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Peter's petite pair of picos


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Thanks! I assume you mean the open brain? It has its good days and its bad to be honest, when it is all shrunk and skinny it looks ill, but then the next day it puffs up and you can't even tell it has any damage.

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Okay I am posting in the hope of getting some IDs. Depending on reaction here, I may also post in the ID forum because I really want to know what these are! Should mention these are all from Ang's tank ...


1) Firstly are semi-transparent tubes, about 1/4" diameter, that in the right conditions extend from the rock about 1/4".





2) Second, are much smaller semi-transparent tubes that appear all over the tank, almost always two conjoined tubes as shown below. I have one or two of these in my tank too.


(note the zoa that somehow ended up back there too, got detached somehow from the main colony)


3) See top right at the base of the gorg - I assume this is a paly of some kind? None like it in the rest of the tank but this popped up a few weeks ago.



4) Finally back to this 'sand poop' that still appears in the same spot in Ang's tank.



I noticed that this 'mouth' on the rock is near where this happens (right and up from the red mushroom) - do you think it could be related? If so, wtf is it??




In other news, the gorg is showing growth!! Having been worried about it for a while, the polyps near the top not extending, realised yesterday that this smaller branch is getting larger and it now fully 'polyps up' almost every day.



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Thanks! Yes they do look like sea squirts, Cionidae family I think from that site. Looks like they are pretty beneficial filter feeders too.




I dont have any id's for you but I am going to need you to send me that gorg. dont ask questions just do it! tanks are lookin good man.

I'll bring it with my next time I am over in the US =0)

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Ordered one of these for my tank yesterday - shipping from the US so no idea how long it will take to arrive:



Ang decided she didn't want one, so when mine is set up I will add my current light to hers so she has two going.


Ang also picked up a pretty pink/purple ricordea, but the duncan head in her tank just is not opening. We've tried a few different positions for it but it's not happy. So I might try it in my tank instead.


I picked up ... a monti cap. Was one of those impulse at the LFS purchases (which also prompted me to get my arse in gear and order the PAR30), but I hope it does okay until then. It had some hair algae growing on it so I pulled that off and freshwater dipped it, then blowtorched the algae area. But I think I may have killed some of the polyps around this area with my overzealousness. Hopefully it grows back over that area. I need to get some proper testing kits now so I can see what my levels are.


Pics ... sometime when the tank looks half decent.

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Yeah that is what sold it to be honest. I know boost and rapid led get great reviews, but I wanted the dimmable option so I can acclimate my corals slowly, as I won't have too much option for raising and lowering the light.


The remote control is just a bonus =0)


By the way, amir ... where's your tank journal? The only pics I have seen of your tank are with bare rock!

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hahaaa, you're a smart man, peter. i dont have one! too embarrassed to post pics after looking at what you, chipp, newman, etc have got going for you guys. problem is, we dont get much of an option in this part of the world. we might have the tallest building and the biggest recession, but there aren't any decent LFS selling anything other than the 'usual'.

am traveling to the states end of this month - i'll bring back some frags, stick em in, and then send you pics :)

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You shouldn't be embarrassed, but fair enough =0)


So in other news ... holy crab claw, batman! My one-clawed porcelain crab suddenly has two claws! I swear yesterday I noticed he had a little stump growing, but now he has a fully fledged claw, almost as big as his other! Crabs are amazing, I didn't realise it would grow/appear so quickly.

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Talking about crabs, mine's acting a little funny.

First he murders a snail for his shell, quickly hops into the new one, figures he doesn't like it, swaps it back for the old one, and off he goes.. but we've all heard of this happening, so no big deal, right?

Then, a couple of days later he attacks my candy coral and literally rips the skin tissue off from both heads!! All this happened while I was at work so I couldn't stop him.

I'm thinking of getting rid of him, but he's just too much entertainment when he's not killing & destroying things.


its a blue-legged hermit btw

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My porcelain? No, not directly. He catches some cyclopeeze when I feed that and assume he filters the phyto and other goodness from the NSW.


Do you feed yours, Newman? Mysis?

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oh, i was taking about whoever had that blue leg hermit destroy their other animals...


and yes i do feed my porcelain crabs. the white one in my 10 gal will take mysis.

the green ones in my pico take absolutely everything including mysis.

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I took a closer look at the crab today and realised how clean he was. Then spotted his molt lodged in the back of the rock, which I guess explains the sudden appearance of a claw =0)

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I'm curious to see how that light turns out. I was looking at one, but couldn't really find any information about them. There's a thread around here about them, and I've read it before, but I am still skeptical.


Anyways! Tell me how it goes!

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Those look like the same things I have in my tank only I have a lot more than that. They are called Spionids and they are a type of worm. Spionids are a family of small, thin polychaete worms that build their tubes from sand and other small particles. Do you ever see two feeder tentacles coming from the tubes? It may not be that but it looks a lot like what I have.

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Gena, I have spotted the worm you are talking about on the rocks - one built its cocoon stretching across two rocks, but I saw its tentacles sticking out the end.


These however appear on the sand, detached from the rock, and so I had doubts as to whether they were the same thing. Could well be though, would make sense at least.


Thanks for helping to clarify =0)

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Gena, I have spotted the worm you are talking about on the rocks - one built its cocoon stretching across two rocks, but I saw its tentacles sticking out the end.


These however appear on the sand, detached from the rock, and so I had doubts as to whether they were the same thing. Could well be though, would make sense at least.


Thanks for helping to clarify =0)

Mine sit on the sand only. Haven't found any on the rocks. Maybe there are different varieties of that worm.

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So it looks like I damaged the monti pretty badly trying to burn off the hair algae. The lighter torch I have didn't stop when I took my finger off the button, so it ended up covering a larger area than I intended. Next time I think I will use foil or something to try and keep the burn isolated.


The rest of it looks like it is doing okay though. At the LFS, teh polyps were huge and waving in the flow, but I have only seem them extend in my tank at night so far.


Also my open brain looks like it is receding some more. He was pretty badly damaged when I got him (one of the reasons I did), but I had hoped he would recover - guess not. Not dead yet but I need to start direct feeding some more and keeping the damn shrimp and hermit away during feedings.

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