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Innovative Marine Aquariums

old thread lol


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Ooh, if we're talking dream builds, I'll take a 120"x48"x20" please. External coast to coast leading to a big ass sump room in the basement. Mmmm mama. It's a humble 500 gallon, I've been to the RC "Large tanks" forum and that's nothin'. No fish over 6" allowed.


I may look in to doing my own floating scape. I only have 12" of depth to play with, but I can't say that your recent progress isn't an inspiration. Not sure what I'll be doing fish list wise. I'm looking forward to seeing your reboot in action.

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It would be difficult to make a floating scape in a 12" tall tank. Even my 16" tall 80 is not the best, and of course I already f'd it up by making it too tall on the left side.


That being said - if you smash the shit out of your rocks into smaller pieces (no more than 2-3" in diameter), you should be able to make something pretty sweet.

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Got my stuff from Brine Shrimp Direct. More Golden Pearls, this time 100-200 and 200-300 micron, Premium Brine Shrimp cysts, a sieve, and spirulina powder. Not sure what I'm gonna do with that, but eh, it was like $2. lol


Project for this weekend (besides taking the sump offline and putting the new baffles in) is to decapsulate some of the brine shrimp.

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So that is what hosting looks like. Doubt I will be seeing that anytime soon.

It's never taken long for me, especially occelaris and sebae anemones. First time (different clowns and different nem) they were in within a couple of days.

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It's never taken long for me, especially occelaris and sebae anemones. First time (different clowns and different nem) they were in within a couple of days.

My clowns are only near the anemone when it has food, they dash into its tentacles and try to wrestle the shrimp away. Hardly hosting behavior IMO. :P Although I have to admit I never got the anemone with intentions for it to host anything other than sexy shrimp.




How many sebae have you had?

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My clowns are only near the anemone when it has food, they dash into its tentacles and try to wrestle the shrimp away. Hardly hosting behavior IMO. :P Although I have to admit I never got the anemone with intentions for it to host anything other than sexy shrimp.

What kind of anemone? Is it the LTA in your thread?


How many sebae have you had?

A total of three. One never recovered from its initial shipping to the LFS (the hefty majority do not), the second I had for many months. I disproved the '6 month' and 'one year' rules for anemones, as that one was also bleached when I got it and it made a full recovery with bright lighting (my first, although shitty, DIY LED) and daily feeding in a tank that was around two months old started with dry rock and sand. That one was killed when I moved to the 80g tank, it shrunk up because of an increase in lighting and the two porcelain crabs that were hosted by (along with two clownfish, go figure) beat it to death.

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This third one isnt a sebae. Its a malu....there are no common names for the H Malu other than Malu Anemone....so technically you've had 2....

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H. malu are commonly referred to as a sebae, along with H. crispa. Pretty confusing, especially when most can't tell the difference, especially LFS people :lol:


All three of them have been H. malu.

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Lol....tell the LFS people that malus have short round tentacles that dont get longer than an inch and the underside of the nem is typically the same color as the tips of the tentacles. Where sebae aka crispa have a white foot with tentacles reaching upto 5 inches long. Then they may confuse ritteri/magnifica with the crispa but ritteri have a orange foot and colored mouth

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Finally got off my bum. Drained the sump, took out the broken glass, and cleaned it up.


New layout is drying now!

For reference, the back wall of the tank is on the floor.





Temporary sump, a Mr. Aqua 17.4g

And all that rock had to go somewhere!



Take it from me. You want your leopard wrasses to go absolutely apey, toss some rocks from your refugium into your main tank.

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What kind of anemone? Is it the LTA in your thread?

Yep. I never expected them to host but it would be nice if they do decide to one day.




That game looks perfect

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That sump confuses me

Me too.


LOL @ the paint cans! I also use them for all kinds of things as well.

The paint cans are a problem now... In my tiredness last night, I didn't realize that I won't be able to get them out because of the lip of the frame. I'll have to cut one of the sides out of the baffles. D'oh!


You did it Benny! yay. No wonder you were off line all day.

Yeah, that and I had some other stuff to do. Work was nuts, but it was the final day of testing. Today, i'm still exhausted, my back is on fire from bending over at computers for two weeks straight (and then sleeping on it wrong), and now I think Mariah gave me her cold, just in time for my birthday. :/

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sump looks good man. cant wait to see it all done.


edit: got the chaeto btw. thanks man. much better then i thought. your stuff is much better then all the local stuff. :D

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Lol...why don't you take a razor to the top lip of the 40 gallon breeder and remove the frame slide the paint can out then resilicone the frame back on. Seems like a simpler solution to me

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Lol...why don't you take a razor to the top lip of the 40 gallon breeder and remove the frame slide the paint can out then resilicone the frame back on. Seems like a simpler solution to me

That's gonna take a crazy amount of time. I only need to remove the left panel of glass that I installed and silicone it back. The rest of them won't move, they silicone has cured already.

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