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Innovative Marine Aquariums


Deleted User 3

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Deleted User 3
Remember, cooler water in the display tank will cause the ich to slow down. If your tank doesn't stay at 80, i would put a heater in there.


It does. I keep it at 77-78 ish, it stays that temp so far all day it has.

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Deleted User 3

So far so good. Ammonia is up a little (.25-.5 says API) and since i have no LR in the QT, it can't change into nitrate and go away... debating about gething that ammonia lock thing... does that work? 50% or more WC everyday is going to bleed me dry of money quick.. esp when i have to do it for 72 days.... thats 72 gallons in 2 months... which is... 28$...

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So far so good. Ammonia is up a little (.25-.5 says API) and since i have no LR in the QT, it can't change into nitrate and go away... debating about gething that ammonia lock thing... does that work? 50% or more WC everyday is going to bleed me dry of money quick.. esp when i have to do it for 72 days.... thats 72 gallons in 2 months... which is... 28$...

It isn't a replacement for water changes. But it would work in an emergency. $28 won't kill you over the course of 2 months. Just eat more ramen.

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So far so good. Ammonia is up a little (.25-.5 says API) and since i have no LR in the QT, it can't change into nitrate and go away... debating about gething that ammonia lock thing... does that work? 50% or more WC everyday is going to bleed me dry of money quick.. esp when i have to do it for 72 days.... thats 72 gallons in 2 months... which is... 28$...

You have them in a 2 gallon QT? Two clowns will need more space than that, even if they are juveniles. You can put live rock in the QT as long as you bring the salinity down slowly - it will take more time for the bacteria to adjust to the lower salinity (the bacteria will mostly die, but some are able to adjust and start reproducing immediately).



And you will probably need to do more than 50% changes to get rid of the ammonia, as you will, at most, bring it down by 50%.



Go as soon as you can and either purchase Seachem Prime or Aquavitro Alpha, with Alpha being preferred (it is more concentrated). It will convert the ammonia into ammonium (which is not toxic to fish), and also convert nitrite into nitrate.

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Deleted User 3
It isn't a replacement for water changes. But it would work in an emergency. $28 won't kill you over the course of 2 months. Just eat more ramen.


I dont have the $28 bucks to buy all that water with... esp just for water as compared to paying a bill... i just cant do it. If i get distilled & not RO then itll be more around 60 bucks...


You have them in a 2 gallon QT? Two clowns will need more space than that, even if they are juveniles. You can put live rock in the QT as long as you bring the salinity down slowly - it will take more time for the bacteria to adjust to the lower salinity (the bacteria will mostly die, but some are able to adjust and start reproducing immediately).



And you will probably need to do more than 50% changes to get rid of the ammonia, as you will, at most, bring it down by 50%.



Go as soon as you can and either purchase Seachem Prime or Aquavitro Alpha, with Alpha being preferred (it is more concentrated). It will convert the ammonia into ammonium (which is not toxic to fish), and also convert nitrite into nitrate.


its more around 4 gallons, thats the best I can do, they have a decent amount of room to swim. Not great but okay & the salinity is already 1.009 in the QT, ill defeat what i already have going if i raise it and then lower it again, i dont want to risk killing the rock either way. I have no nitrate or nitrite yet in there. I'll try to see if any of the stores that carry SW stuff have either of these. Otherwise i'll have to order online. The ammonia is low enough that it wont hurt them, but it's not 0. It's imbetween. I'm hoping my carbon comes soon, it has zeolite for taking out ammonia, so maybe that will help too. this whole situation just f'ing depresses me...

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I dont have the $28 bucks to buy all that water with... esp just for water as compared to paying a bill... i just cant do it. If i get distilled & not RO then itll be more around 60 bucks...


RO is fine for the fishes. I wouldn't put the love rock in ro water though. Make sure you keep them separate.


I did top off a tank with ro from the grocery store for over a year and the corals did just fine. ( I didn't know any better) It's probably not the end of the world.



lol...love rock....derp


live rock

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Deleted User 3
RO is fine for the fishes. I wouldn't put the love rock in ro water though. Make sure you keep them separate.


