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Jarquarium Challenge


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nice, are you going to keep it with reduced salinity?


Yep! I plan to drip acclimate my sand bed too. Seriously. :D


It's interesting to note that eco-spheres aren't a truly marine environment. Technically, they're fresh water. Tho more accurately, they're brackish, with a specific-gravity beween 1.008 and 1.016. I'll probably aim for 1.012.


Dang that is dropping some coin on shrimp B)


I dont know if anyone is interested...

I am set up to legally collect... and sell... Sitka Shrimp (Heptacarpus Sitchensis)


I have 3 sexies in the display, 7 more in the breeder, and dozen shrimp larvae in the kreisel... face it, I'm a shrimp at heart! :D


At today's prices, I spent the equivalent of nearly $90 on what is now a 12 year shrimp. If he dies tomorrow, that's $7.50/yr, or...


jm.02.gif2 cents a day! :)

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OMG, I can't believe you people. I try to get out of the hobby(too much time, money and energy), and what do you do? You create at environment that requires no time, little monies and virtually no effort. I can't believe you people. :shakeshead.gif:


Just ordered two of these:


From here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003APAXO...s00_i00_details

They shipped it within two hours of me ordering it.


I also ordered some low power leds from dx that will be on a timer. I got some blues and some whites to set up a sunrise/sunset thing. These were free because I had a credit from dx from like 3 years ago. Power everything with a cell phone adapter. Shouldn't be more that a couple watts MAX.

Blue leds

White leds


The plan:

I will probably go to the lfs tonight and see if I can find some gha and chaeto. I will pick up a couple of gallons of saltwater while I am there. When I get home, I will set up an old 2.5aga with saltwater, live rock rubble, gha and chaeto. Add a powerhead and set it in the window for a couple of weeks. Maybe tonight I will build a stand thing/place for leds to go.


Next Monday, assuming my tank hasn't gone entirely to ####, I will order up some of those shrimps. I am thinking 5 per jar. Sounds about good? Little F'ers are expensive.


Following week, add live rock, crushed coral, algae, shrimps, and some sort of tacky decoration to the jars. One will get chaeto and gha, one will only get gha(can't believe I'm setting up a tank for gha). Then seal the jars and wait for the shrimps to die....Mwa-ha-ha.


I hate you peoples. Always trying to keep me in this stupid hobby.


(for peoples new to the forum, I am being sarcastic, mostly)

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I thought you were done herr? :flower:

I wish, At least I am not going out and getting a vortech and reefkeeper for the picojar thing. I could entirely see me doing that.

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I wish, At least I am not going out and getting a vortech and reefkeeper for the picojar thing. I could entirely see me doing that.


But then you'd need a bigger jar! And hey, with all that extra space... :D

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Fast, courteous service, well packed with thermal pad, and a bit of green yarn to keep them feeling safe while in the company of the US Postal Service. The carrier was literally twirling the box in his hands when I answered the door. I said with a smile, "I think those are my shrimp." :] He replied, "Hey, that's sounds good!"


I couldn't agree more. :)








Slight change of plans. When I first decided to embark on this project, I wasn't aware that a successful DIY eco-sphere already existed. Now that I know, recreating one of my own only offers replication, not new experimentation. Thus I've decided to move directly to the next step and experiment. :)


The lowest recommended SG for a marine aquarium is typically 1.022, while the highest recommended SG for breeding Hawaiian Red Shrimp is 1.016. I've decided to split the difference and have an SG of 1.019. Note: specific-gravity measurements are temperature dependent; measure SG at intended temp.


I selected the sand from a spot in my tank that is an oasis of calm surrounded by high flow. Something about that spot is exceptionally productive, bio-diverse, and yet remarkably clean. However, it will be receiving much less light now that it's in the jarquarium, since I only intend to give it ambient sunlight. The two high-intensity LED flashlights sitting on top of the jar are for photographic purposes only.


I scooped the sand very gently from the tank and aimed mostly for the chunky stuff on top. I was sure to get a few snail shells in there, so I probably have a couple amphipods and hopefully a worm of some sort, we'll see. In any case, I was sure to drip acclimate the sand the same I would any other livestock. I then gave the shrimp a nice long extra slow drip acclimation. I figure going from 1.012 to 1.019 is a bigger step than regular acclimation has in mind.


The eggcrate has been sitting in my kreisel's refugium for the last two or three days. I was hoping it would get a bit more covered by all the micro algae that grows in there, but 3 days isn't enough time for that. I'm sure it's covered in something, it's just not obvious. In the mean time, I've added a small tuft of green hair algae from my tanks overflow.


Now click the images below for a detailed look at ten dollar shrimp. :)


Hawaiian Red Shrimp



Opae ula ("red shrimp", in Hawaiian)



Halocaridina rubra (red shrimp, in greek) :D



Yes I know, they aren't terribly red. One of them actually is tho, so perhaps it will change in time?


