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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My SPS 40. I make aiptasia and bubble algae look goooood..


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If you do a 125g, then just pick up everything in this tank exactly like it is and put it in one half of that tank :)


That was my plan initially. However, keeping up with two systems that require a lot of TLC has become quite the PITA, lol. I'll most likely end up breaking down the 40 and starting it over. I want something that requires zero to minimal dosing, and that will get by on wc's alone (hopefully). A couple of pieces that i have currently will make it into the "new" tank, but only frags from the large colonies. I want everything to grow out evenly. I think having a couple of basketball sized colonies and a bunch of frags will look kinda dumb.


You'll be happy to know that I'm going to go with LED's if and when I start this tank over :). In fact, if you can do me a favor I would appreciate it. I'm likely going to go with evergrow fixture(s) from ebay. Which one(s) would you recommend? I need something that is controllable, but also idiot proof.



You are a serial monogamy kind of guy when it comes to reefing, aren't you?

I have the same problem. Setup, Succeed, Teardown, Change, Improved Setup, Succeed, Teardown, Change Improved Setup... so on and so forth.

You and I, we will probably never see the day that our reef reaches it's 15th anniversary. Hahaha





No doubt! I'm really surprised that this tank will make the 3 year mark. I think that's the longest I've ever had a tank.


i might want a frag by then too =p


also love your tank =]


I'll get the list started, lol.

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You'll be happy to know that I'm going to go with LED's if and when I start this tank over :). In fact, if you can do me a favor I would appreciate it. I'm likely going to go with evergrow fixture(s) from ebay. Which one(s) would you recommend? I need something that is controllable, but also idiot proof.

PM me on that - if it's a 40B, I can likely build you something that will look better for about the same money. :)

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PM me on that - if it's a 40B, I can likely build you something that will look better for about the same money. :)


Will do. Looks don't really matter as the light will be in a canopy. However, I would much rather have my money go to a member here than to a retailer.

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That was my plan initially. However, keeping up with two systems that require a lot of TLC has become quite the PITA, lol. I'll most likely end up breaking down the 40 and starting it over. I want something that requires zero to minimal dosing, and that will get by on wc's alone (hopefully). A couple of pieces that i have currently will make it into the "new" tank, but only frags from the large colonies. I want everything to grow out evenly. I think having a couple of basketball sized colonies and a bunch of frags will look kinda dumb.


Yes, I agree!!! :)

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I'll get the list started, lol.

woo. how much would a frag be, just out of curiosity?


PM me on that - if it's a 40B, I can likely build you something that will look better for about the same money. :)

I have a question, is it okay if I pm you, too?

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Dang! Would stink to tear this baby down. :(


Yeah, it will be bitter sweet. I'm just kinda bored with it, I've had this tank for a long time. I think I'm about due for a change.

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I think I want to have some potosynthetic gorgs, leathers, zoas, etc. this time around. If I can make something half as nice as Zia's fuge I'll be happy, lol

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I think I want to have some potosynthetic gorgs, leathers, zoas, etc. this time around. If I can make something half as nice as Zia's fuge I'll be happy, lol

I like this plan. has he posted pics yet?

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There's plenty of pics on his thread.


I might even throw a few 'nems in the mix :).

oh, i meant new pics in regards to rearranging and moving the mandy. sorry for being unclear =p


do it! claya and lawn have definitely made me want a nem, but my tank is only 10 gallon. so I don't think I could get away with a bta :'(

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, now for a more descriptive answer. The skimmer pretty much didn't work at all because the pump was sucking in so much air that it made too many bubbles for the skimmer body to handle, even when I put it in ~4" of water. I did however get it to settle down a little by raising the skimmer up so hight that the pump was just barely submerged. That worked ok, until after I fed the tank. After feeding the skimmer would go nuts and overflow the cup.


It was pretty obvious that the bubble blaster isn't really the best pump for the little body on this skimmer (it's way to strong) so I installed a valve at the end of the little silencer thing (I always forget what it's called). That allowed me to lower the skimmer back down and also made for a much more consistent water level in the body. This thing now honestly skims like nothing I've ever had before. I can get about 1/3 of the cup filled with thick, nasty skimmate in about 2 days. It also doesn't overflow anymore, and there is virtually no turbulance in the body. Thing is a little beast now.


If and when I upgrade to a larger tank I plan to just replace the body with something bigger (I'm thinking something like a ro 150 would be a good match for this pump), and keep sing the pump.

Hmm, that may be why I cannot get mine to skim wet. I have to have the valve basically closed to get the bubbles up near the neck. I have it at 6.25" water depth, but I can drop it down another 1-1.5" or so on the stand I have it on. If that doesn't work, I'll try putting a valve on the intake. The skimmate I get is black as knobs, and I have to clean the skimmer neck daily to keep it going, it gets completely gunked up with a thick layer otherwise.


I know that the Bubble Blaster 2000 is completely maxing out the DWB-150 body, I wonder if they'd send me the body for the DWB-200. Hmm.

Yeah man, give it a shot. You can get a valve and tubing to connect it for under $10. Couldn't hurt to try. It made a huge difference for me :).

It's hooked up to a CO2 scrubber now, and I have a valve already for that, so it wouldn't cost me anything :)

Might as well try it out then!

Revisiting this :)


After having the CO2 scrubber hooked up for a while (and then realizing just how absurdly expensive it would be to continue running it), it cut airflow by a bit and the skimmer was pulling some major gunk, I had to clean it out every few days.


Well, a couple of weeks ago I was working on the sump and took the CO2 scrubber out (the media expired a couple of months ago and I'm way too lazy to have removed it already), and I forgot to put the valve on. The skimmer has not filled its cup up since, and good lord, the dinoflagellates I battled for a very long time and thought I beat were suddenly back. So yesterday I realized holy crap, I never valved the airflow back. So I did, and within an hour the foam head was right back to where it was before and the cup was half full with black, smelly goo. I forgot to check it this morning before I left, but it's probably gonna overflow now lol.

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You are a serial monogamy kind of guy when it comes to reefing, aren't you?

I have the same problem. Setup, Succeed, Teardown, Change, Improved Setup, Succeed, Teardown, Change Improved Setup... so on and so forth.

You and I, we will probably never see the day that our reef reaches it's 15th anniversary. Hahaha





I suffer from the same condition :(

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Yo, Glenn! Finally made my way over to this thread. Very nice stuff goin' on here!


EDIT: Just read you might be planning on tearing it down in January? If so, I smell SPS frags from CGA! ;)

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looks like a very healthy aquarium




I know you're busy glenn but I think its time for an update, whats up with this tank/ the upgrade idea?? :)


As of today, the tank breakdown is on hold indefinitely. As much as I want to change things up, all this tank needs is a little TLC and it will be awesome again.


This thread needs more FTS




Yo, Glenn! Finally made my way over to this thread. Very nice stuff goin' on here!


EDIT: Just read you might be planning on tearing it down in January? If so, I smell SPS frags from CGA! ;)


I just hit the 3 year mark with this tank and have decided against taking it down for now. I may add a few new corals, although i don't know where I will put them!!

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I hope all is good and it wasn't anything bad putting the upgrade on hold.... seems this tanks rockin along nicely why risk screwing it up with a change like that. I vote when your ready just set up a 2nd display, your wife seems pretty cool about the hobby/industry so shouldn't be a big deal ;) lol

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