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Clam got here a few minutes ago. Dummies at LA decided to add a heat pack since it is a brisk 82F outside right now. Water temp was around 90.


No sign of Fedex for the zoas and GSP from Aquascapers that was supposed to be here yesterday, but didn't get picked up from the Fedex hub until yesterday evening.

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Clam got here a few minutes ago. Dummies at LA decided to add a heat pack since it is a brisk 82F outside right now. Water temp was around 90.


No sign of Fedex for the zoas and GSP from Aquascapers that was supposed to be here yesterday, but didn't get picked up from the Fedex hub until yesterday evening.


To be fair, I think the clam came from somewhere much, much chillier. Hopefully she doesn't mind the occasional hot tub and pulls through.

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Also, if it shipped from the California facility it had to pass through all of the snow I'm dealing with. Better too warm than too cool imo.

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I say get the ATS back on line......

Very soon. I'm hoping to kick myself in the butt and get going with this to get the tank moved this weekend. With the measly amount of water storage I have, though, I will not be able to fill the tank AND transfer water. I was originally planning on doing a 100% change of the water, having none be used when I move the tank, but that simply isn't a possibility. I have one 20G trash can, three 5g buckets, one 7g container, and three 5g containers. 20g (and 32g) trash cans are cheap at HD, but I have no place to store them. Hell, I have no place to store what I have now, and the missus is starting to get annoyed with them being all over the place.


To be fair, I think the clam came from somewhere much, much chillier. Hopefully she doesn't mind the occasional hot tub and pulls through.

Also, if it shipped from the California facility it had to pass through all of the snow I'm dealing with. Better too warm than too cool imo.

You are probably right, but it realistically would have spent little more than an hour or so (maybe two) there before being on the plane to head to Kentucky for sorting.


The stuff from Aquascapers arrived. There are six frags of zoas and the GSP, but the GSP is toast more than likely. Zoas started opening in the bag when I put them on the counter, so they should be fine.


The clam is opening, as well, and from what little I can see, she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait to get home and drop her in the tank!

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I'm sure the missus won't mind if you user her pots and pans to store the water.....oh and don't forget the pitchers and crock pots.......

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I'm sure the missus won't mind if you user her pots and pans to store the water.....oh and don't forget the pitchers and crock pots.......


Yea, Mrs.Wallace isn't a huge fan of me grabbing any thing from the kitchen...and I do most of the cooking damn it. You grab a piece of tupperware one time to frag some stuff and then your movements are tracked.

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Yea, Mrs.Wallace isn't a huge fan of me grabbing any thing from the kitchen...and I do most of the cooking damn it. You grab a piece of tupperware one time to frag some stuff and then your movements are tracked.



I like Mrs. Wallace's style. Haha!

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Yea, Mrs.Wallace isn't a huge fan of me grabbing any thing from the kitchen...and I do most of the cooking damn it. You grab a piece of tupperware one time to frag some stuff and then your movements are tracked.

Wallace, eh?



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Hi JediBen.


Do you find that, visually, your DT is tall for a shallow, or just right? What about for maintanence? Per the dimensions, it seems to be taller than a 40B, which isn't particularly shallow itself.


I'm thinking of creating a 48" x width" x shallow height" penninsula reef that would be visually awesome both from the top and from the 3 exposed sides.


Forgive me if someone already asked this in the 131 previous pages.

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For what I am going for now, it is actually too shallow. I like the shallow, just short enough where I can reach stuff on the sand and not get my elbows wet, but not tall enough to have a nice rockscape and more than just a few inches for any branching corals to really take off. Next tank is gonna be somewhere in the 20-24" height range. But for depth, 36"+ :)

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There is really no happy medium when it comes to tanks. It's either shallow and wide or deep and tall. And neither one is easier to light than the other. <_<

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There is really no happy medium when it comes to tanks. It's either shallow and wide or deep and tall. And neither one is easier to light than the other. <_<

When you use evil clusters, every tank is easy to light.


You're ditching the shallows?


I was looking at the ADA 120-P, [http://www.adana-usa.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=76_25_29&products_id=121], Dimension: 120x45x45cm (approx:48"x18"x18").


18" Depth. What's your take on depth? I'd imagine maintenance would be difficult with 36" depth plus the 20-24" height...ie. armpit-on-glass during maintenance.

Are you actually considering that tank? Ugh, ADA is not worth it, neither is low-iron glass - get normal glass and spend money elsewhere.


I don't mind having to reach that far for maintenance. Your goal is to keep your hands out of the tank at all costs, unlike a lot of people that have nano tanks that are in there daily. Hands-off is the best approach.





So I thought today was a good day. Finally got the zoas, they actually look great, the clam is open and happy already (she's attached), and I topped off the tank with the last RO I would ever be adding to it since I'm getting my Spectrapure system Friday, and I turn off my sump to replace the filter floss in the little doodad I made, and what happens as soon as I turn the system back on. PLOP, SPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISH.


