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Practice, if you can call it that.

Auto-No Flash, staying at minimum focal distance.












Happened upon some Tulips at home so I figured, why not.

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Siwelk - great shots! Man the DOF is super nice. Not sure if you intended for the off-center focus. but it turned out great. What ISO were you on? looks like 200-400? Not familiar with your camera, can you adjust shutter time? Bumping the Stime from say 1/400 to 1/200 would of givenn these brilliant colors vs increasing the ISO and creating noise. Hope your not taking this the wrong way just some soup for thought :D

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Siwelk - great shots! Man the DOF is super nice. Not sure if you intended for the off-center focus. but it turned out great. What ISO were you on? looks like 200-400? Not familiar with your camera, can you adjust shutter time? Bumping the Stime from say 1/400 to 1/200 would of givenn these brilliant colors vs increasing the ISO and creating noise. Hope your not taking this the wrong way just some soup for thought :D

No, that's good stuff.

I really don't know my way around a camera aside from covering up the blinking red light...




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Lulz, you don't even need 3 of those tests. API Reef Master kit and the salifert Mg kit and you're good.

Don't worry.


I'll have the Salifert Copper and Silicate tests in the next order.



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Get the skinny crack ones.


Ditch the Salifert phos tester for a Hanna.

I decided to pass on HCs.

I saw too many mixed reviews.


Waiting on them to do a v2.0.


I also specifically got the PO4 test to compare with civickm's Hanna.

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