I did top off a tank with ro from the grocery store for over a year and the corals did just fine. ( I didn't know any better) It's probably not the end of the world.



lol...love rock....derp


live rock


hahaha. Special :P & I did RO for a while WC the display tank, and it worked fine, it didn't have anything in it when i tested, the one i used took out all the metals n such just had 5ppm nitrates.


Damn gurl, you in the middle of nowhere.


an hour or so away from any name brand stores or petco's etc.. but seri being in the middle of no where.. is where i went to high school, pittsville. 866 people... 25 min from a walmart or grocery store besides the small town one with not a lot of choices.. lol

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Deleted User 3

Help! Is there a way to slow down the Marineland Maxi-Jet? I got the 400, using it as the circulation pump and it takes up a #### ton of space... but my water is clouded with little particles and its disturbing my sand bed, IE bare spots! I have it in the middle pointed up..

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Help! Is there a way to slow down the Marineland Maxi-Jet? I got the 400, using it as the circulation pump and it takes up a #### ton of space... but my water is clouded with little particles and its disturbing my sand bed, IE bare spots! I have it in the middle pointed up..

Nope, they aren't an adjustable powerhead. You should have gotten a Koralia Nano, they are cheap and have a broad flow to prevent things like that from happening. They are also incredible tiny.

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Deleted User 3
Nope, they aren't an adjustable powerhead. You should have gotten a Koralia Nano, they are cheap and have a broad flow to prevent things like that from happening. They are also incredible tiny.


This is cheaper and im on a limited budget... super limited. hmm. I don't know if i can return this one.

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This is cheaper and im on a limited budget... super limited. hmm. I don't know if i can return this one.

Live and learn. That was my first mistake - not spending what I should have and getting what I thought would work the same, albeit less expensively (in my case significantly less expensively, but I was also building on a 55g tank, not a 10g). It didn't work the same, and it cost me about $120 more overall because of it.

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Deleted User 3
Live and learn. That was my first mistake - not spending what I should have and getting what I thought would work the same, albeit less expensively (in my case significantly less expensively, but I was also building on a 55g tank, not a 10g). It didn't work the same, and it cost me about $120 more overall because of it.


someone said it should work fine, i dont remember who i talked to. grr. and i really can't afford the 26+5.99... this one was 16.99+5.99 and i can't even return it unless i drive to rhinelander... cuz i have to pay return shipping >< ill sell it on ebay :P

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Deleted User 3
I have a buddy who grew up in a tiny village in WI. He got out as soon as he could.


I'm just saying...


I stay for family, albeit they dont help me out much if at all when i really need it, IE when i was homeless... still was homeless... would have been too much of an inconvenience, but i have younger sisters & cousins whom I love, so I stay. Plus I can't afford to move. I'm going to be stuck here unless I win the lotto.

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Yeah... He always felt stuck, too. He didn't stay for family so much as he did for friends. Then He worked a summer away at Cedar Point and realized how much his friends were holding him back. He's at UW Milwaukee now, getting a second degree.

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Deleted User 3
Yeah... He always felt stuck, too. He didn't stay for family so much as he did for friends. Then He worked a summer away at Cedar Point and realized how much his friends were holding him back. He's at UW Milwaukee now, getting a second degree.


Yeah. Plus bigger cities have more crime, which i already fear being outside after dusk... We had a gun holdup here, wtf! some loco guy held up walgreens and then there was like a 2 hr long standoff between him and police at the auto place a block down. Tons of gangs here now too... ugh. I don't have friends, just my fam. All the people my age here are not really on the same level as I am.. so. Family is holding me back but i'd rather suck at life than not ever be able to see my sisters except once a year for christmas or something. If I win the lotto i'm moving somewhere else, cuz then i know ic an come back when i want.