Goddamn piece of shit flex PVC popped right off the return pump and spilled about a gallon of water ALL over the stand and the crazy fuge light, thank god it was off or it would have destroyed it. The water immediately ran out of the stand and onto my faux wood floors. Good thing that floor is already ####ed to hell or I'd have been much more angry than I already was. Also, did I mention that my wife had just told me that she 'washed a load of towels, put them in the dryer when they finish', which means that every single full-size towel in house, dirty or otherwise, is already soaking wet. ####. So I scrounge up every single dish towel and hand towel in the house to soak up the mess. Whatever. I force the flex PVC back onto the return pump, then call it a dickbag and push it down harder, then turn the system on. It flows up, everything is good, so I go to wash my hands in the bathroom. When I turn off the water, what do I hear? SPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISH


This time it dumped about three gallons of water, and my towels are already soaked, so there isn't a whole lot I can do for it except throw some of the clothes that were about to go into the washer on it and hope for the best. As of now, the sump is offline and will not come back up until the tank gets moved. The fish probably aren't going to be able to fed until then as it will have, essentially, zero filtration other than a passive bag of carbon and GFO. No waste in, no waste out.


Considering attaching a light to the side of the main tank and putting a bubbler under a screen as a makeshift algae scrubber, that might help somewhat. I have a very nice mat of GHA going in the was-sump using a CFL and the bubbles from the skimmer, it's super thick after running for three days, which is nearly unheard of for an algae scrubber, they normally take a week to start growing anything.


All I wanted to do was go to bed after I got it back up and going, but now I'm wide awake.

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Deleted User 3

Yea, Mrs.Wallace isn't a huge fan of me grabbing any thing from the kitchen...and I do most of the cooking damn it. You grab a piece of tupperware one time to frag some stuff and then your movements are tracked.

Well i'm a girl, and I grab anything I can find to do what i need to, used one of my mixing bowls to peroxide a coral w/ algae on it. lol hey it goes through the hot dishwasher, so who cares.

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When you use evil clusters, every tank is easy to light.

Only since you know how to make one :P


All I wanted to do was go to bed after I got it back up and going, but now I'm wide awake.

:tears: + :rant: = Jedi

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Deleted User 3

When you use evil clusters, every tank is easy to light.


Are you actually considering that tank? Ugh, ADA is not worth it, neither is low-iron glass - get normal glass and spend money elsewhere.


I don't mind having to reach that far for maintenance. Your goal is to keep your hands out of the tank at all costs, unlike a lot of people that have nano tanks that are in there daily. Hands-off is the best approach.





So I thought today was a good day. Finally got the zoas, they actually look great, the clam is open and happy already (she's attached), and I topped off the tank with the last RO I would ever be adding to it since I'm getting my Spectrapure system Friday, and I turn off my sump to replace the filter floss in the little doodad I made, and what happens as soon as I turn the system back on. PLOP, SPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISH.


Goddamn piece of shit flex PVC popped right off the return pump and spilled about a gallon of water ALL over the stand and the crazy fuge light, thank god it was off or it would have destroyed it. The water immediately ran out of the stand and onto my faux wood floors. Good thing that floor is already ####ed to hell or I'd have been much more angry than I already was. Also, did I mention that my wife had just told me that she 'washed a load of towels, put them in the dryer when they finish', which means that every single full-size towel in house, dirty or otherwise, is already soaking wet. ####. So I scrounge up every single dish towel and hand towel in the house to soak up the mess. Whatever. I force the flex PVC back onto the return pump, then call it a dickbag and push it down harder, then turn the system on. It flows up, everything is good, so I go to wash my hands in the bathroom. When I turn off the water, what do I hear? SPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISHSPLISH


This time it dumped about three gallons of water, and my towels are already soaked, so there isn't a whole lot I can do for it except throw some of the clothes that were about to go into the washer on it and hope for the best. As of now, the sump is offline and will not come back up until the tank gets moved. The fish probably aren't going to be able to fed until then as it will have, essentially, zero filtration other than a passive bag of carbon and GFO. No waste in, no waste out.


Considering attaching a light to the side of the main tank and putting a bubbler under a screen as a makeshift algae scrubber, that might help somewhat. I have a very nice mat of GHA going in the was-sump using a CFL and the bubbles from the skimmer, it's super thick after running for three days, which is nearly unheard of for an algae scrubber, they normally take a week to start growing anything.


All I wanted to do was go to bed after I got it back up and going, but now I'm wide awake.

God that sucks. Sorry! Hope all goes well with the tank move, why is it acting crazy (the flex pvc)

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Gosh! I know I would have been doing the dance of anger for hours! :rant: You seem to be handling this nasty event the best way possible, cuss at it then fix it!


Good luck with it, Ben!

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Clam got here a few minutes ago. Dummies at LA decided to add a heat pack since it is a brisk 82F outside right now. Water temp was around 90.


No sign of Fedex for the zoas and GSP from Aquascapers that was supposed to be here yesterday, but didn't get picked up from the Fedex hub until yesterday evening.


If it was from Diver's Den, which is located in Wisconsin, it was shipping out in temperatures around 35 degrees. Without that heatpack it could have gone close to freezing. A 45 degree drop is probably worse than a 10 degree raise.


Normally it would be around 65-70 degrees in the midwest but the weather over here has been crazy. It even snowed while I was at work today....

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Stole my sister's camera. Importing 476 RAW files into Lightroom now... let's see how many of those don't suck :lol:

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