue-green gradient layer to try and give the leaves a more green look, since they reflected the sun so much and came out mostly white.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/8583528007/'>Spring Flowers by http://www.flickr.com/people/75945528@N08/'>aboubakarephoto, on Flickr


http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/8584628006/'>Spring Flowers - Original by http://www.flickr.com/people/75945528@N08/'>aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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Thanks! I was just glad to get outside for a bit.


A couple more, only one day behind now.


Not sure why her legs turned out so blue in this pic
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As close as I'll ever get to the Caribbean in a long time. Taking a picture of my globe. I didn't expect much of this when I shot it, but it's interesting to me. That light behind my silhouette is my softbox. It's 6'x5' and a PITA to set up.


Global by aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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Thought I had a decent high vantage point. Turns out I was wrong. It's still a learning experience, day by day. Took a lot of distortion fixing in Lightroom to get this to look semi-decent. This is my sister playing tennis (in a tennis coach myself for the guys' team at her school). I was hoping to use the vantage point to play around with shadows a bit. The shadow turned out great, but distortion was a little out of control.


Serving by aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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I'm also heavily involved in the hobby of knife collecting. This is what my razor strop looks like after trying to hone already sharp knives on the soft leather. It still serves its purpose of making the cutting edge a mirror finish (and thus sharper).


http://www.flickr.com/photos/75945528@N08/8596489671/'>Razor Strop by http://www.flickr.com/people/75945528@N08/'>aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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Wow, love that last one!

Thanks! :)


Bad day of shooting for me. 4 hours behind the wheel is simply exhausting. I only had time to pull out the camera for dinner tonight, so here's my dinner... handheld.



Sashimi by aboubakarephoto, on Flickr

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