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Cultivated Reef

Zephs Zoo Haus !


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I'm not a legend. But plenty romanticize about me anywayz. :haha:


I said I was a legend in my own mind! And even if I was a legend, I would hope it be for my dedication and reef keeping abilities and not for the size of my WINKIE. ;)

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I once heard a story about this dude Zeph, who loved clams and tried to keep them in his reef tank, but they'd always get sick and die. Then one day, after staring at a clam for eight hours straight, he heard a voice in his head that said "Young Zeph, the key is the nitrates. The nitrates!" From that day on, he worked tirelessly, devoting his life to researching the effects of nitrate levels on clams. After several months of working day and night, only sleeping while eating his twice daily meals of Chirping Chicken, he finally discovered that the clams thrived best when nitrate levels were maintained at 2ppm.


No one knows exactly what happened to Zeph after that, but some say he left to swim the oceans in search of the most beautiful gigas clam the oceans have to offer...


Legend status, boom. No nudie pics for pervy girls required.

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I once heard a story about this dude Zeph, who loved clams and tried to keep them in his reef tank, but they'd always get sick and die. Then one day, after staring at a clam for eight hours straight, he heard a voice in his head that said "Young Zeph, the key is the nitrates. The nitrates!" From that day on, he worked tirelessly, devoting his life to researching the effects of nitrate levels on clams. After several months of working day and night, only sleeping while eating his twice daily meals of Chirping Chicken, he finally discovered that the clams thrived best when nitrate levels were maintained at 2ppm.


No one knows exactly what happened to Zeph after that, but some say he left to swim the oceans in search of the most beautiful gigas clam the oceans have to offer...


Legend status, boom. No nudie pics for pervy girls required.

May I offer an edit?


No one knows exactly what happened to Zeph after that, but some say he left to swim the oceans in search of the most beautiful gigas clam the oceans have to offer. Indeed one hopes he swims with the fishes, sleeps on Gigas mantle beds and also uses them as dumbbells to keep up his musculature.


I said I was a legend in my own mind! And even if I was a legend, I would hope it be for my dedication and reef keeping abilities and not for the size of my WINKIE. ;)



Is ebony alive?

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May I offer an edit?


No one knows exactly what happened to Zeph after that, but some say he left to swim the oceans in search of the most beautiful gigas clam the oceans have to offer. Indeed one hopes he swims with the fishes, sleeps on Gigas mantle beds and also uses them as dumbbells to keep up his musculature.





Is ebony alive?



Of course shes alive !!!!! Geezzz!

My computer was down all day today, and it just dawned on me to re boot my cable box - and it worked!


Perhaps I should have disappeared. I enjoyed the fairy tail ending yall came up with for me. I could spend the remainder of my days dwelling in Atlantis and living amungst the clams. Aaahhhhh...the clams. My precious clams, I love them all.


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Came across this pic on the interwebs and thought you'd enjoy. It seems it's from 2007.




Awwww...She looks sad. I think she needs a boyfriend.


On another note, i figured out my zoa problem tonight!!! Various colonies of zoas would continue to disappear - quickly !!! I would watch and watch at night and never see anyone bothering them. No snails, stars...nada.... and I have been staying up really late the last few weeks and observing night behavior. Well...the villain was my Christmas Island black tang. I watched him polish off ALL OF THE GREEN ZOAS KAT SOLD ME, and he left the king Midas on the same plug alone because, i guess, he doesnt like the taste of them. Or perhaps theyre just not GREEN and hes an idiot and thinks green zoas are algae. It seams he picks near them, and then when the close up he continues to pick ON them. Lets see how he likes being in the BIG tank, with the BIG BOYS. Theres a Unicorn tang in their twice his size. Hes gonna get his tail kicked for eating my zoanthids.

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I watched him polish off ALL OF THE GREEN ZOAS KAT SOLD ME, and he left the king Midas on the same plug alone because, i guess, he doesnt like the taste of them.


I did not sell you any green zoas? I thought it was a frag of king Midas which had some pink ones on the same plug. Oh you mean the new green plays I gave you as a Christmas present?!!! He ate your Christmas present? :angry::o

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Its a colony of Acropora Keebenesis ( of course Im spelling it wrong).

I must be dyslexic or something because I managed to take that and turn it into Acropora KneesBees which then got turned into Acropora BeesKnees....

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You have a Z.Rostratum? #### the Zoas that is an awesome fish. Except they were kats palys... #### banish him!!!!!

