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Anthonys 5 Gallon Tanks

Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony

Salt 21

Taken at end of light cycle


This mushroom coral has been in the tank about a week.The bottom seems like it is trying to grab onto sustrate.Taken at lights on.


Added blue candy cane and some green star polyps.I tried to position the green star polyps on the top of rock on the glass but they fell in the back.


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Builder Anthony

Translucent ball tip anemones



3 1/2 inch unknown mushroom in the back of my tank.This looks normal from the side but you can compare it to the top shots.It gives off a crazy blue and is regaining color.It really looked nothing like this when bought.You can not see the blue in this picture but the tops crazy.



This is the yellow clown that doesnt eat much.He at least eats now which is a big improvement.

Its dorsal fins are healing and short.It seems the other fish awalys makes sure they are short like that.


In this picture you can see how they heal.Odd thing is this is the bigger of the fish.My other fish is smaller but eats by darting around at the frozen rotifers and cyclops real fast and i think this made the other fish to eat because its entertaining.



Star polyps tied to a branch.This was no easy task.


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Builder Anthony

All corals seem to be open and healthy after it seemed some small amount of stress was on ricordea.


New additions

One Emerald Crab ..........unsure of sex.



Unknow Sea Cucumber



Unknown Macro



One of the two nacerius snails the other one is almost exzactly the same size.Unsure of natural locality.


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Builder Anthony

All corals open and happy


Both clown gobys are becomeing intrested in flake food.Both are eating cyclops and rotifers but i mainly feed cyclops.


The new purple sea cucumber seems to be wedged in a rock in a V shape.In the last photo of it it sort of looks like it was begining to split.They split when they are stressed or if conditions are not good.I think it may have been in shiping and is stressed since it was new to the petstore.


Asteria Star damageFirst time they took a likeing to this.I thought they would eat it when i first added it.Up to this point there was no problems.I figure the damage will take a two weeks or less to heal.




Baby mushroom


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Builder Anthony

These are the results 12 hours after a water change.I think ammonias still in there.Emptyied out half a crab jar from the tank.I got the crab a new hang on plastic container and threw him in there with some cheato and caulpera.



The gobys been eating good and i have even gotten them to eat flakes.Im finally staring to cut back on feeding since they actually eat what i put in there.Before i ws makeing clouds of food.


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Builder Anthony

Ive noticed the goby that was picked on in the begining seems to be longer then the bully.The gobys now look quite differnt from one another.The bully is smaller and not elongated.


New small flat clam


New Blue mushroom


New atinic,ballast,airpump,and little plastic container that hangs over the tank......I got the crab that ate my hammer in there with sand and a few plants.


Without atinics just a 6 watt flourestest......L.e.d. off


I had this strawberry anemone since the tank basicly started.Its starting to split.I like it because its in this little shell.I can move the shell anywhere though its been in this spot basicly since the tanks been started.I think theres a clear flatworm on the glass int his picture to.They come out at night and are pretty cool.


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Builder Anthony

I dont really want to take him out of the water and i can only take a top shot with the camera.He trimmed his sponge because it was turning white in the spots he trimmed off.When i add water to his encloser sand kicks up into a storm.Oviously not good for the sponge.But es alive and well otherwise.


Dromiidae Crab



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Builder Anthony

Correct Newman the Dromiidae Crab ate the hammer and cracked spots on the skeleton of the hammer coral.


All my little pods seem to be gone.I dont know what ate them.Im guessing the larger pods i now have or the fish.


The blueish leather coral seems to be pushing back the plants again.It intresting wacthing it push the stuff back.It takes on different shapes and leans against them.


The emerald crab seems to only eat near the edges of my rock.Like hes scared to go up top in the open.I never see him out in the open.Hes awalys underneath the rocks.More so by the plant rock.


I never see any of the cucumbers extend their filter feeders.Yet i feed cyclops plus filter food in reasonable amounts throughout the week.


Rinsed out filter.Lot of greenish and grey muck in there.


Trimmed algae from dark zones that was dying


Water Change with my big jar


Somethings slightly wrong with the water.Mushrooms not inflateing to their full.


Added Camoflage Mushroom that ive never seen before.It has some dark green on it in it to its just not open all the way.Its totaly camo.

I nicknamed it G.I.Joe Tankbuster



Mushroom in the back is gaining color.With no light on it it looks a little ugly but its totaly differnt with direct light it lights up nicely.Its just so hard to take a picture of it with the light that way.



