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The Zoa and Paly Club


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I picked up a new fragment today, has two different zoas and a paly. Tomorrow I'll get a pic. Bag is still floating right now :-)


Cool, any idea what any of them are?

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Lol I just noticed I was auto corrected to fragment. Derp.


I have no idea on their names. At work all we get are "assorted frags". It has green palys that look a lot like the ones I already have, some zoas are green fringed with I think purple with green mouths, the other zoas are a kind of peach fringe and I forget what color center.


There is another frag I might pick up tomorrow, more zoas. Purple fringe with red centers.


It's kinda cool that all our frags are sold as assorted. We don't price on what the coral actually is. We price on the size of the frag. So say we get this totally badass zoa colony on a small 1-2" plug. $7.99. If the plug is slightly bigger, $15.99. It could have 75 heads on it. Still $15.99. We have two colonies I'm interested in, one is lavender and the other is a pale mint color. Both have at least 100 heads and they're $25.99 each.


The downside to this is that all our frags come from a sister store in Springfield. 90% of what they send us is the reject junk that they can't sell. We did get a nice open brain last Friday, but our saltwater guy doesn't really know what he's doing and it was completely dead in 3 days. Nothing but skeleton now. :-(

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Lol I just noticed I was auto corrected to fragment. Derp.


I have no idea on their names. At work all we get are "assorted frags". It has green palys that look a lot like the ones I already have, some zoas are green fringed with I think purple with green mouths, the other zoas are a kind of peach fringe and I forget what color center.


There is another frag I might pick up tomorrow, more zoas. Purple fringe with red centers.


It's kinda cool that all our frags are sold as assorted. We don't price on what the coral actually is. We price on the size of the frag. So say we get this totally badass zoa colony on a small 1-2" plug. $7.99. If the plug is slightly bigger, $15.99. It could have 75 heads on it. Still $15.99. We have two colonies I'm interested in, one is lavender and the other is a pale mint color. Both have at least 100 heads and they're $25.99 each.


The downside to this is that all our frags come from a sister store in Springfield. 90% of what they send us is the reject junk that they can't sell. We did get a nice open brain last Friday, but our saltwater guy doesn't really know what he's doing and it was completely dead in 3 days. Nothing but skeleton now. :-(


My the pet store near me has standard prices which are some times a sweet deal (ex. 3" WarCoral Frag for $25 or Carpenters Fairy Wrasse For $25) and awful deals such as $70 for a 100 head brown zoa colony. My other LFS charges for what things are specifically.





Sweet Ill PM him!

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I picked up two clumps in pretty bad shape. No idea what they are. My local LFS has a frag tank where every frag is $30. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don't, usually I get a nice pest to go along with it.


I like these, a nice understated blue/green that shows up well under blue lights.





I think these are listed as Mellow Yellow in a few places. They need to recover more.



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A few of mine,

Do you mind If I use a few of these to make a club signature?


I picked up two clumps in pretty bad shape. No idea what they are. My local LFS has a frag tank where every frag is $30. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don't, usually I get a nice pest to go along with it.


I like these, a nice understated blue/green that shows up well under blue lights.





I think these are listed as Mellow Yellow in a few places. They need to recover more.




I have a few that are purple and green like that! Welcome to the club!

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i guess i join too! Here are some of my favorite collections. i am not sure on name but if someone can I.D. that would be very nice to know.









very nice collection! cant wait until they grow out

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Just getting into Z's & P's, some here are absolutely stunning, while mine don't even compare :o


Lunar Eclipse Palys



Fire and Ice & Eye of Rah



Sorry for crappy iPhone pics

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Apparently it's impossible to get a link off of photobucket via mobile device so I'm stuck doing attachments.


Some new zoas I got yesterday. It has another couple heads of a different type that look pink and purple but I can't get a pic of them yet.


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Apparently it's impossible to get a link off of photobucket via mobile device so I'm stuck doing attachments.


Some new zoas I got yesterday. It has another couple heads of a different type that look pink and purple but I can't get a pic of them yet.


Those are nice!

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I think TinyGiant wants us to pay.


I decided not to bother him, I am currently about 2 hours of work in. Even though I am not a pro it is looking pretty good. I will PM you before I post it.


It would be very cool if someone could post a good picture of red/purple/blue hornets they have for the signature!

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I had no idea that the sig banner would be progressing this fast.


I was going to slowly post pictures over the couple of days, but here's a photo bomb so you can choose:


God of Wars:



Florida Oranges:



Pink-Streaked Agaves (Notice the pink marking on the center vs the white on the skirts?):



Neptune Aquatic's Money Shots:



Sunny D's:



Rainbow Penny/Flaming Lotus:



PZ Yodas:



PZ Candy Apple Orange:



PZ Blue Agave:



Red Halos:



Utter Chaos:



Candy Apple Reds:






Blue Hornets:



Red Hornets:


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I had no idea that the sig banner would be progressing this fast.


I was going to slowly post pictures over the couple of days, but here's a photo bomb so you can choose:


Thanks now! I will Include these tomorrow! You have some INSANE zoas and palys! Do you ever sell any/ship?

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Here are some unknown morphs. Should add some new morphs being found into our sig!


Lucid Dreamers:



And this is a new one I found, I think it could be a new Candy Apple Morph if that green center begins to color up some more. It's got the blue mouth, greenish center, red streaks, and the skirts are the same with banding and green tips. Just missing those yellows, instead it has this intense streaks of red flares.


I decided to call them Solar Flares, pretty suiting. Here are some pics:









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