So.... how long you think before the flatworm take-over..? :unsure:

Edited by Whys
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That is awesome!

I think imma order some of those shrimps right now. I got my jars yesterday!!!!!!!



*Just ordered 7 shrimps!

Edited by herranton
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(sorry for the double post)

Also, does anyone think that sexy shrimp would work if the jar were larger, I am thinking like 4-5 liters.



This seems like a dumb question but, if I mix one gallon of rodi with one gallon of saltwater(1.024), I would have 2 gallons of 1.012, correct?


I gave my hydrometer to kazooie(i think) a while back.....

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I gave my hydrometer to kazooie(i think) a while back.....


You're better off using math anyway. :D


Cool idea with the glass globe. I can't wait to see it in action!

Edited by Whys
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Some useful information on Red Shrimp reproduction that I stumbled across:



It seems, that this Halocaridina rubra is a nice creature: no heating, filtration, feeding and water changes, low salinity - less salt used, no fancy setup for a young and adults are not cannibalistic, details of reproductions are here:

Opae ula -- Reproduction Basics

Micro-Lobster -- Reproduction Cycle


*Under fed Red Shrimp literally shrink! :o

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I won't seal the jar for at least a week, maybe two. In the mean time, here are the inhabitants I've observed:


5 Hawaiian Red Shrimp

3+ Amphipods (various sizes)

1 Spinoid Worm

1 'Thread-thin' Worm (unknown type)

>0 Red Planaria :/


I haven't seen any colonista snails, bristle-worms, or asterina stars.

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I may wanna get in on this. I found the same jar as op has $9.00 at walmart. canada. Ive also found a few very large 2-3gal and tiny less than half gallon jars. with sealable tops. what size would be best? Ive only got some stars. gha. macro. mysis. pods. even some very small shrimp. they look just like cleaner shrimp. just mini size. not sure what they are lol.

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I may wanna get in on this. I found the same jar as op has $9.00 at walmart. canada. Ive also found a few very large 2-3gal and tiny less than half gallon jars. with sealable tops. what size would be best? Ive only got some stars. gha. macro. mysis. pods. even some very small shrimp. they look just like cleaner shrimp. just mini size. not sure what they are lol.

Mysis shrimp probably wouldn't be the best choice because they are aggresive and canabalistic. I got a 1 liter jar because i thought it would be the easiest to move around. If my two 1l work out, i might get a bigger jar and more shrimps.

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Just read the whole thread. Fascinating!


Brandon needs to put more input in here. Whys he is the pico KING! You definitely need to check out his threads.


I pm'd just about everyone who put in pictures :lol: but once I figure out how to set one up I'll gladly start a couple and contribute to this thread! :D

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Nice mine has a metal lid, I needed an artificial light source (I don't consider that cheating, just making it better looking and able to support algae growth better...).



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Nice mine has a metal lid, I needed an artificial light source (I don't consider that cheating, just making it better looking and able to support algae growth better...).


Look'n good! B)


A shared challenge isn't necessarily a contest. There is no single standard by which to judge our individual methodologies. In my mind, the only way to cheat, is to lie.




If anyone intentionally lies about their methods, results, or otherwise fakes or fabricates their documentation, then that's cheating.


If anyone gets caught cheating, then the group will decide as a whole whether to simply remove their entry from the Show Case, or use it as a bill board to embarrass them for cheating. :D


Don't cheat! :) Please.

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Just a quick update...


It's been 8 days now and I have not yet sealed the jar. The Ammonia Alert is showing only a very slight green coloration toward "Alert". Barely detectable.


Water temp inside the jar has gotten as low as 60 degrees at night, but only for a night or two. Typically it has stayed in the range of 65-72.


The clump of algae is getting "fuzzy" as it appears to be decomposing around the edges, but otherwise appears green and healthy. A barely detectable film of micro algae has grown on the inside surface of the jar.


The Red Shrimp are all very active and all but one has turned a vibrant red.


The amphipods have been very sad and I found the first confirmed corpse today. They haven't been moving around much, except to occasionally rocket toward the water surface, then drift to the bottom, in an apparent hope they'll be carried away by the current. To no avail. I'd be surprised if I find one living in another week. :(


The Spionid worm didn't make it past day 2. They're filter feeders that naturally depend on current to bring them food, so its demise makes a lot of sense.


The Polychaete 'Thread-thin' worms are thriving. They live in the sand and they live on the micro film algae on the inside surface of the jar. Some are near microscopic.


The Red Planaria have completely disappeared. Hooray! Victory! :D


That's it for now. I'll run a couple tests and take a photo when I seal it up, in about 6 days.

Edited by Whys
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Well I think it is time for a little update of my jar too!


I ditched the 4W led light and put the jar in direct sunlight (can't remember when...) and the algae is really thriving!!!

The strands have grown at least half an inch to an inch!

Well here's a pic ;)




I also dropped an asterina in, but I haven't seen hum since..., I also have a lot of pods (really small ones).



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