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Biocube 29 w/LEDs: A learning experience.


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Drip acclimated the Dracula Goby from the QT to the DT today. I'm going on vacation starting Saturday, and the tank sitter is coming tomorrow. Rather than have him sit two tanks, one needing WC almost daily, I just moved the fish out of QT early.


Did another WC on the Dt in conjunction with the transfer, and I'll do another tomorrow. I spotted a couple grains of sand with cyano on them tonight, hopefully I got them out.


The Fire Shrimp molted again yesterday. That was only two weeks since the last, I thought shrimps typically molted every three weeks...


...and finally, tonight, Kong came out from under the rockwork (I didn't see him the past two nights) and at some point, either he dropped a leg, got it bitten off, or one of the tunnels collapsed a rock and cut it off. No clue which, but I don't see any rocks out of place, and unless the tiny 3/4" pistol shrimp I have chopped it, the star must have dropped it for some reason.

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...and just gave the keys to the tank sitter who's going to be looking after the gang for the next couple weeks.


Hopefully, since this is a professional, it will go well.


This is his main home tank:




Yeah, I think my biocube will be OK in his hands.


He is in the middle of building a new storefront near my house, Oceans By Design.

Maintenance service, custom fabrication, livestock, and more. They are trying to be a true one-stop shop. On that tank tour last week, we saw light fixtures, a skimmer and a reactor that he's designed and built. All very professional stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back from vacation, and everyone's still alive.



There's some GHA on a frag plug that wasn't there before, and the under-sandbed cyanobacteria is creeping back in, on the sides this time.


One of the zoa frags has a baby on it now, and the birds nest looks like it's about to explode with new growth nodes all over it.

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This little fish isn't shy at all. It swims in an eddy current right at the front of the QT, and doesn't spook at all when my 2YO or I look in the tank.

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OK, I caught up on tank maintenance for the first time since getting back from vacation.


I blew off all the rocks, vacuumed 1/3 of the sandbed (removing a small amount of sand at the same time), manually pulled some bryopsis off a frag plug, siphoned some cyano off of a different one, removed a couple vermetid snails with pliers, removed some of the smaller empty shells, scrubbed the glass, sucked a bunch of pineapple sponges out of chamber 3, picked some kind of gunk off the birdsnest, scrubbed the powerhead, changed the filter floss, and did a 40% water change.


If the tank is gonna crash, it'll happen now.

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I must have at least 100 pineapple sponges of various sizes in my tank right now.


I was under the impression that it's a new tank phase.

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Clown isn't looking too good.


It's a juvenile, about 1.25" long, and hasn't eaten a bite since I got it home. It has sucked in cyclopeeze, pellets, and brine, and spat it all back out.


I bought the first three fish online, and the first one I get from the 'good' LFS is the one with issues?


It was energetic and inquisitive since it went in the QT, but now it has elevated respiration, is lethargically resting on the tank bottom and looks much thinner than before. I've tried soaking stuff in garlic, but that gets spit out, too.


I'm going to try some mysis, cut into smaller pieces, not too many other options in the house.



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Finely minced some mysis, and the stupid clown backed away from the bits that floated in front of it's mouth.


Darn! He looks so cute in the bag. I hope he perks up.

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OK, so when John sent me reinforcements from ReefCleaners, I was a little surprised by the Fuzzy Chiton in the package. It only had the tiniest bit of fuzz on the front of the mantle, and the rest was bare. I could see all seven shell segments.


Well, time has passed, and I present to you Afro Chiton!




Oh, and it cleans like a champ. I just wish it would get down from the one rock, his work is needed elsewhere.

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The Dracula goby got evicted by Kong the Giant Brittle Star.


At least that's one good reason to keep the star: it lets me know the goby, which is still super shy, is alive.

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And after a 3-hour wait at the LFS anniversary sale, the last fish is bag-floating in my QT.


What time did you get there? I was #3 in line.


Clown isn't looking too good.


It's a juvenile, about 1.25" long, and hasn't eaten a bite since I got it home. It has sucked in cyclopeeze, pellets, and brine, and spat it all back out.


I bought the first three fish online, and the first one I get from the 'good' LFS is the one with issues?


It was energetic and inquisitive since it went in the QT, but now it has elevated respiration, is lethargically resting on the tank bottom and looks much thinner than before. I've tried soaking stuff in garlic, but that gets spit out, too.


I'm going to try some mysis, cut into smaller pieces, not too many other options in the house.




Weird. I got one of them too and he is still looking great.


How much did the tank sitting cost?

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I was #44, and I got there at 8:30.


Tank sitting was $35/visit. He did top offs, feeding, basic cleaning. I think he'd have done a WC if I asked.

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Just pulled the trigger on the SA Vivid Fancy Ocellaris Clownfish pair that's been in the Diver's Den for the past week or two.


I guess I ought to set up the QT again.

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