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Cultivated Reef

Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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Uhh..... I'm pretty sure these weren't there when I did the water change earlier.......



Going to grab the tripod and try to get some better photos....



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Hehe, I'm waaay to young to be a grandpa. Besides, I bet the mandy makes these a midnight snack first.... :lol:

I wish, truth is that the eggs will hatch in the middle of the night on the 7th or 8th day. The Mandy will be snoring.

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I wish, truth is that the eggs will hatch in the middle of the night on the 7th or 8th day. The Mandy will be snoring.

If I wasn't about to be overwhelmed, I'd probably try to raise some.
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The first clutch is usually small and may not make it. Also the parents are new at this and may eat the eggs or the hatch the very first time. They will from this point spawn like clockwork, mine spawn every 10-11 days. Plenty of time for you to brood and think and convince yourself that you NEED to set up another nursery. :)

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The first clutch is usually small and may not make it. Also the parents are new at this and may eat the eggs or the hatch the very first time. They will from this point spawn like clockwork, mine spawn every 10-11 days. Plenty of time for you to brood and think and convince yourself that you NEED to set up another nursery. :)


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On the off chance that your clowns' spawn actually make it to actual fishdom, I call dibs on purchasing some. Yours are pretty. :)

Thanks! I don't have any plans on raising them at the moment, but after we get settled in with the baby, I might well try to raise a batch. You're not the first to call dibs by the way.
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Thanks! I don't have any plans on raising them at the moment, but after we get settled in with the baby, I might well try to raise a batch. You're not the first to call dibs by the way.

That's right, those be mocha-machiatto fry.

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Saw at least 4 frags at RTR yesterday with copper, pointed it out, no one seemed to care. Keeping a careful watch on the two I picked up.

Well that sucks. Guess there's no reason to bother going back and complaining about it.
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Saw at least 4 frags at RTR yesterday with copper, pointed it out, no one seemed to care. Keeping a careful watch on the two I picked up.

Are you serious? Maybe the staff couldn't care less but what about the owners or managers?

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The employee I mentioned it too wasn't the brightest. I have work with the assistant manager (buying RSM) and he was good. Both were at MACNA so I would try in an few days.


I was on the more expensive frags to :confused:

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Wow, it's crazy that you had wire in the center of your Garf, who would have thought. When I got mine it looked very similar to how yours does now. It is colouring up nicely now but it is losing the blue tips slightly.

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