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Cultivated Reef

hardly do water changes and everything ok


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I can't believe I just read through all of this...


+1 , this might be the first thread which i read from page 1 till the end, damn !

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Obvious troll is obvious. Keep this junk out of the Beginners Forum, please. We don't want to confuse someone truly looking for information.

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i'm not the idiot who thinks dedication is spelled detication.


I'm on my iPhone dude. I don't have AC on so I didn't see my typo.

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lol to clarify to all you beginners who want GREAT looking tanks DO your water changes and DO USE RO/DI water seriously tap can really mess up sensitive corals and inverts and almost all salt mixes are buffered to make water with almost if not perfect water parameters. where i live if i use tap my calcium levels will be 660+!!!

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lol to clarify to all you beginners who want GREAT looking tanks DO your water changes and DO USE RO/DI water seriously tap can really mess up sensitive corals and inverts and almost all salt mixes are buffered to make water with almost if not perfect water parameters. where i live if i use tap my calcium levels will be 660+!!!



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lol to clarify to all you beginners who want GREAT looking tanks DO your water changes and DO USE RO/DI water seriously tap can really mess up sensitive corals and inverts and almost all salt mixes are buffered to make water with almost if not perfect water parameters. where i live if i use tap my calcium levels will be 660+!!!



Whaaat people are using salt mix??? I just get water from this pond behind my house. Do you guys think thats why my clown fish swims upside down?

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Whaaat people are using salt mix??? I just get water from this pond behind my house. Do you guys think thats why my clown fish swims upside down?

I use table salt and mix it with beer. My corals look very happy.

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vodka dosing makes my fish "happy" :naughtydance::naughtydance::naughtydance::naughtydance:

lol jk to the noobs out there if you want to know about vodka dosing for real do a search

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yea most likely its that..... :mellow: or you have the only tang out there that has the ability to asexually reproduce :ninja:omgomgomg:lockdown::bling:

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just cant upload any pictures how in the world do u upload pics when you only got 1 mb any suggestions


well im satisfied with the way my tank is performing and im so happy with the result so far


just cant upload any pictures how in the world do u upload pics when you only got 1 mb any suggestions


well im satisfied with the way my tank is performing and im so happy with the result so far

never used ro water nevr tested and hardly performed any test on my nano except for salt and temp other than that lol and i use instant ocean salt with good old tap water and changed the water twice in six months so i believe you can have a very successful hobby without all the extra luxuries and tos you guys clam on nr

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just cant upload any pictures how in the world do u upload pics when you only got 1 mb any suggestions


well im satisfied with the way my tank is performing and im so happy with the result so far



never used ro water nevr tested and hardly performed any test on my nano except for salt and temp other than that lol and i use instant ocean salt with good old tap water and changed the water twice in six months so i believe you can have a very successful hobby without all the extra luxuries and tos you guys clam on nr


Take the picture in to MS paint. click image/sketch/skew take it down to 50/50 horizontal/vertical..click save


BTW this thread got really retarded.If you have the right kind of filtration all you need to do to sustain coral is dose calc/alk.

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wats that never heard of it

okay here are some pics of my tank and inhabitants 14 gallon high par 38 dimmiable led

2 power heads

and ac 30 fliterpost-62190-1311284601_thumb.jpg















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