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Alright here's the pictures. Excuse the brown corals, they're still adjusting to my lighting. I made them as large as the forum would let me. The film is what appears to be distortion caused by camera shake on the rock. It's almost like a "ghost" of my rock.






And the last one is something I discovered today. The "film" appears to have a green colored base. Looks almost like regular green microalgae but darker. The area of what looks like a light dusting of regular microalgae, dead center is what I'm describing. This leads me to believe that it is some form of really fine hair algae. It could just be a coincidence that it occurs on top of this green algae-looking stuff.




I hope the pictures suffice! The film is quite faint in pictures so let me know if you need me to crop them down or mark where the film is.



I cannot be sure as the images do not show close ups of the affected area but I have the impression that these may very well be coralline algae that are now greenish and will turn to purple/reddish after a while.


If you can get a close up of the area itself maybe I can firm that suggestion up



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Yeah they are definitely different species. #2's polyps are maybe 1/3 of the diameter of goni #1. I think it grows much more similarly to SPS than #1 (which might explain why they are growing so slowly). I remember that when i got it at the LFS it came from the tip of a "Y" shaped stick.


The picture I posted is actually from when i got it. You can see it's current condition in this picture, though it's not as well in focus, and the coral is at a different angle (it's to the left of the red goni).


Food is definitely reaching it, and I have the pumps off for 1/2-1 hr when i feed the powder. But again, even the goni that has noticeable grown doesn't react much to the food. Though I sometimes have seen it with the tell-tale "swollen" look that indicates it's eaten something.


Oh, I also dose my tank with microbe lift. I remember justin credable's article on gonis saying that some might eat some sort of bacteria...


To be honest with you I think we are looking for answers that may not be there as the corals seem to be doing OK.


Give them some more time and keep feeding as you do, and let's see how things develop as I cannot see what you could change that would affect just that one coral and not the other one that is doing well and growing more polyps.


You could try some cone feeding on the one that is not growing as well and see whether that helps.



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Or did you mean a different photo?


All I can see is tiny tiny what looks like growths of encrusting green algae but I do not see the film unless it is that white area in the middle towards the bottom and that looks like it may be the color of the rock underneath itself.


Sorry but the areas you are referring to are so small that it is really hard to tell for sure what they are ... but I suspect what I said above.



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I think I'll just not worry about it unless I see any issues. Thanks Albert.


Yes I agree ... for now there does not seem to be anything out of the ordinary going on



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Mantis shrimp are extreamly cool and one of my favorite inverts. I used to date a girl who had similar eyes but I digress. I can collect mantis shrimp here in NY if I dive at night about 30' deep in the Long Island Sound. I found a place that has lots of them. The mantis here are about 6 or 7" long. I kept one for about a year in a small tank. Very interesting creature.

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Mantis shrimp are extreamly cool and one of my favorite inverts. I used to date a girl who had similar eyes but I digress. I can collect mantis shrimp here in NY if I dive at night about 30' deep in the Long Island Sound. I found a place that has lots of them. The mantis here are about 6 or 7" long. I kept one for about a year in a small tank. Very interesting creature.


Indeed they are most interesting and very intelligent creatures for sure.


In covered a lot of material on them in the Nano Reef Newsletters (19, 20, and a few after that as well)


Most unusual life forms for sure



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My new nano LED unit I designed with Dick the Chinese eBay is built and on it's way to me. I guess it's going to be a few weeks before I have it. The initial batch of five sold out quickly and he has not put anymore up on eBay. Maybe he will wait till he's had feedback on them before building anymore for sale..

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My new nano LED unit I designed with Dick the Chinese eBay is built and on it's way to me. I guess it's going to be a few weeks before I have it. The initial batch of five sold out quickly and he has not put anymore up on eBay. Maybe he will wait till he's had feedback on them before building anymore for sale..


Glad to read it is on its away ... weeks ? wow that seems long ... are they shipping it ocean freight :)


And I agree he is probably looking for feedback before building any more so I hope it all works out well for you when it comes in



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It is kind of hard to understand how just a mere 2 inches of snow just about put Atlanta to a total standstill, well it actually did.


2 inches and the city in shambles




Fortunately Sarah and I were at home when it started and of course did not go anywhere so we were ok, but some people took, 6, 8, 10, 12 and up to 21 hours to get home from their places of work or where they were .... and that was not even to go a long distance.


