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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Jgpico's 30 gal nuvo. New fts pg. 48


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I wonder if that is the equivilant of a tornado to a snail.

dude hows about u break me off a frag of that duncan u got there :happy:

I would if I could, I'd have to take a saw to it. The polyps are all pretty close together.

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lol bet that snail is for the ride of a life time! vid looks good. duncan and birds nest dude u teasing me or wat?!

I told you I have a bn frag that just needs to color up. let me know when you have something to trade for it!

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did u? i missed that. wat u looking to trade? i got me a frogspawn from elite yesterday. opened up real nice ill get pics up a lil later today

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did u? i missed that. wat u looking to trade? i got me a frogspawn from elite yesterday. opened up real nice ill get pics up a lil later today

I already have a nice chunk of like 5 heads of frogspawn.

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yea i thought u did. ill see wat i come up with later on

yeah ill hold onto it until you have something we can trade.

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Going to trade another local reefer for an eight polyp frag of Rastas tomorrow. I have always wanted some, hopefully they like my tank. Ill post pics as soon as I get them open in the tank.

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The duncans look great! Is that in the new location? Also, the clown passing by the pov was very jaws-esque. :lol:

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The duncans look great! Is that in the new location? Also, the clown passing by the pov was very jaws-esque. :lol:

Nope that's in the same spot. They seem to love that spot. I haven't been able to take a video without being bombed by a clown.

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Well crap, don't fix it if it ain't broke then.

I think I am going to move them though. I need to put some sps in that spot.

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I went and picke up the rasta frag I got on trade and the guy also gave me a tiny frag of fruit loops for making the drive up tere. My lights are off now so I can hopefully get some pics when they come on.

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I just wanted to post a few pics of my scoly. These are two pics that are about 5 months apart. When I first added the scoly to my 30 gallon I didn't know if it was going to make it or not. 5 months later it is looking as healthy as the day I got it. Despite the gha issues this has definitely been one of my most successful and healthy tanks I've kept.


In the first pic you can see how receded the tissue was, now you can't even see the skeleton anymore.

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Nice scoly. How much you pay for it in that condition?

My wife actually bought it for me when she worked at our lfs. It was in perfect health when she bought it and it did great in my 3 gallon until the tank crashed. That is when it started receding, I got the 30 up and transferred it and now it is looking grey again. I'm not sure what she payed for it.

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Have you come up with any new stand idea's yet?

I actually havent had a chance. I just found out that I am not moving woot woot! I still want to build a different stand for the extra room but I'm not sure when it will be.

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