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Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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Dr.Brain Coral


Gosh that reminds me, I need to make some cake.

darn you!!!!!!



Hmmm I might have a hankering for cupcakes. Or cookies...

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Tails. Exercise just means you can eat more cake.

None for me though, thanks. I just ate to much ice cream to keep it from making a mess in the car. I am all sweeted out for today.

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So Veng made home made pizza for dinner tonight. Super yummy! I cleaned upstairs - awesome mom today!


Now we just need to settle on a paint color and finish Baby Tang's new closet shelves.

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Anyone know a good, authentic croissant recipe? I had fresh ones daily while I was in Denmark, and I do the hankering for some, so I grabbed some of the ones that come in a can. Needless to say, they're not living up to their Denmark brethren. So I know there's a lot of work to make real ones, but that's ok, rather than just googling, I figured I'd see if anyone had a tried and true one.

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Where does Max sleep?


He has his choice from his bed in our room, either couch down stairs, or will occasionally share a bed if you don't wiggle too much.


Wait you are going to make her use a diaper for her bathroom. ;) That's not very nice. :P


Noooo.... but think of *all* the free babysitting we'll get! :lol:




Nah, I couldn't use friends like that.

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