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Few days off so 2.5 is born


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Took a few days off from work this week and did a little project I have been thinking about... I wanted a 2.5 gallon nano AND I wanted it right on the shelf of my desk.... so here ya go.


Tank is a TopFin 2.5, painted the back black and made a hood and base trim out of solid mahogany. Lighting is two 13 watt PC's that I got from Menards for ten bucks... just switched the bulbs to a 10,000K and an actinic (JBJ bulbs from LFS). Circulation is from a AquaClear mini HOB... I have a mini thermal on deck for it in case I need it but temp is holding steady at 80, lights on or off.


I added 4 lbs of fresh Fiji LR and 3 lbs of live sand from a tank that has been up and running for 5 years now.

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DIY hood and base trim.... mahogany, dyed and clearcoated with catalyzed lacquer.... almost a bulletproof finish!

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Thanks guys, much appreciated...


yrureefing, you had to ask, hehe Actually the hood and base have no real cost to me... I grabbed a chunk of mahogany out of the dumpster at work. It was 15" x 7" and 3" thick. I spend a total of about an hour and a half, milling it to size, cutting, assembling and sanding. Then about another hour finishing it... materials from work, we buy in bulk, so there is maybe 50 cents worth of stain and topcoat? Basically the cost was my time.


Oh and by the way.. if anyone is interested. If you are building your own and want to make it easy, quick and pretty much clampless for the glueing.... use hot melt glue. There are sticks made especially for woodworking... pop 'em in the glue gun, let the gun get completely HOT and glue one side, position other piece and hold together... takes about 30 seconds to bond. Nice thing is that it is a waterproof glue as well and no clamping required!

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Looks really nice glazer! I have a 2.5 set up as well, and have two complaints about it. Number one, it evaporates a ton (of course it's relative due to its small size), and number two it's difficult to keep the glass clean. Let me know what your experience is with evaporation. BTW, I really like the hood and base!

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OOOOOO Ahhhhhh! It's so purty! :P You do good work glazer.


I need to know more about those lights. Are they shop/work lights? I love the boingy cords!

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Man I was thinking "where'd he get that fitted canopy?" and then I saw you built it. You have some serious woodworking skills, are you using an open top or a lid on the aquarium?


great job it looks really clean and balanced.



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Brandon, i think he's using an open top because if look you'll see that he has plastic tubes around the lights. nice tank dude:)

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jeebus, that's a nice canopy. I almost thought that u just wraped mahogany laminate over plywood or something cuz those joints are so smooth. nice tat also :)

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Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate all the nice comments!


brandon.... since the lights are in acrylic tubes I am doing an open top, is also kind of a neccessity. With the glass on I was unable to keep the temp below 85, with the glass off it stays at 80, lights on OR off.


And thanks again brandon and Nano... as far as the hood goes, well I am a professional cabinetmaker and finisher. Not meaning to sound smug but something like this is a total cakewalk. Building a $75,000 wall unit... not dats a beyotch!...lol


lizbeth.... You cracked me up, hehehe "boingy cords"! I mean what else would ya call 'em.....lol

The lights I got at Menards (like Home Depot). They were called "Book Worms". They came on a flexible stand, which I removed obviously. They are housed in clear acrylic tube with an internal reflector and double rubber booted at the ends. Why somebody reading a book would need a waterproof light is beyond me... in the bathtub maybe???? I know they are waterproof for at least a little bit of time, accidently dropped one in the water and it just stayed lit (wasn't the beer!...lol)


Oh and one TOTALLY awesome thing about the lights.... being they are in a cylinder with a curved reflector it acts to focus the light almost like a point source. I never ever would have believed it till I saw it but the tank actually has shimmers like you get from a halide.... HOW COOL IS THAT!


(oh and ONE last thing... the tat. I got out ease the week after 9-11... I was living in CT, near New York City at the time, I was as I know everyone else was, deeply affected by this tragedy. There is a banner on the tat that says "IN MEMORY.... 9-11-01" Please do not forget the innocent people and of course all of the brave and unselfish firefighters and police officers that lost their lives... so, so, so needlessly. )

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"being they are in a cylinder with a curved reflector it acts to focus the light almost like a point source."


aside from the professional-looking canopy (amazing job!), the comment above is just as amazing. now everyone's going to snatch those up! great setup! B)

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I know the reef is supposed to be the focal point but you kinda take the attention away with the hood and base! That has got to be the nicest hood and base I have seen! Can I pay you to make one just like it for me? Seriously, that is beautiful!

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