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Here are some unknown morphs. Should add some new morphs being found into our sig!


Lucid Dreamers:



And this is a new one I found, I think it could be a new Candy Apple Morph if that green center begins to color up some more. It's got the blue mouth, greenish center, red streaks, and the skirts are the same with banding and green tips. Just missing those yellows, instead it has this intense streaks of red flares.


I decided to call them Solar Flares, pretty suiting. Here are some pics:









dude where do you find these zoas at,thats looking like a 60pp right there.

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A last few to give you some to mix and match:
















dude where do you find these zoas at,thats looking like a 60pp right there.


Thanks iPhone! I know huh? New Candy Apple Morph, one of my favorite gigantus morph families!


It's all LFS that you find these hidden gems. Bin hunting! One of those morphs where you buy a whole bunch of random zoas just for those 1-2 hidden gems that you've found. LFS' are the place to find all of these hidden pieces. That's why LFS are so fun!

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Apparently it's impossible to get a link off of photobucket via mobile device so I'm stuck doing attachments.


Some new zoas I got yesterday. It has another couple heads of a different type that look pink and purple but I can't get a pic of them yet.

I post from my iPhone using photobucket.



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A last few to give you some to mix and match:


















Thanks iPhone! I know huh? New Candy Apple Morph, one of my favorite gigantus morph families!


It's all LFS that you find these hidden gems. Bin hunting! One of those morphs where you buy a whole bunch of random zoas just for those 1-2 hidden gems that you've found. LFS' are the place to find all of these hidden pieces. That's why LFS are so fun!

:bowdown: :bowdown:
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And this is a new one I found, I think it could be a new Candy Apple Morph if that green center begins to color up some more. It's got the blue mouth, greenish center, red streaks, and the skirts are the same with banding and green tips. Just missing those yellows, instead it has this intense streaks of red flares.


I decided to call them Solar Flares, pretty suiting. Here are some pics:










These are unreal omgomgomg

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dude where do you find these zoas at,thats looking like a 60pp right there.


NOOOOOOO!!! That is why zoas are so stupidly expensive. People like to just make up a random name and charge an asinine amount. I like to sell stuff at $5 pp no matter the rarity. Keep the hobby cheap and expanding for everyone.

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Sorry for the super crappy cell phone picture I'm almost embarassed to post.




I have cherry charms, kryptons, Rasta, my one of a kind zippdoodas and two un known types

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I LOVE zoa's but they HATE me...Everything else in my tank grows amazing, My milli's, ORA bird of paradise, favia's, mushrooms and my 60+ head acan ALL do amazing and grow like crazy but I cant keep zoa's happy and growing for more than a few months at most


Ive got 2 frags of RPE's a frag of eagle eye's and a frag of mean greens as well as some others and NONE of them do anything for me, For awhile my Eagle Eye's were growing but now they are all shriveled up and vanishing 1 by 1, I know nothing in the tank is eating/picking at them as I only have a starry blenny and a filament flasher wrasse in the tank


I am thinking of picking up a bottle of the Salifert Amino Acid's as I hear that that AA's really help zoa's grow and color up so I figure it cant hurt


I do a 10-15 gallon water change every week/every other week, I dose B-Ionic 2 part daily "10ml's of each part" and I dose 8ml's of vinegar daily as well as a carbon source "the 8ml's is my maintenance dose btw"


My params are


Ca - 480

Mag - 1490

Alk - 8

Ph - 8.2

Po4 - 0

No3 - 0

Nh3 and No2 - 0

Temp 79-80


I run a 4 bulb T5ho fixture on the tank and also run a maxi jet for added flow on top of the 2 stock return pumps on my RSM130



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I LOVE zoa's but they HATE me...Everything else in my tank grows amazing, My milli's, ORA bird of paradise, favia's, mushrooms and my 60+ head acan ALL do amazing and grow like crazy but I cant keep zoa's happy and growing for more than a few months at most


Ive got 2 frags of RPE's a frag of eagle eye's and a frag of mean greens as well as some others and NONE of them do anything for me, For awhile my Eagle Eye's were growing but now they are all shriveled up and vanishing 1 by 1, I know nothing in the tank is eating/picking at them as I only have a starry blenny and a filament flasher wrasse in the tank


I am thinking of picking up a bottle of the Salifert Amino Acid's as I hear that that AA's really help zoa's grow and color up so I figure it cant hurt


I do a 10-15 gallon water change every week/every other week, I dose B-Ionic 2 part daily "10ml's of each part" and I dose 8ml's of vinegar daily as well as a carbon source "the 8ml's is my maintenance dose btw"


My params are


Ca - 480

Mag - 1490

Alk - 8

Ph - 8.2

Po4 - 0

No3 - 0

Nh3 and No2 - 0

Temp 79-80


I run a 4 bulb T5ho fixture on the tank and also run a maxi jet for added flow on top of the 2 stock return pumps on my RSM130




Don't buy any products for them, they don't really need it. Find out what's wrong first before changing or adding anything else. Water changes and fish poop is all I do with a few spot feedings for my palys (but that's not a concern right now). Your water params look fine. They don't need B-Ionic or vodka dosing, I'm guessing that's for the SPS. Do you have a link to a tank thread? I'd look it up but NR never lets me look up people's post/threads since the "maintenance is over packed" or something like that. That's surprising because mean greens grow very quickly and are a very hardy morph.

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I don't have a great camera but here are some of mine



Blue ice, and Fire and ice



Eagle Eyes and some blue un named palys



Red Hornets



Blue No Names



A Neat No Name I found at the LFS



Red People Eaters, With Eel photobomb



I have others just no acceptable pictures :)

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I don't have a great camera but here are some of mine



A Neat No Name I found at the LFS




I have others just no acceptable pictures :)


The neat no names look like they could be Lunar Eclipse

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Golden dwarf moray eel!!!! So nice to see another member with one! :)


Are those the ones that go for around $200? There was one at my lfs and I wanted him but I dont have $200 :angry:

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Eagle Eyes and some blue un named palys



I have others just no acceptable pictures :)


I really like this picture. Always a site to see a well established tank.

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Put it in your signature so more people can join this club!


How to:


Copy and Paste in signature:




I would also like to give extra thanks to buddythelion, Chrssprngs, Tenor, d'Espresso, and got2envy for allowing me to use their pictures in the signature!

Edited by kveekx
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Awesome sig!!!! B)omgomgomg


Fruit loops



Emeralds on fire






Salted Agaves







bam bams



blue hornets



Punk Rockers



Radioactive dragon eyes








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Awesome sig!!!! B)omgomgomg


Fruit loops



Emeralds on fire






Salted Agaves







bam bams



blue hornets



Punk Rockers



Radioactive dragon eyes









You should have posted those sooner so more of yours could have been in the sig!

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Stellar job on the sig bro, those acan members will be mad jealous :happydance:


New additions; RA DragonEyes and Fireflies



Edited by Mozimo
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