Added Acan.Cracked where you see the fold near the top.The tissue is still connected but i know it cracked when trying to take it off a plug.



Added Acan no damage.The most heads are on this frag.



Added Acan no damage.This one hugs the rock good i hope it doesnt take long to attach.


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Builder Anthony

Just cleaned the glass


This acan is being bumped around at night by something then i reset into a good position at lights on.I think its the stomellas moving it.

Its really not looking good.It seems split in 4 spots now.It has some smaller acans babys on the side i just tried to put it tight against the rock with a small drop off area so maybe the stomelas or whatever will leave it alone.Every night all 3 acans are moved around.This one is having problems the rest are fine.


I think this starfish came out because of the algae from the glass that i just cleaned.I have light brown ones but i never seen this white one.


This Yellow clown goby used to get picked on now hes dominate.I think because it is slightly bigger.


Added acan today.I hope nothing moves this one

Top shot


Side shot


This guy has been hideing a little lately.Its the less dominate one.It used to be the bully.




I also saw the yellow seacucumber open up and feed for the first time after cleaning the glass.


I see two nacerius shells and one cerith shell empty.The flatworm must still be alive.

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Builder Anthony

I also think that the April 24th photo shows traces of ammonia.I just post my results so i can look back at them.Heres a picture of walmart water and instant ocean that sat in a bucket for 3 days with a powerhead.Im also seeing ammonia in this walmart water test.


I dont really want to go into discussion about walmarts water but that can be for this topic.



Anyways heres the picture of walmarts water mixed with traces of ammonia.


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Builder Anthony

Ya ill complain to walmart and show them the pictures of the tests of there water.Maybe ill get a refund. :)

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Builder Anthony

Na theres nothing in the bucket.The power head isnt swicthed from the tank to the bucket.Its a small amount but still paying for good water and not getting it isnt my idea of a fair deal.Thats what ill say to walmart to get a 5 gallon refund.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Builder Anthony

Theres 2 new neon blue gobys in today.They fought as soon as i put them in the tank.


I still have all acans though one of them only a real small peice survived.Its doing well though.


Havent seen any of the cucumbers.



Mainly blue cloves with a few whiteish daisy polyps.Theres some nice orange sponges or something on the back.A few hydroids and i think a manjo.



Some purple zoanthids



This clown is the agressive one and is larger.Still the dominant one.



This clown is peaceful i like this one


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Builder Anthony

Looks like the new neon gobys brought ich into my tank.Both yellow clown gobys are infected minorly.The neons dont appear to show any but i see them bounce off the rocks now and then.


Set air flow to high on both air lines

Cleaned all filters

Added lemonjuice

Did 3 jar water changes today ill probally do one more later on.

2 ml ich medicine

Added powerhead with filter on bottom


Three Hours after ich treatment and powerhead addition i noticed something flourecent green and slimely floating in the tank.I looked to my frogspawn and noticed the same slimey green on the tenticles coming off.Its shriveled up now but i think it is because of the current but i also think that the ich medicine has something to do with this.


Soupposedly ich lives for 48 hour then doubles.I think i caught it at a early stage but i know yellow clown gobys are very bad at fighting it off from another fish i had die a few years ago.So the medicines been in there a few hours and i see it starting to take a bubble form.I think my gobys got some of it off but one has some on top of his head and the other inbetween his dorsal fins.They are staying out and waiting like they want the cleaners to do something about it.

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Builder Anthony


Xeina seems to have shruken heads and they appear to want to detach from the ich medicine.They should be able to recover.Moved led,flouresent to that side to blast with light.



Fish have lost some of the ich.Some spots have shrunk.Though one spot remains on side of fish that looks like a bubble.This is the other fish he has some on his tail and a small peice right on his head that has shrunk.




Hammer has mouth slightly open.



Mushrooms open but not inflated.






Acans seem fine.



Star polyps open but minor mat deteeroiration.







Candy canes open and seem fine.



Paralemnalia Sp expelling small amount of slime.



Zoas halfway closed



Neon Leather closed polyps pulled in tightly.



Other Corals





50 percent water change


Refilled 5 gallon bucket and mixing new salt.

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What Ich med did you use? Does it say its safe for inverts and corals? I know copper will kill off everything in your tank.

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