The same happened in 2011 and now again and I guess the Authorities have not learned there lesson yet on how to cope with even such a small amount of snow ... and of course the icing that followed.



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Albert in the UK it only has to look as if it could snow and the transport network grinds to a halt. We have peoples houses in the south which are now in the middle of large lakes and one of the reasons are the government decided a few short years ago they could save money by not dredging the 2 main rivers which are now 40% plus silted up so the rivers as a result couldn't cope with the rain we have had. Many homes are now water damaged. Homes are cut off by the flooding of the land and this is since new years eve.

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Albert in the UK it only has to look as if it could snow and the transport network grinds to a halt. We have peoples houses in the south which are now in the middle of large lakes and one of the reasons are the government decided a few short years ago they could save money by not dredging the 2 main rivers which are now 40% plus silted up so the rivers as a result couldn't cope with the rain we have had. Many homes are now water damaged. Homes are cut off by the flooding of the land and this is since new years eve.


That is terrible indeed Les ... wow ... I feel sorry for all those affected because of the bad decisions made ...


Here things are finally clearing up and we should be back to normal today although this morning the temp is still only 20 F but it is going to warm up to over 40 supposedly but, honestly, I don't believe much anymore of what the metro people predict. Most of the time they seem to get it wrong



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2' of snow, Ha, we laugh at 2" of snow. That is sissy snow.


Yes indeed but it brought the whole city to its knees here mainly because the freezing of the snow as it hit the ground and of course everyone trying to get home at the same time, including the schools closing and so it was the traffic jam of the Century I think



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Always makes me wonder what the inside looks like lol


Yes indeed ... wouldn't it be nice if we could implant a mini camera in there and get that kind of a video ... not going to happen though, at least not yet ... :)



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Here are a few pic's of my new LED unit. I will be making a new light box surround to house it at the back of my 120w LED unit. There are 2 on/off dimmers and I have shown the colours which each in turn turned off. I have put each channel on minimum illumination to take the pic's.






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Here are a few pic's of my new LED unit. I will be making a new light box surround to house it at the back of my 120w LED unit. There are 2 on/off dimmers and I have shown the colours which each in turn turned off. I have put each channel on minimum illumination to take the pic's.


Looking good Les ... nice set up ..



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Thanks Albert,

The only problem now is I have to fabricate a new light surround box to take it with my other 120w LED unit.I intend to fit the new unit directly behind and to the center of my other LED. This new LED will put more light onto some SPS corals I have growing to the back of the tank./

Looking good Les ... nice set up ..



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Thanks Albert,

The only problem now is I have to fabricate a new light surround box to take it with my other 120w LED unit.I intend to fit the new unit directly behind and to the center of my other LED. This new LED will put more light onto some SPS corals I have growing to the back of the tank./


Yes I figure that will take some "thought" and some trying and testing perhaps with non permanent ones till you figure out what the best configuration will me for that combined new set up ... but give you have been in this hobby for so long Les I am sure you will figure it out.


On another note :


I was out most of the day yesterday, taking Sarah from one Doctor to another, and I am happy to report that none discovered anything major .. just external and internal bruising and of course the fractured Sternum ... but basically all of that will be a matter of time to take to heal .. nothing they can really do for it, it all has to heal by itself.


And then .... later in the day we went to look for another car and decided on trying to get a VW Passat SE ... we went to one dealership we had used many years ago when we had a Passat, and after many many hours of paperwork and test driving a few of them, we drove off with one, well we is really I, as Sarah cannot drive due to her knee injury ... but ... we now have another new car and it is brand new and has all the goodies and gimmicks they put on 2014 cars, some that I have not even figured out yet.


What amazed me is the amount of paperwork one has to go through and sign just to buy a car (not lease) ... worse IMO than buying a house, or so Sarah Says .... we were at the dealership from 10:30 am till 4:00 in the afternoon believe it or not ! Unbelievable but true, that is 5 ½ hours ! But all is well ... now have a new gleaming and shining grey Passat (6 cylinder) ... and driving real nicely, although I really only drove it from the dealer to the house ... but felt good ...


So, that is it for the updates ...


And keep up posted on your lights ...



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