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Yoshii's 55g Makeover » Second Time's the Charm!


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I'll try to remember to take one at the LFS or in quarantine, I bet he'll hide for a while in the 55


That hawkfish is supa coo'!

Thanks, nice to see you stop by :)


He's adorable! :wub:

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Well they only grow to be about 2"


Soon! :) He's so cute, and actually has a blue shade to his body (rather than gray or yellow-gray) All the more awesome :)

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The Red Scooters are so cute when they hang out together :)


Surprisingly, they hang out in the front of the tank most of the tank, eating and looking for food.

I have to clean the glass first before I'll get a picture

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They just don't want to accept food as easily as other dragonets.

For mandarins? You can target feed, use the shotglass method (I've heard it's meh) and just don't have other fish in the tank that will compete with the mandarin(s) for food.

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Well the hard part is getting a trained mandarin, does your LFS sell them trained?


Alto told me she tried the shotglass method and the mandarin found the food but couldn't turn around and then freaked out and made the food go flying everywhere. I think target feeding is the best way.

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Well I wouldn't want to risk it in your tank, clowns and your blenny are pigs and swim in the open/to the top and will get the food before a mandarin. I would suggest not getting one.

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yeah...well it seems you know a lot about fish food...i need help.


i got some PE mysis for my blenny, since the brine im feeding him isn't all that nutritous (i soak it in vitachem) but he dosn't like it. even with garlic. i tried cutting up into smaller pieces. does not eat it. why?

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He might just not be used to it. Mix it with brine and then once he starts eating both, gradually add less and less brine.


If the pieces are too big, try Hikari Mysis

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Hmm, I'm not sure, but fish love it :P


Btw Squared, if you want to further discuss mandarins/food can you just PM me instead of posting on this thread? Thanks :)

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