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I have a marineland maxijet 900 -- I chose this particular model b/c a reviewer stated he had the same set up as me (oceanic bc 14) and this one fit the standard parts. This is a big deal b/c oceanic uses slightly differently shaped items making it hard to mod some of their parts. One way I did find to slow down flow was to use a splitter off the water output nozzle -- this diverts the flow into two directions and thus slows it down some. It also creates nice turbulence which corals and fish like. I had to remove the one I added b/c it slowed down the flow too much! I ordered online from Amazon (locline is the name, I think) but they aren't cheap so if you can find something similar at Home Depot or Walmart, you'd be better off. I'd mail you the pieces I am not using but I just gave them to my lfs (sorry!) -- the pic below shows what they look like, so you can print that out or bring it up on your phone as you search.



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Deleted User 3
I have a marineland maxijet 900 -- I chose this particular model b/c a reviewer stated he had the same set up as me (oceanic bc 14) and this one fit the standard parts. This is a big deal b/c oceanic uses slightly differently shaped items making it hard to mod some of their parts. One way I did find to slow down flow was to use a splitter off the water output nozzle -- this diverts the flow into two directions and thus slows it down some. It also creates nice turbulence which corals and fish like. I had to remove the one I added b/c it slowed down the flow too much! I ordered online from Amazon (locline is the name, I think) but they aren't cheap so if you can find something similar at Home Depot or Walmart, you'd be better off. I'd mail you the pieces I am not using but I just gave them to my lfs (sorry!) -- the pic below shows what they look like, so you can print that out or bring it up on your phone as you search.





Hmm i dont know how to attach those to anything.. lol. Im just trying to sell the powerhead, and then ill wait til i get some more extra $ and ill buy the nano like i want anyway =\. My LFS sells the marineland maxi-jet 500 for 43 bucks lol. i should sell it to them for 22 :P i dont think theyll buy it anyway.


Should I go with the 425 or the 240 koralia?


Or could I just use the marineland as a powerhead, so it's less GPH...

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Should I go with the 425 or the 240 koralia?

I'd do the 425. It has such a broad flow pattern that it won't blast anything, but still moves a ton of water.


Oh & besides my fish and dog, these are my other babies...


Violet & Olive Oil.

Cute. The missus and I used to have a pair of Roborovski dwarf hamsters. Those things were friggin' adorable.

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Deleted User 3
I'd do the 425. It has such a broad flow pattern that it won't blast anything, but still moves a ton of water.



Cute. The missus and I used to have a pair of Roborovski dwarf hamsters. Those things were friggin' adorable.





& Aww. I had a dwarf hamster that killed a peanut butter tan colored one i had gotten for my birthday...sooo then i got a black bear hamster that was AMAZING but too smart and escaped out of her cage, how I still haven't figured out and that was like 6 yrs ago+. Then i was pet less, then i got a dog, and then two rats, and from then on i've had probably 10 or so.. all of them died either from age or disease (one had tumors, a couple had mycoplasma terribly) besides the 2 i have now. which haven't shown any myco yet so must be healthy buggers. Haven't worked enough on them yet to be super friendly like the one with the tumor which I had since she was born, she was like adog. These girls are shy, esp around people who aren't me. haha.

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& Aww. I had a dwarf hamster that killed a peanut butter tan colored one i had gotten for my birthday...sooo then i got a black bear hamster that was AMAZING but too smart and escaped out of her cage, how I still haven't figured out and that was like 6 yrs ago+. Then i was pet less, then i got a dog, and then two rats, and from then on i've had probably 10 or so.. all of them died either from age or disease (one had tumors, a couple had mycoplasma terribly) besides the 2 i have now. which haven't shown any myco yet so must be healthy buggers. Haven't worked enough on them yet to be super friendly like the one with the tumor which I had since she was born, she was like adog. These girls are shy, esp around people who aren't me. haha.

Yeah, different kinds of hamsters can't be kept together (heck, different types of rodents in general). Ours were fine, but dwarfs only live to be about a year old, and we purchased them at 6 months or so.

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Deleted User 3
Yeah, different kinds of hamsters can't be kept together (heck, different types of rodents in general). Ours were fine, but dwarfs only live to be about a year old, and we purchased them at 6 months or so.


yeah! When i was 15 i didn't know! =\ It was so depressing. I like my rats. <3 you can't keep a rat with anything but a rat and even then you gotta watch the male/male male/fm fm/fm thing. Mine get in a scuffle every so often, not bad.

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