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Peter's petite pair of picos


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Yeah guess I will see about the paly. The rhodactis aren't as blue in real life as teh pics, more orange .. but pretty cool still. The LFS also had a larger rock with about 8 of them on it ... but it was $150! So I was glad to see the small two piece option available.



In other news ... I am getting concerned about my open brain. It is showing more skeleton around its outside than before ... I just fed it some mysis and think it ate, but didn't swell up like it usually does. Hope it's not on its way out =0(

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hah, yes, it is rather large. Though I don't think that all par30/38 lamps are so big.


I decided to leave the rescaping until I get back from hols. Better for now just to concentrate on prepping the tanks for 2 weeks with the TS.

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Those rhodactis mushrooms are sweet. Good thing you found out about the pump in the water change bucket instead of the main tanks. Keep the pics coming

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A rhodactis. :P


No idea what further variety it is ...

they call those superman rhodactis. under certain lighting they are very red with a blue background. I had one but it didn't like my tank for whatever reason.

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Nice info, jg! I think this is my first ever 'named/designer/cool' coral =0)


Superman Rhodactis it is (here is a Google Image):


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I do occasionally have some good info lol :P . Just watch them because in my experience they are a little more finicky than normal mushrooms. I couldnt make mine happy in my tank and I could never figure out why. definitely a nice find.

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in my experience rhodactis are very hardy. they just need low flow and low light...otherwise they stay smaller and compact to the rock like that...

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The guy at the LFS said that they can get quite large ...


Mine seem happy so far, down the bottom on the small rock they came on, on the sand. When I get chance I am going to place at the base of the main rock.


I also noticed a second paly hiding inbetween the rhodactis ... looks like it gets covered by them so can't open up.

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in my experience rhodactis are very hardy. they just need low flow and low light...otherwise they stay smaller and compact to the rock light that...

That was probably my issue. Either too much flow or too much light or both. I tried moving it multiple times to make it happy and could never get it happy.

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cut the paly off, its getting irritated by the shrooms and the shrooms can't be liking it either. of course dont trash the paly...

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Report from the TS was "fish are looking good" ... so they have survived the first 5 days without my care and attention. Just another 9 to go ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay so 13 days, 6 planes, four countries later ... we arrived home to find the tanks were looking almost perfect! Fish looking well (despite only two feedings of cyclopeez over the last two weeks), shrimp and crabs good.


This is the schedule that happened:

  • Saturday - 60% water changes (would have done more, but that's all I had!) + phosphate remover replaced + big bag of carbon added. Left that evening.
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday - two tweezer pinches of cyclopeez (normal feeding is one) per tank, plus RO top up
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday - two tweezer pinches of cyclopeez (normal feeding is one) per tank, plus RO top up
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday - we got back


Here are the FTSs.





Ang's (Cynarina looks great!):



Note entirely algae free, despite two weeks without a water change. I was surprised ... though we did replace the phosphate remover before leaving.


The bad news ...


1( the brain is (almost) dead as I feared might happen.




I need to decide now what to do with it ... it has 3x feather duster HHs that I would like to save if possible ... can I break them off do you think?


2) A trochus snail in Ang's tank is dead (bottom right of the FTS), its shell empty on the substrate. Guess maybe he just got on his back and couldn't right himself?


3) My xenia is also looking like it has melted away over the last few weeks, though it has also had periods of looking good and not so good over the last month. I'll monitor to see how it progresses ... might even move it when I move things around this weekend.





But overall, those two visits from the TS seem to have been enough for the tanks to see it through two weeks away from my watch.

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what a trip ! glad that everything seems to be doing well ! for the brain, my advice, remove it because in a so small volume an almost dead animal is never good, if you can put him in a bigger tank and pray for him ;)

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For as long as you were gone, you fared well. Sorry about your brain. Hehe, that's sort of funny sounding. I'm sure your actual brain is fine.



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unfortunate that this happened :(

Though I really can't think of anything else that could have improved the faring of your tanks (outside of maybe an ATO)

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Well, I removed the dead open brain today. Sad, but I have to admit ... the tank looks better with that bit of space at the front.


I also installed both of the Koralia Nano wavemakers that were delivered on the day we left (felt it was too risky to install them and then leave for two weeks).


Everything seems okay and is adjusting to the increased flow (fish in particular!), and most corals seem to be okay with it. But the hammer in my tank, and the torch in Ang's, have changed the most for the last couple of days.


My hammer is extending from its base, but is all bunched together. So I see a lot of 'base', but the 'heads' are confined to a small area. I figure this is just an adjustment period and it will expand to its full glory again soon, but will have to see. Same with the torch ...



In other news, my hunt for a PAR fixture continues. I had this delivered again just before we left:



Finally today got around to working out how to install it so it would work ... right height above the centre of both tanks. It was a major pain in the arse, mostly because the clip was too small to clip directly onto the shelf above the tanks. So I had to go to the hardware store and get various pieces and clamps to attach it. Anyway, like I said, finally got it in the right place, went to screw in the bulb and ... the damn screw fixture broke and became detached from the fixture. I was soooo mad.


So yeah, I still have a PAR30 sitting around not doing anything. At the same time I think we are noticing the Dymax LEDs are dimming already ... Ang has said to me a few times "are these on full power?". Need to sort the PAR out sharpish.

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Sorry to hear about your brain. Lost mine awhile back-- funny they must be really particular.

Odd thing is that all I've read suggest they are fairly hardy. Ah well, these things happen I guess.



Anyone have advice on flow? Do corals 'get used to it'? My hammer, and now my duncan, are concerning me. Hammer is as I mentioned before ... elongated, but bunched. I will get a photo later. Duncans were open yesterday but looked 'windswept' - today they are mostly closed.


My flow is directed at the glass, so this is all deflection flow.

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