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I did not sell you any green zoas? I thought it was a frag of king Midas which had some pink ones on the same plug. Oh you mean the new green plays I gave you as a Christmas present?!!! He ate your Christmas present? :angry::o


Therer were some Emerald greens on the same frag as the king Midas and he ate all of them. Last night I stayed up till 3 am trying to catch him - and I got the sucker. Do you have any idea how hard itis to catch a black tang in a fully stocked 125G ? Its nearly impossible, especially when youre alone!


...but I did it!!!



You have a Z.Rostratum? #### the Zoas that is an awesome fish. Except they were kats palys... #### banish him!!!!!


OHHHH YEAAAAAAA - He's awesome!!! I've had him for 7 years !!! It's actually better for everyone because he is in a tank twice the size of his old one now, and I can sleep at night not worrying about my zoas. I guess its time to try blue hornets again, perhaps he was the one eating them.


I must be dyslexic or something because I managed to take that and turn it into Acropora KneesBees which then got turned into Acropora BeesKnees....


I think the official Latin term would be Acropra Beeskneesius. :D


off with his head!


and yes he has that bazillion dollar fish.


HAAaaaa....when I purchased him from LA 7 years ago I paid $500. Now they want $800 for them. I once had a dream ( seriously) that my 210 reef was FULL of black and yellow tangs, like 20 of each. I also used to dream that seahorses did not require water, and would follow me around the city.


..Im not kidding.

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Haha. That reminds me of the time I went on a Bejeweled Blitz playing spree, and I started seeing and solving puzzles every night in my dreams. That was weird.


Did the sea horses just swim through the air? That would be bad ass. Everyone would have one, for sure.

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HAAaaaa....when I purchased him from LA 7 years ago I paid $500. Now they want $800 for them. I once had a dream ( seriously) that my 210 reef was FULL of black and yellow tangs, like 20 of each. I also used to dream that seahorses did not require water, and would follow me around the city.


..Im not kidding.

Perhaps you should do a little less crack that close to bed time :lol:

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HAAaaaa....when I purchased him from LA 7 years ago I paid $500. Now they want $800 for them. I once had a dream ( seriously) that my 210 reef was FULL of black and yellow tangs, like 20 of each. I also used to dream that seahorses did not require water, and would follow me around the city.


..Im not kidding.


If my 5 footer was up I'd happily take him off your hands in a trade for uh...all my zoas :-P


PS, that sounds like a good dream.

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Haha. That reminds me of the time I went on a Bejeweled Blitz playing spree, and I started seeing and solving puzzles every night in my dreams. That was weird.


Did the sea horses just swim through the air? That would be bad ass. Everyone would have one, for sure.


It was always an awesome dream. I would dream about seahorses all the time. My father used to keep seahorses when I was an infant. THats all he kept. He couldnt keep them alive for the life of him, but he kept buying them and showing them to me. I dont think there was ever a time in my entire 45 years of life when I did not have a seahorse tank in my home. They were also the first things I started breeding.

...So I would always dream about them. There would be clouds of them swimming in the air always about 10 feet behind me, and scragglers hitched on to say, the street posts or mailboxes everywhere I went.


I also used to dream that I was in the middle of a school day and suddenly realized I wasnt wearing any pants. LOL, But I think almost everyone has that dream. :)


If my 5 footer was up I'd happily take him off your hands in a trade for uh...all my zoas :-P


PS, that sounds like a good dream.


Forget it now, hes in the 210 and it would be impossible to get him out.



Or KALK. Ha ha.


You hasve a couple of big green zoanthid colony rocks that we bought from MA together, did he not eat those?


Nope. Those look fine. he seams to attack one colony at a time.


Perhaps you should do a little less crack that close to bed time :lol:


The only crack I like has nothing to do with drugs. LOLLLLLLLLLL

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm interested in seeing pictures of this fish.


I' ll grab a new shot of him in the 210 tonight.

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I've had her for 3 months now. She's been stolen by my pistol shrimp and found and been buried at least ten times by the same shrimp. Pretty resilient. How's she looking Zeph?



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I've had her for 3 months now. She's been stolen by my pistol shrimp and found and been buried at least ten times by the same shrimp. Pretty resilient. How's she looking Zeph?




GORGEOUS!!!! Can you do me a favor and measure your nitrates? Im curious.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm interested in seeing pictures of this fish.


He's a bit cuter in person in Zephs tank, jet black, kinda cool.

I've had her for 3 months now. She's been stolen by my pistol shrimp and found and been buried at least ten times by the same shrimp. Pretty resilient. How's she looking Zeph?



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