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Yoshii's 55g Makeover » Second Time's the Charm!


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Aw well I don't have any Scandinavian in me, but German, Polish, English, and possibly Scottish are close enough right? :lol:


Hmm I guess, but aren't the summers still a bit colder?

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Wrong, I take the bus to school (waiting outside) and take the bus home (more waiting outside)

My English teacher likes to keep her classroom in the 50s or lower

2-3 of my other classes currently have broken heaters

Lunch = Mostly outside

Brunch = Outside

I think added up passing periods is like 30min? (For me, mostly walking outside)


I just don't like the cold :lol:


True, but there are some places in the US where it's -25F. :P


I really liked the cold when I was really young. I played in the snow in 15F weather in jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt -- no sox or gloves. Now when I step on the tiles outside after a cold night, my feet just freeze to death. I can stand the cold, but it's not exactly desirable lol.

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Well I don't live there and I'm not used to that temperature


When I was little I played in the snow in a t-shirt and jeans, but it was sunny out, so I don't think that counts :lol:


Anyways, looks like two neat little zoas have been hiding out with the rest of these GBP zoas!


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Aw well I don't have any Scandinavian in me, but German, Polish, English, and possibly Scottish are close enough right? :lol:


Hmm I guess, but aren't the summers still a bit colder?


Pssh, not close enough :P


Nope! We have plenty of days above 100 degrees here in the summer haha.

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I hate you!


I think we should have "when it's below 40" days, the last two days were in the mid-THIRTIES in the morning! Too cold for school, we should be able to hibernate

lol, thats t-shirt weather here. when i went to work this morning, it was around -25 with the wind chill. -5 actual. you really start to feel it when it gets around -30, thats cold.

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Pssh, not close enough :P


Nope! We have plenty of days above 100 degrees here in the summer haha.

Yeah, it's more north than here!


Oh, we only have a few (usually during a heat wave) days over 100 in the summer


lol, thats t-shirt weather here. when i went to work this morning, it was around -25 with the wind chill. -5 actual. you really start to feel it when it gets around -30, thats cold.

That's insane!



Anyways, it's the weekend yay! So I'll be posting a few pics shortly :)

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I got a lot of new coral today :)

Yellow Polyps Rock

Pink Palys

Green Mushroom Rock (Super bright!)

Acro Frag, I can't remember the name right now


I'm also considering getting this super green frogspawn (not an actinic shot! omgomgomg)



This guy has been tempting me for the past few weeks at my LFS >.< So so sooo awesome, too bad he'd eat my hawkfish and get huge :(


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(These are not the new corals I got today, just some older pics)


Actinic Shot, I love this brain :)



Daylight Shot, Newish "Lighting Green Acro" (Could be Acropora anthocercis?)


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That frogspawn is nice! I would get it.


Yea, the weather here is crazy :P


They finally plowed my road today! Aaaaand they trapped my car.

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that little red hawk is cuuute :wub:


how big does it get?


congratulations on the new coral omgomgomg

It gets around 2"


Here's a quick pics of the new stuff from today (about to dip)



That frogspawn is nice! I would get it.


Yea, the weather here is crazy :P


They finally plowed my road today! Aaaaand they trapped my car.

It has about 10 little baby heads so I might wait until they grow a little more and then get one


ROFL! :haha: hahaha looks like you're going to have to walk! :lol:


Oh, I think the new acro (from today) might be an ORA Bellina Acro :happy: It's so pretty!

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Tilefish died today :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

And I really have no idea why. The pair of cleaner shrimp in with him are fine. He was eating and active this morning and all week. It wasn't the ich cause he fought that off by himself last week.


Saddest day this month :(

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DIY Cube Nano Man
Tilefish died today :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:

And I really have no idea why. The pair of cleaner shrimp in with him are fine. He was eating and active this morning and all week. It wasn't the ich cause he fought that off by himself last week.


Saddest day this month :(


Ich quite often looks like its disappeared after it's initial onslaught, however what i believe happens is that the parasites fall off when they have matured, and explode (not literally) to create many many more little baby parasites - which find there way into more sensitive areas like the fishes gills etc... and u may not even notice the reinfection, but you usually notice the fish is less active even though it still accepts food and then one day it just sits still all day breathing heavily and then is dead over night.... Any of this ring a bell?

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Ich quite often looks like its disappeared after it's initial onslaught, however what i believe happens is that the parasites fall off when they have matured, and explode (not literally) to create many many more little baby parasites - which find there way into more sensitive areas like the fishes gills etc... and u may not even notice the reinfection, but you usually notice the fish is less active even though it still accepts food and then one day it just sits still all day breathing heavily and then is dead over night.... Any of this ring a bell?

I knew they could be there even if you can't see it, but idk if he got a re-infection, I wasn't there. But my dad checked on him almost every day, he always ate, and was active (didn't get less active)

My dad looked at his breathing, didn't say he was breathing heavily





Wow. It's corals like this that make me rethink SPS. Great purchase. Would love to add something like that to my tank.

Thanks, I really like it too :)


Do it! :P Have SPS and LPS!

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Thanks AM

I think I'm going to try for another one


I just wish I knew why he went from active and eating to dead in a day :(


In other news, I realized I haven't posted a FTS in a bit, this week after finals I'll clean the glass and try to get up a FTS :)

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